
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45)

Jesus came to serve others. When we serve, we have the opportunity to display the love of Jesus to others.

Hospitality sets the tone for our MOPS meetings. The importance of your role can not be underestimated!

Let’s get to know each other:

·  What have you found to be the best thing about being in your leadership position?

·  What has been the biggest challenge to accomplishing your goals in your position?

·  What is the most difficult issue you have had to deal with? How did you resolve it?

Brainstorming Questions:

·  Hospitality: How do I want a mum to feel when she walks in the room? New mums, regular attenders, MOPS leaders?

·  Service: How do you get mums excited about giving to others? What opportunities do you provide for your mums to get involved in service?

·  ALL: Share a theme idea that has worked well in your MOPS group this year

Important Points for Hospitality & Service leaders: password: ozmum email: password: smile12 (you’ll need to use your affiliate login for this one)

"Be you, bravely" Theme Ideas for Hospitality and Service

Different “takes” on implementing the theme:

·  Birds/Nests/Feathers

·  Bow & arrows/targets/arrow pouches

·  Superheroes

2015 Theme: Be You, Bravely

Theme Verse: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

At any given moment in our lives each of us has...

·  Conversations we've been putting off.

·  Reasonable risks we've been avoiding.

·  Goals we want to achieve.

Yet often times the more significant an action feels the easier it is to put it off. We get distracted from the big decisions by the immediate needs of the day. What all of us seem to have in common is that we need a nudge, a nudge to help us get out of our ruts and routines so that we can begin risking bravely.

At MOPS we believe that you were meant to live deeply and so we have created this year’s theme to inspire you to choose the extraordinary.

Be you, Bravely is designed to help us focus on making the choices that could create the most good in our lives, help us to step into healthy risk and to do it in the context of community where we can cheer one another on.

Sometimes, good people wait patiently for God to intervene when what he is wanting is for us to act bravely and do something. Being a follower of Jesus calls for courage. The journey feels unexpected and unconventional. It requires bravely playing hide and seek in the dark, confronting the fears that scare us and holding the hand of a redeemer-guide who calls us to courageous acts of risk and trust. It means colouring outside of the lines. Dreaming bigger than we ever have before and getting swept up into the plans of a God who leaves us breathless with wonder.

It takes courage to ask brave questions and even more courage to search for the answers.

What will be in the Be you, Bravely Group Experience Kit?

·  24 Courage to be … Video Stories: See list below for topics.

·  7 Courage to be … Leader trainingvideo segments: Learn helpful team building techniques and get training to help you lead with confidence.

·  Be you, Bravely: An experiment in courage guidebook: A workbook to go through together with your group. Each chapter corresponds to a video segment. (see list below).

·  Mentor Bravely: The gift of presence: A guidebook to help the mentors in your group. Full of wisdom from other women who have been there, done that. It’s full of tips for mentoring the women in your group.

·  MOPS Group Leader’s Guideoutlining the essentials of MOPS: the elements of a MOPS group, how to run a MOPS meeting, forming a leadership team, running leadership team meetings, how to access MOPS resources and checklists for everything

·  10 complete meeting plans(we call them Fun, Think, Talk, Do cards) Includes ideas on how to incorporate the theme into meetings, icebreakers, discussion questions and creative activity ideas

·  A copy of our newest MOPS book Brave Mum: facing and over-coming your real mum fears by Sherry Surratt. Book released in October.