MYP Curriculum Outline
Spanish 9th Grade
Unit Title, Length / Area(s) of Interaction / Essential Questions / Activities / Assessment(s)MYP Course Objectives
Unit 1
Getting to know others,
(2 weeks) / ATL / How can learning a language enhance my learning ability?
How will understanding the benefits of learning a foreign language help me in understanding the world around me? / Students will prepare written and oral skits and present them as a pair or group to the class. Skits will include various formal and informal ways of speaking as well as different ways of saying certain common expressions and introductory questions / Students will be graded using a rubric for oral and written skits (as an oral communicative grade), as well as be formally tested via teacher directed questions, and audio CDs, tests that include the 4 modalities of language learning
Unit 2
Activities you like and don’t like to do/
Unit 3:
What are you going to do and when? Time telling,subject pronouns, variety of previously studied and newly introduced –ar, -er, ir verbs. (Words of place, where you and others are going to do certain things. (2 weeks) / Environment, Health and social education
Community and Service and Environment / How can we differentiate between a ‘chore’ and a ‘hobby’?
What should making this connection tell us about ourselves in general as a person (what type of person we are?). / Students will continue preparing skits and interviews with classmates and people in the community about what their hobbies and dislikes are as well as preparing illustrated clip art or hand sketched illustrations on poster paper to be used as a personal demonstration project with the class. Students will create personal clocks and create and sketch illustrated and written schedules of what they and others do and where they do it.
They will present their schedules to the class.
Students will have the choice of creating / sketching a scene of a town or city illustrating place words in Spanish (labeling the scene). / Students will be tested using the 4 modalities of learning (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) by period long tests as well as performed skits as a pair or group before the class or teacher by using a rubric.
Unit 4: Identifying classroom objects, plurals, describing class objects, colors, gender of nouns. Classes/subjects in Spanish
(1 week to 2 weeks) / Community and service, environment / How does my school schedule compare and contrast to a typical school schedule in a school in Latin-America?
How is what we use for school in the US different or the same as what people commonly use for school in Spain? / Students will set up a ‘mock’ school store in class using real objects and create a ‘shopping’ skit in which they discuss what they need for school and how much the items cost.
Students will participate in paired or group activities and play ‘what’s missing?” / An illustrated vocabulary test will be given using actual objects which requires the student to listen for certain vocabulary and write the Spanish name for each item.
Students will name orall and written several items they see in the classroom.
Unit 5: Describing people (yourself and others; family) / Community and service, health and social education, homo faber / Who am I? How does my family here compare to a Hispanic family? / Students will create their own family tree by using the computer, and/or other materials. / Students will be graded on their family tree project using a rubric.