AP French Language and Culture Syllabus

Grace Patton

Ohio County High School

Course Description and Objectives

This course is designed as a culmination of students’ French studies in high school.

In AP French, students review and refine those grammatical structures while learning new vocabulary to communicate in French on a variety of topics. AP French emphasizes all aspects of language: listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture.

In order to facilitate the study of language and culture as well as effective establish cross-cultural comparisons, instruction is set up to encompass the three modes of communication using authentic resources. The three modes are: Interpretative Communication, Interpersonal Communication and Presentational Communication.

The use of the Interpretative Communication Mode via reading, listening and watching authentic resources such as using blogs, advertisements, articles in newspapers, surveys, etc as well as listening to authentic speeches, newcasts, podcasts, public service announcements, etc.

The use of the Interpersonal Communication Mode will occur on a daily basis in terms of classroom communication and discussion of the media/resource in focus for the moment. This mode is characterized by active negotiation of meaning among individuals. Students will interpersonally interact in both informal and formal ways. They will always relate the information to their own lives by making cross-cultural comparisons as the theme and context dictates.

The Presentational Communication Mode will ensure that students are able to present via the written word as well as the spoken word noting levels of register, formality, clarity and a sense of thoroughly exploring the issue or topic at hand. Students will write (and give) speeches, letters, articles, etc in a variety of technological modes.

This course is designed to prepare students for the AP French Language and Culture examination. AP French Language and Culture is conducted exclusively in French.

A.P. French students will demonstrate competency in each of the above 6 skills as we study the following 6 thematic units:

  • Contemporary Life
  • Global Challenges
  • Personal and Public Entities
  • Science and Technology
  • Beauty and Aesthetics
  • Families and Communities

All themes interconnect and will be explored in a variety of contexts designed to engage the students in real life problem solving tasks. (Movies, documentaries, newspaper and magazine articles, current top 40 songs as well as some older offerings, radio, television broadcasts and audio/audiovisual podcasts, etc.)

Literary works will be incorporated throughout the course in relation to the various themes. (e.g. novels, short stories, comics, poems, essays, etc.)

Students will investigate and express different points of view on real world issues, make connections to other disciplines and compare aspects of the target culture to their own throughout each of the themes.

Assessment activities


Extemporaneous speech is greatly emphasized on a daily basis. Students are encouraged to use the new thematic vocabulary they are learning in their discussion of topics being studied. Each student is paired with another student to maximize speaking time and help them engage in natural discussion in a non-threatening environment one-on-one. Class discussions are open and non-graded to also encourage students to feel comfortable speaking. In addition, current events are studied/discussed throughout the year as they happen, watching TV5 Monde broadcasts and working with the teacher and student materials that often accompany the programs


Journal writing will be a daily activity in which they will write about topics discussed in class, articles read outside of class, ask questions to classmates, or answer questions of fellow classmates. Formal essays are written and shared to enable the peer editing practice and the sharing of information and ideas.

Texts to support curriculum

Une fois pour toutes

Film excerpts:

Jean de la Florette, 1986

Au Revoir, Les Enfants 1987

Cyrano de Bergerac, 1990

8 femmes, 2002

Les Choristes, 2005

Edith Piaf, 2008

Entre les Murs, 2010

Welcome, 2009

In addition, a wide variety of authentic materials are used including articles from newspapers and magazines, French film and excerpts, literary texts of all genres, excepts of text, videos, music videos, French radio stations, CDs, realia, and internet articles and podcasts.


Every 4-5 weeks, a new theme is introduced. Within that theme, students work on all aspects of communication: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The teacher will deliberately incorporate activities that allow students to practice the language in all 6 modes of communication. These activities are graded according to the AP guidelines.


The gradebook for A.P. French is divided by skill. Students will be given ample time for practice and progress before being assessed on accuracy via quizzes/tests/A.P.-like assessments to reflect the 3 modes.

