Title (Arial 20pt) – This is the title page, not the cover page
Subtitle (Arial 18pt) – read the Preface and Introduction
Author’s name (Arial 16)
Dissertation towards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
University of Iceland
School of Humanities
[Name of Faculty]
[Month and year, e.g.August 2014]
[Name of Faculty in Icelandic]Háskóla Íslands
hefur metið ritgerð þessa hæfa til varnar
við doktorspróf í [subject, e.g.íslenskum bókmenntum]
Reykjavík, [date and year – obtained from the faculty project manager, i.e. 15. júní 2015]
[Name of the Dean]
[Name of Faculty]at the University of Iceland
has declared this dissertation eligible for a defense leading
to a PhD degree in [subject, e.g.Icelandic Literature]
Doctoral committee:
[Name], supervisor
[Name – the latter two names should appear in alphabetical order]
[Thesis title – italicized]
© [Author’s name]
Reykjavík [20XX]
A doctoral thesissubmitted to the University of Iceland. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
ISBN [this is obtained from the National Library;it is best to contact the staff directly]
Printed by: Háskólaprentehf.
Begin on the right (odd-numbered) page. If the text ends on the right (odd-numbered) page,requiring that the following left (even-numbered) page be left blank, then, under the “Page layout” tab, select “Breaks” and choose “Odd page”.
If the thesis is dedicated to someone (or if it begins with some kind of epigraph (a quote, a poem or something similar) this appears on page 3 and page 4 is left blank. The Abstract is then on page 5.
Normally we have “Abstract” and “Ágrip” at the front of the thesis, like here. In a thesis written in Icelandic the Ágrip (abstract in Icelandic) appears before the English abstract, and vice-versa for a thesis written in English. Another possibility (when the thesis is written in any language other than Icelandic) is to have both the “Ágrip” and “Abstract” at the front of the thesis, which should be a very short abstract, but to include a more detailed “Útdráttur” at the end of the thesis, wherein general public can familiarize themselves with the subject of the thesis more thoroughly.
It is important that doctoral candidatesfamiliarize themselves withthat which is stated in the regulations that they must follow concerning the abstracts (regulations can vary slightly depending on the when the candidate’s doctoral studies began).
Ágrip (abstract in Icelandic)
Begin on the right (odd-numbered) page.
In a thesis written in Icelandic the Ágrip (abstract in Icelandic) appears before the English abstract, and vice-versa for a thesis written in English.
Table of Contents
Begin on the right (odd-numbered) page. Ifthe “Ágrip”ends on the right (odd-numbered) page, then the next page should be leftblank (and without a page number) and the “Table of Contents” should then begin on thenext right(odd-numbered) page.
List of Images
A “List of Images”, if it is necessary. It need not begin on the right (odd-numbered) page and if the “List of Images” and “List of Tables” can fit on a single page then it is permissible to present them so.
List of Tables
A “List of Tables”, if it is necessary.It need not begin on the right (odd-numbered) page and if the “List of Images” and “List of Tables” can fit on a single page then it is permissible to present them one a single page.
Begin on the right (odd-numbered) page.
In the template for doctoral theses it is assumed that the various sections are presented in the order that is described here, cf. the listing below. There are also suggestions as to wherein the sequence various other sections, which are not found in the template,could appear, and they are listed below in square brackets. It must be noted though thatthis template is not supposed to determine the contents of the doctoral thesis. Note also that the arrangement/layout is discussed at greater length below.
Title page – standardarrangement;it is best to copy the “Title page” from this document and to fill in the particulars.
Copyright page/ Bibliographical details – standard arrangement;it is best to copy the Copyright page from this document and to fill in the particulars. Obtain the information about the date for the section concerning the faculty’s approval of the thesis from the facultyproject manager.
The ISBN number must be obtainedfrom the National Library. It is better to contact a staff member directly than to use the online form. The request must include: The name of the faculty, the name of the doctoral candidate, the doctoral candidate’s kennitala(Icelandic National ID number) and the title of the thesis.
[A dedication orepigraphthat the author considers fitting appears foremost in the thesis if such is employed. This then appears on page 3 and page 4 is left blank. Then there is no page number on page 4.]
