On behalf of the 70’s Nightclub Reunion committee, we would like to thank you all for your tremendous support in making this such a successful event over the past seven years!
A BIG MAHALO goes out to all the bands!They put forth their commitment, dedication and hard work when deciding to reunite for this event as most had not performed together for decades. Kudos for the countless hours that went into preparing andnavigating through the logistical challenges that faced each band, since many members now live abroad. Without them, we would not have a 70’s Nightclub Reunion! The bands that have reunited and participated since our first Reunion are;
Asian Blend
Glass Candle
Golden Throat Featuring Nohelani Cypriano
Natural High
New Experience
Nueva Vida
Phase VII
Power Point
Rock Candy
White Light
A BIG MAHALO to all of the supporters who have attended the NCR series since 2005 when this all started at the Ilikai Hotel! We would not be in our seventh year and working towards our final ninth show without your attendance!
A BIG MAHALO to our NCR Event Crew!
Mike Nacapuy & Manpro Inc.– The sound crew can make or break any live performance. Yet, they receive very little credit or kudos for all the work they do. Of all the people who are involved with the event, the sound crew works the longest hours on the day of the show to set up, sound check, engineer/work the show and break down the sound system and the backline after it’s all said and done. They along with the lighting crew are truly the unsung heroes of our event!
Lights by John and Dean – John Loo and Dean Nishizaki like the sound crew spend an extraordinary amount of hours setting up the back draping and light system on stage, then working the evening and tearing down after the sound crew. They are usually the last ones out!
Irwin “Supes” Santos – For his countless hours throughout the years as our webmaster, door man, camera crew coordinator, getting us a spot on Nighttime w/ Andy Bumatai and our web communications director! He has truly been our “supaman” extraordinaire!
Tiny Tadani – Who took over Emcee duties from Reunion III,has helped to promote our series through Tiny TV and Tiny Radio. Tiny hasgreatly enhanced our marketing dimension for the series and has helped tremendously to take this event to the “next level!”
Frank B. Shanner – For stepping up to the plate on short notice and Emceeing our first two events!
Identity Signs and Graphics – To Kelly Ann Fukuhara who designs our flyer and provides the vinyl poster for each event day. With her professional expertise, she designed the format and look for our flyers and banner used during the event!
Michael Chock – The man totally behind the scenes. He is our CPAwho takes care of the books, budget and makes sure everyone is paid and reimbursed on a timely basis. A thankless job but without him, there would also be no show!
Mike and Sandy Irish - Without their generosity, our band Greenwoodas well as others would not have had the space to rehearse and prepare for all those years!
Techniques HI – For setting up and managing the AV in the Garden Lanai and outlining areas!
A BIG MAHALO to our sponsors!
Ala Moana Hotel (Main Title Sponsor) – To the entire staff and management of the hotel and especially to Rowland Salva for setting up, breaking down, and managing the Hibiscus ballroom!
Harris Nakamoto of HMA (formerly Summerlin) for providing all of the door prizes for our event and the corporate support!
KUMU 94.7 FM Radio for the radio air play and ad time!
A BIG MAHALO to our friends in print and web media!
John Berger (Honolulu Star Bulletin / Star Advertiser) for the countless feature articles, coverage of our events, inspiration, sharing his tremendous knowledge of Hawaii’s entertainment scene and opening up his vast archives of photos and information to us!
Rodney Lee and Mid-Life Crisis for all the promotional help he has given our event via his great blog Mid-Life Crisis!
Cris “Knight Moves 808” Gonzales – For being the consummate eyes and ears of the club and event scene in print on the web! A fellow soul brother and “funk master” of the 70’s!
Ron Nagasawa and Mid-Week!
Debbie Yuen (formerly of the Honolulu Advertiser & TGIF Editor)! A fellow Falcon and great help in the early years with news print coverage of our event!
With all the people to thank, this event would never have been possible without CANDY AU! Candy and her catering department crew have spent countless hours taking reservations, processing payment, coordinating the room layout and logistics for the event! I never would have imagined that what started out as a casual conversation over lunch, would take root and lead to multiple shows over all these years. Without Candy there would be no 70s’ Nightclub Reunion PERIOD! A BIG, BIG MAHALO to you sista!
In closing, it has truly been a blessing and privilege being given the opportunity to coordinate this venue. What a hellava ride it’s been! One that I never imagined would sustain itself for so long and touch so many people. If I missed anyone to thank, please forgive my oversight. Please know that I truly appreciate everyone’s support throughout the years! Thanks for coming along on this magical musical tour!
Mahalo and A Hui Ho!
“If you believe in dreams enough, then they’ll believe in you…”