20%Interpretative Assessments & Quizzes – activities and assessments not limited to quizzes announced & unannounced that assess student mastery of interpreting audiovisual clips, audio clips, readings, charts or any form of language that requires immediate comprehension in a form for which student could not prepare in advance.

20%Interpersonal Assessments & Quizzes – activities and assessments not limited to students’ ability to clearly make him/herself understood via spoken or written word by defending a position, making an argument, debating an issue, comparing and contrasting various sides of an issue.

20% Presentational Assessments & Quizzes – activities and assessments not limited to student’s ability to present ideas formally and with a heightened sense of formality or at least presenting for an audience that is world wide. This will be assessed via a mandatory presentation for which students could not readily prepare each Friday on an issue that complements this weeks’ theme being studied. Students will also be given assignments and projects that will demonstrate ability to write formally.

20% Grammar – Quizzes.

20%Cross-cultural Projects/End of Unit AP-like assessments

Units of Study

Aug 7- Sept 7 / Themes / Context / Readings
Week 1 / Familiarization with Exam / Familiarization / Practice AP exams found at apcentral
Week 2 / Global Challenges / Tolerance / SOS Racisme: Nos Missions/ Nos Combats
Week3 / Global Challenges / The Environment / Prevert: Soyez Polis
Le recyclage en France
Week 4 / Global Challenges / Health / Tadjo: Le dernier espoir
Sept 10- Oct 19
Week 5 / Global Challenges / Human Rights / Rousseau: La Declaration des droits de l’homme
Week 6&7 / Global Challenges / Alimentation / Zola: Le Ventre de Paris
Week 8 / Global Challenges / Peace and War / Rimbaud: Le dormeur du val
Week 9 / 9 weeks Exam- in AP format
Oct 22- Nov 16
Week 1 / Science and Technology / Genius / La recherche et ses nouvelles frontiers.
Les decouvertes et les inventions.
Week 2 / Science and Technology / The future
Intellectual Property / Robida & Uzanne: Le Fin des livres
Week 3 / Science and Technology / Effects of Technology on morality / Tricher au bac comme un geek
Week 4 / Contemporary Life / Current events
Nov 19- Dec 18
Week 5 / Contemporary Life
Week 6 / Contemporary Life
Week 7 / Contemporary Life
Week 8 / Contemporary Life
Week 9 / 9 weeks Exam- in AP format

Second Semester

Jan 2- Feb 1
Week 1 / Personal and Public Identitites
Week 2 / Personal and Public Identitites
Week 3 / Personal and Public Identitites
Week 4 / Personal and Public Identitites
Feb 4- Mar 1
Week 5 / Family and Communities
Week 6 / Family and Communities
Week 7 / Family and Communities
Week 8 / Family and Communities
Week 9 / 9 weeks Exam- in AP format
Mar 4- Mar 29
Week 1 / Beauty and Aesthetics
Week 2 / Beauty and Aesthetics
Week 3 / Beauty and Aesthetics
Week 4 / Beauty and Aesthetics
Apr 8- May 14
Week 5 / Beauty and Aesthetics
Week 9 / AP EXAM

Sample Activities

  • Spoken Interpersonal Communication
  • Written Interpersonal Communication
  • Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive Communication
  • Written and Print Interpretive Communication
  • Spoken Presentational Communication
  • Written Presentational Communication

How the themes are addressed:

Global Challenges

  • Read and discuss the selections offered in the textbook, then view related audiovisual podcasts on
  • Study vocabulary associated with the context of nature and the environment.
  • Read and discuss the selections offered in the textbook -- Chapitre 2: Préservons La nature Lecture: Jacques Prévert: Soyez Polis; Article, Le recyclage en France: On croule sous les déchets.
  • View and discuss films, podcasts, graphics, videos, that accompany this text.
  • Personal Exploration: How does my family recycle in our community?
  • Students will read charts and graphs in order to evaluate global challenges dealing with the environment by reading the following article/on the following website:
  • Site web du SOeS : 10 indicateurs clés de l'environnement [Indicateurs & Indices, Environnement]
  • Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports et du LogementCommissariat général au Développement durable
  • Calculate your carbon footprint:
  • Song, Respire, by Mickey 3D
  • Read, discuss and react in writing to the article from “Internet Actual” L’homme le plus grand ennemi de la planète
  • Complete any listening and internet activity from Sept Jours sur la Planète that correspond to the environment
  • Students will participate in pertinent online debates at: by arguing and defending their opinion on a variety of related issues.
  • Grammar review: nouns, articles, present tense, imperatives
  • Writing pieces that incorporate grammar and the them of addressing global challenges