Abstract – beginning on the right (odd-numbered) page. This is the abstract in English. Normally we have “Abstract” and “Ágrip” at the front of the thesis, like here. Read about another possibility (“Ágrip”, “Abstract” and “Útdráttur”)under Abstract above (page 3).
Ágrip – beginning on the right (odd-numbered) page.In a thesis written in Icelandic the Ágrip (abstract in Icelandic) comes before the English Abstract, and vice-versa in a thesis written in English.
Table of contents – beginning on the right (odd-numbered) page.It is normally best to use the same format for the headings in the Table of contents, the Lists, the Preface and the Abbreviations.
[Lists of images, tables, etc.]
Preface – This must always begin on the right (odd-numbered) page.
[Abbreviations/general explanatory notes.In some cases this may follow the main text of the thesis, but precede the bibliography. This depends on its importance for understanding the main text and its context. ]
The main chapters of the thesis.In the school/faculty regulationsthere are requirements concerning the topics to be included in the introduction. Doctoral candidates must familiarize themselves with those requirements.
Each of the main chapters usually begins on the right (odd-numbered) page. When the text of the previous chapter ends on the right (odd-numbered) page, then the next left (even-numbered) page should be left blank (and without a page-numberas page-numbers should never appear on blank pages). If a thesis has a very ‘flat’ structure (only main chapters but not many sub-chapters) this may be impossible to follow. Sometimes a doctoral thesisis divided into sections. In such casesit might be appropriate to give each section its own title page (on the right (odd-numbered) page,with the following left (even-numbered) page left blank).
Appendix or appendices.If the appendices are two or more then they are usually numbered, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2 (or sometimes with roman numerals or letters).
[Endnotes/Notes on the text – if such are used.]
Bibliography– there is no standardized format since there are differences amongst and within schools. The heading though is usually formattedin the same way as in the “Table of contents” and the “Preface”.
[Index of names/Key terms – if either is used.]
Provided below are suggestions concerning the font-size for the main text of the thesis, for the headings, and suggestions for the spacing both before and after. It is not obligatory to follow these suggestions and it is importantto ensure that these instructions do not determine the contents of the doctoral thesisand the treatment of the material. The sizes and spacing presented in this document arebased on a thesis composed on A4 paper, but reduced to B5 paperin the final printing (as when you set the copy machine to 86%). These sizes and spacingare well suited for printing but they are not the only possibility. It is important to test this through a photocopying machine, both in terms of font sizes and line spacing, as there must be a certain balance in their appearance.
Another option is to change the page settings of the thesis to B5 paper during its composition. In this case the followingsuggestions concerning font sizes and spacing willNOT APPLY.
1.1 Here is a brief discussion on the process of the final-printing of the thesis
When the doctoral committee has approved the thesis for the defence, several copies of the thesis are provided for the faculty (see regulations). They are usually presentedon A4 paper,but the text must be in a finished state (including all chapters, abstracts and well proofread etc.). A template for the cover pageon A4 paper can be found on theHugvísindastofnun (The Centre for Research in the Humanities)website (optional, exept the logo is obligatory).
When the opponents have approved the thesis and the doctoral candidate has made the required changes (if such are recommended,but note that the doctoral candidate is not permitted to make other changes to contents of the text of the thesis after its delivery) the thesis is then printed on B5 paper, as instructed here. The template for the cover is, on the other hand, available from Háskólaprent – and from Hugvísindastofnun(The Centre for Research in the Humanities) if the student intends to have the thesis printed elsewhere.
Doctoral candidates will send the thesis to print in consulation withHugvísindastofnun (The Centre for Research in the Humanities).A claim may be sent to Hugvísindastofnun(The Centre for Research in the Humanities) to support the payment for the printing of those copies that must be distributed within the university (to the University of Iceland, the school, the faculty, the doctoral committee, etc.)
1.1.1 About the font
This text is formatted to Times New Roman 12pt. It is not obligatory to use this font or this size, the only requirement is that the font, size and line-spacing is well suited for printing on B5 paper.
