Spring 2015 Earth and Environmental Science J.F. Kennedy High School

Teacher Information

Shaun K. Smith

Room 204

Required Text and Supplemental Materials

·  Glencoe Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe. (2005).

·  Each student will be issued a textbook. If it is not returned at the end of the semester, the student will be responsible for the full price of the book.

·  Each student will be assigned a specific laptop for in class use. Students are responsible for reporting any damage to these laptops as soon as it occurs!

Students will be given assignments both online and on paper. If students are absent or materials are misplaced, students will be able to access many of these materials, through the class Edmodo website (www.edmodo.com). Parent access codes to their child’s Edmodo page are available upon request!

Course Description and Objectives

Students will investigate Earth’s place in the universe, the structures and processes of the Earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, and how humans interact with their environment. Given the volume of topics covered in this course and the pace required to cover them, students are expected to be present, on task, and well behaved every day.

Materials Needed

A dedicated 2 inch 3-ring binder with college ruled loose leaf paper is required to organize work. Pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters, and a metric ruler should be brought to class everyday. A flash drive to save work is highly recommended!


1.  Be prompt. 2. Be prepared. 3. Be respectful. 4. Be successful

The use of personal electronics (cell phones, mp3 players, personal computers, etc) is not permitted at J.F. Kennedy High!

Grading and Evaluations:

100 – 93 (A), 92 – 85 (B), 84 – 77 (C), 76 – 70 (D), 69 – 0 (F)

The NC Final Exam will count as 20% of students’ final grade.

Each reporting term grade will count as 40% of students’ final grade and will be based on the following assessments:

·  HW and Notebook Checks: 10%

·  Lesson Grades (single lesson quizzes): 30% (20% for Honors)

·  Labs and Performance Assessments: 30% (20% for Honors)

·  Tests and Projects: 30%

·  Honors Portfolio: Honors students will be required to complete an honors portfolio each grading period. These assignments will require additional work outside of class! These will count 20% of each reporting term grade.

Assignment Policies:

1)  Projects and Labs should be turned in on the due date. If students require an extension or additional help with an assignment, students should contact the teacher more than 24 hours before the due date. Missed or late assignments will be entered as zeros until they are completed. In some cases, students may be required to complete the assignment before or after school or complete an alternate assignment in order to receive a grade.

2)  If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get notes from a classmate and assignments as soon as the student returns to school! Students are also required to schedule time to make up missed quizzes and tests upon return to school.

3)  Field trips are not considered normal absences. Students who will miss class due to a field trip are expected to get work from the teacher before the trip and have the work completed upon return to class.

4)  Lunchtime review sessions may be assigned to students whose absences are significantly slowing their progress. The purpose of these sessions will be to make up missed material and are not meant to be a punishment. Students will be allowed to bring lunch to these sessions.

5)  Repeated tardiness will result in silent lunch detention.

Tutoring and After School Hours (subject to change):

I will be available every ______until 5pm for students who wish to stay for additional assistance. Alternate times may be scheduled by appointment for students who cannot attend or who need individualized attention.

Class Schedule

This is a tentative schedule of topics and test dates. These dates will likely be adjusted as the semester progresses to best meet the instructional needs of students.

Date(s) Topics Covered

1/21 Class Expectations, Procedures, and Safety

1/22-1/23 Scientific Inquiry

1/26-1/28 The Nature of Matter

1/29-2/17 Earth in the Universe

2/18 TEST 1

2/19- 3/17 The Lithosphere

3/18 TEST 2

3/19-3/27 Soil and Water

(End of 1st grading period: ALL assignments due by 10/29!)

4/6-4/21 Soil and Water

4/22 TEST 3

4/23-5/6 Oceans and Atmosphere

5/7-5/15 Climate and Biodiversity

5/18 TEST 4

5/19-5/29 Sustainability Projects

(End of 2nd grading period: ALL assignments due by 5/29!)

6/1-6/5 NC EXAMS


I have read the rules and requirements for Mr. Smith’s Science class and agree to abide by them.

Student’s name (print)

Career Academy ______

Student’s signature

I have read the rules and requirements for Mr. Smith’s class and understand the expectations for my child. I also give consent for my child to participate in the class Edmodo forum so that my child may access class materials online, participate in online class discussions and turn in digital assignments.

Parent/Guardian’s name (print)

Parent/Guardian’s signature


Parent/Guardian’s name(s) (1) ______(2)______

Relation to Student (1)______(2)______

Phone Number (s)(1) (H) ___ (W) ______(C) _ ____

(2)(H)______(W)______(C) ______

E-Mail Address(s)(1) ______OR (2)______

Preferred method of contact: Circle all that are acceptable!

Home phone Work phone Cell phone Email

Preferred language for parent contacts: ______

Is there a usable computer in your home? (Circle one) YES NO

Do you have reliable internet access in your home? (Circle one) YES NO

Does your child have a smart phone capable of accessing online resources (like the Edmodo App)?

(Circle one) YES NO