Science & Technology

  • Study vocabulary associated with the context of new technology, social networking, moral choices, society, etc.
  • Read and discuss the selections offered in Chapter 8 of Allons Au-Dela, Toutes ces inventions technologiques . Students will answer all of the questions in the text, then view related audiovisual podcasts on
  • Students will also see how technology can profoundly affect language learning by subscribing to which is composed of language-learners from all over the world who visit the site to practice reading, writing, learn new vocabulary and to network/practice with native speakers. Students also correct each other’s written work.
  • Read Anna Galvada’s Je voudrais que quelqu’un m’attende quelque part – excerpt found online at
  • Read and discuss the selections offered in Chapter 9 of Allons Au-Delà Le technologie et ses effets sur la société. Answer all questions.
  • Students will participate in pertinent online debates at: by arguing and defending their opinion on a variety of related issues.
  • Blog Entry reflecting on students’ personal use of cellphones and how it affects their daily life.
  • View and discuss films, podcasts, graphics, videos, that accompany this text

Contemporary Life

  • Study vocabulary associated with schools, learning and subjects.
  • Read and discuss the selections offered in the textbook – answering all discussion questions, then view related audiovisual podcasts on
  • Students will read articles from Le Monde, Phospore, and other periodicals.
  • Students will read, discuss and react in writing to Daniel Penna’s Chagrin D’Ecole.
  • After having read, written, discussed – students will work in groups to create a media presentation that explores different aspects of the French school system.
  • Students will blog a cross-cultural comparison of the French & American education systems.
  • Students will participate in pertinent online debates at: by arguing and defending their opinion on a variety of related issues.

Public and Personal Identities

  • Students will study vocabulary associated with immigration.
  • Read and discuss the selections offered in the textbook, Le Racisme Expliqué à Ma Fille by Tajar Ben Jelloun as well as answer all questions, then view related audiovisual podcasts on
  • Students will read and discuss an excerpt from Albert Camus’ L’Etrangers.
  • Students will read news articles on the topic of immigration in France as well as discuss the issues of headdress in schools, discreet Christian symbols, Judaism as well as watch the short film entitled, Les étrangers.
  • Song, Je Reviendrai by Sheryfa Luna & Clandestino by Rim K’ Magreb United
  • Students will also watch excerpts from the film, Entre Les Murs.
  • Students will complete any listening and Internet activity from Sept Jours sur la Planète that correspond to family.
  • Students will participate in pertinent online debates at: by arguing and defending their opinion on a variety of related issues.

Family and Communities

  • Students will study vocabulary associated with family and relationships.
  • Read and discuss the selections offered in the textbook, then view related audiovisual podcasts on
  • Students will watch and analyze Canadian accent and humor via Têtes à Claques at
  • Students will watch excerpts from De L’Autre Coté (29 min) Algérie/2004 and discuss it as well as react to it in writing
  • Students will participate in pertinent online debates at: by arguing and defending their opinion on a variety of related issues.

Beauty & Aesthetics

  • Read and discuss the selections offered in the textbook, then view related audiovisual podcasts on
  • Students will watch clips and read news articles about the death of the French model, Isabelle Caro. (
  • Song by MC Solaar Victime de la Mode
  • Students will discuss the issues of body image of both genders as well as respond via blog entry to the question, “How does popular culture influence the way that people feel about themselves? What is the American ideal of beauty? Francophone world? Do both ideals of beauty seem similar or suggest dangers to young people in need of acceptance?