The line spacing here is set at18pt (Exactly 18pt).
The indentation for a new paragraph is reasonably set between 0.7–1 cm (here 0.7 cm). It is a good idea to use the same indentation setting for offset, block quotations. Indentation is usually disregarded following a heading or a block quotation (except possibly when a new paragraph begins directly after the quotation).
Make sure that the footnotes are all formatted in the same way,[1]particularly that the numbering is consistent.[2]
Thisdocument is adjusted to A4 paper and the margins set to 2.5 cm, the same both above and below. The margin above may be reduced without much damage.
Special attention must be paid to ensurethat the text within any tables is large enough to withstand the reduction to B5 paper and that images are of a high enough resolution for printing.
Information concerning the cover and the headings appears in the next chapter.
Chapter heading
The chapter headingabove isformatted to size 18pt. An individual must decide how large he wants the headings to be, whether they are to be centred or aligned to the left, whether the chapters are numbered or not, etc.Note that with the reduction to B5 paper, headings are also reduced, roughly, by the equivalent of 2 pt. It is best to test the proportions between the headings and the main text by printing a sample with a reduction from A4 paper down to B5 paper(86%).
1.1 This heading is size 14pt, and italicized
There is a good balance achieved in usingsize 18pt for chapter headings and size 14pt for sub-headings. The next “stage” of headings could then, for example, be formatted to use the same size font as in the main text, italicized or not.
1.1.1 This heading is size 12pt, like the main body of the text
It is important to settle on the spacing both above and below the headings and to take care that it is uniform throughout.
There is little sense in placing a heading and only one line of the following main text at the bottom of a page. It is better to place the heading at the top of the next page. In this case the spacing above the heading wouldbe omitted.
Spacing between the main text and offset, block quotations must also be settled upon and harmonised throughout. Particular attention must be paid when such a quotation appears at the bottom of a page to ensure that the next page does not begin with an empty line.This would be evident in a printed book, when the pages are displayed side by side.
It is considered improper when, in a printed book, a page begins with a single or “widowed” line, for example, like this:
1.1 Checklist - summary
- It is important that doctoral candidates familiarize themselves with that which is stated in the school/faculty concerning the abstracts and the topics to be included in the introduction.
- First some copies are sent to the facultyafter the committee has agreed that the thesis is ready.The copies are neatly presented on A4 paper and the text in a finished state.A template for the cover page on A4paper is available on the Hugvísindastofnun(The Centre for Research in the Humanities) website.
- When the opponents have approved the thesis and the doctoral candidate has made the required changes (if such are recommended) the thesis is then printed on B5 paper.
- The reduction to B5 paper results in a document 86% of the original size on A4 paper.
- One way to do this is to arrange the manuscript on A4 paper in a way that makes it possible to scale it down to 86% in a presentable way.These instructions deal with such formatting on A4 paper. –Note: As the font size depends on whether the thesis is composed on A4 paper and reduced in the final version, or formatted to B5 paper (the size of the final version/book), these instructions can only be used if the intention is to scale it down to 86%.
- The text must withstand this reduction and appear presentable, along with the line spacing, any text within tables and any images.
- A standardized title page;it is best to copy this from this document and to fill in the particulars.
- A standardized copyright page;it is best to copy this from this document and to fill in the particulars. Information about the date and ISBN must be obtained.
- A template for the cover is, on the other hand, available from Háskólaprent – and from Hugvísindastofnun (The Centre for Research in the Humanities) if the student intends to have the thesis printed elsewhere.
- Main chapters usually begin on the right (odd-numbered) page.
- The title page and copyright page are not numbered.
- Pages without text must not be numbered.
- The doctoral candidate bears full responsibility for the layout of the finished thesis.
- Request for printing the final thesis must be made in consultation with Hugvísindastofnun(The Centre for Research in the Humanities). If this is done the institute pays for the copies that are distributed within the university(to the University of Iceland, the school, the faculty, the doctoral committee, etc.).
[1]The text in this footnote is formatted to Times New Roman 10pt. The line spacing is set at Multiple 1.15.
[2]This footnote has the same formatting.