Stormwater Management Specialist
Monthly Report
Jessica Verrigni, CPESC, CPSWQ
September 3, 2009 to October 6, 2009
- Working with the NYS DEC Stormwater Implementation Team (SWIT) on Draft Updated MS4 and Construction SPDES Permits. Also worked on reviewing the Draft changes to Chapters 3, 4, and 5 of the Stormwater Design Manual. All of the above mentioned drafts will be out for public comment at some point this month. Please look on the NYS DEC Environmental Notice Bulletin for the announcement.
- Reviewed SWPPP for Finger Lakes LPG in Watkins Glen (Schuyler Co.)
- Reviewed SWPPP for Aldi’s proposed for Elmira. (Chemung Co)
- Reviewed SWPPP for Chemung Supply in Town of Horseheads (Chemung Co.)
- Ongoing assistance regarding the Schlumberger project. This assistance has been answering questions from NYS DEC and the public on this project. (Chemung Co.)
- Met with Fagan Engineers regarding proposed Calamar project (Chemung Co)
- Sat through a Conference call for DEC regarding Green Infrastructure grant projects.
- Field site visit to proposed US 15 to meet with contractor, NYS DOT and Steuben SWCD to discuss design issues that have come up with the SWPPP. Contractor wanted everyone to walk the site and see what the problems are going to be before construction starts so that alternatives can be formulated.
- Assisted with the 4 Hour Erosion and Sediment Control course that was taught to local highway departments. (Chemung)
- Submitted letter to Empire Pipeline regarding the slope failure that they are experiencing on GlenCreek in the Town of Dix. Continuing to monitor the site to see if failure is continuing. No response has been made by Empire yet. (Schuyler)
- Edited and made changes to the SWPPP Review Presentation that DEC had prepared for the Conservation Skills Workshop.
- Reviewed SWPPP for proposed Fortuna pipeline.
- Submitted pictures to Millennium Pipeline in regards to an agricultural landowners property that has not been restored correctly. Continuing to work with Millennium, landowner, and NYS Ag and Markets on the issue and everyone has decided that we will wait until Spring 2010 to see how the seeding and drainage problems are going.
- Site inspection to logging road site on Keuka Lake. (Steuben)
- Attended the “Train the Trainer for Site Plan Reviews for Erosion and Sediment Control & Stormwater Management Concerns” at the Conservation Skills Workshop. I am now an eligible instructor to give this presentation to local Code Enforcement Officers and local Planning Boards.
- Was an Instructor for SWPPP Review at the Conservation Skills Workshop.
- Was an Instructor for Construction Site Inspection at the Conservation Skills Workshop.
- Answered some questions for Yates Co. SWCD they had regarding Notice of Termination (NOT)
- Construction site inspection to CVS/Caremark Distribution Center
- Municipal construction site inspection to Dandy Mart- Town of Horseheads.
- Municipal construction site inspections to Park Terrace Apartments- Town of Southport.
- Construction Site/Compliance Inspection to site in Burdett
- Field visit to landowner located in the Town of Baldwin regarding driveway drainage issues. (Chemung)
- Met with Chemung Stormwater team and Scott Rodabaugh regarding MS4 audits.
Number of SWPPPs Reviewed: 4
Number of Construction Site Inspections: 9