St. Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 2nd April 2012

in the St. Fagans Village Hall

Present: Councillors F. Lewis (Chairman),

E. Bourne, P. Hill, J. Hughes,

M. Parry & J. Pugh.

In Attendance: Clerk D. Barnard

Apologies: Councillors P. Davison-Sebry, J. Griffiths & N. McEvoy

Police PC H. Thomas

Other Sue Chedzoy

244.04.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 5th March 2012

Members approved the minutes of the meeting and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

244.04.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes

There were no matters arising.

244.04.03 – a) Police Matters & Neighbourhood Watch

The Clerk reported that he had received a message from PC Thomas to say that he was unable to attend. A brief report from PC Thomas about incidents and police activity during the past month had been circulated. The Clerk advised that he had not heard from PC Roberts this month.

One of the issues reported related to firearms. Cllr. Pugh gave details of a recent incident off St Bride's Road concerning two youths with firearms. A discussion about this and other firearms incidents ensued. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Inspector Arkontopoulos about the incident, with a copy to PC Thomas. Cllr. Pugh agreed to get further details and advise the Clerk accordingly.

It was noted that the next PACT meeting would be in Creigiau on Tuesday 8th May at 7.00pm, and the next police surgery would be in the Village Hall at 12 noon on Wednesday 25th April.

b) Damage to Local Woodlands

The Clerk reported that he had received the bill for the 'No Shooting' signs. Members approved the payment of £175.20. Cooke & Arkwright have advised that 3 of the signs have already been removed. Members agreed to give it a while and replace them in 3 months.

Cllr. Parry reported that the kissing gate on Cardiff Road had been damaged. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cardiff Council.

244.04.04 – Planning

a) Cardiff LDP

There had been no reported developments on this issue and nothing was expected to happen until after the Council elections.

b) Vale of Glamorgan LDP

The Chairman reported that she had been unable to attend any of the presentations and had advised the Clerk that the Community Council would not comment.

c) National History Museum – Development Plans

The Clerk had circulated the Arup Impact Assessment that had been forwarded by the Museum as a preview document, rather than a formal consultation. The Chairman expressed her disappointment with the document and questioned the point of doing an assessment that ignored the fact that the level crossing closes one of the two access roads for over 20 minutes in every hour. Cllr. Hughes agreed and drew attention to three particular statements:

ñ  'the development will have no discernible impact'

ñ  'during the construction period the impact on the road network is not expected to cause undue inconvenience to other road users'

ñ  'an analysis of accidents reveals no inherent safety issues with Museum access'

He expressed his reservations about each of these statements.

The Chairman referred to the access from the A4232 where it mentioned this was 'dependent on external stakeholders' and implied that effectively ruled out any major improvements. She raised the question of, if the Council responds, to whom should the response be made?

Cllr. Hill reported that the bid to the HLF had been submitted. She added that Liz Jones' secondment was due to end on 31st May. Cllr. Hill also referred to the access arrangements to the Botanic Gardens, a less visited tourist attraction, where a full road junction had been established.

Cllr. Hughes said that he was still seeking to get a quote for an independent assessment. The Clerk added that he had been unable to contact John Dacey and County Cllr. Bowen had provided no further information.

Cllr. Pugh suggested, and it was agreed, that a small sub-committee be established to look at the document in detail and draw up a list of comments. The Chairman together with Cllrs. Pugh and Hughes agreed to form the sub-committee, and Cllr. Davison-Sebry would be invited to join as well.

d) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk reported that there were two new planning applications for the St Fagans community area in the four weeks ended 30th March:

ñ  12/00478/DCH – 14, Llewellyn Goch: two-storey and single-storey rear extensions. No comments.

ñ  12/00498/DCH – 10, Nant Y Gwladys: single-storey orangery. No comments

The Chairman reported that there was still no decision on the application by the Cricket Club. David Harris was due to have a meeting with the planning officer on Thursday.

244.04.05 – Proposed Charter with Cardiff Council

The Clerk had received confirmation that the Charter has been approved by Cardiff Council. The Chairman signed a copy of the Charter on behalf of the Community Council.

244.04.06 – Environmental Matters

a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

The Chairman reported that tree surgeons cutting trees in a garden of St Fagans Drive had caused damage to the road surface in Greenwood Lane. Cllr Pugh reported that agricultural vehicles appeared to have caused damage to the road surface in St Bride's Road. She added that the garden hedge of her property had also been damaged. Cllr. Bourne reported that the road markings at the junction of Crofft-Y-Genau Road and Pentrebane Road had been re-painted. Cllr. Parry noted from the previous meeting that Cardiff Council had agreed to repaint the lamp-posts in the new financial year. The Clerk reported that Cardiff Council had agreed to investigate the request for a speed limit on the A4119 at Parc Rhydlafar and had also written to the bus companies reminding them that they must pick up and drop off children near to the roundabout on Rhydlafar Drive.

b) Street Cleansing / Litter

The Chairman said that she was intending to organise a litter pick towards the end of April and commented that some areas of the Village were quite bad. Cllr. Parry reported that he had seen litter pickers from Cardiff Council along Cardiff Road on Sunday 11th March. He thought it would be helpful if the Community Council could be advised when these were being arranged. The Clerk was asked to request that Cardiff Council notify the Community Council of any future litter picking activities.

Cllr. Hill reported that there was a lot of litter on the recreation ground and the Clerk was asked to send a request to Cardiff Council for this to be dealt with.

c) Other environmental issues

The Clerk noted that some work had been carried out to the garages on Crofft-Y-Genau Road and the surrounding scrub land. Members agreed that it was an improvement.

244.04.07 – Westfield Park Estate

Cllr. Hill reported that the lock to the gate entrance to the recreation area was missing again. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cardiff Council. She added that the motor bikes are back again creating a lot of noise and disturbance. Members noted the comment from PC Thomas that one resident had called to complain and the police were working with Cardiff Council on this issue.

The Clerk reported receipt of an email from a resident about damage to trees adjacent to the estate. He had forwarded the message to the Parks Department who planned to investigate.

244.04.08 – Parc Rhydlafar / Llantrisant Road area

Cllr. Bourne reported that:

ñ  the estate had experienced a power cut on the night of Wednesday 28th March and the following day the water supply was cut off for 10 hours. She commented on the lack of communication;

ñ  the daffodils planted by the Council last year had flowered well;

ñ  no-one appears to monitor the dog fouling problem and there is no 'phone number on the signs to call and report instances;

ñ  someone from Pentyrch had called at her house seeking her signature, seemingly canvassing and possibly connected with the Green Party.

Cllr. Bourne also said that Sue Chedzoy had apologised for being unable to attend this evening and to say that she was still interested in joining the Council.

244.04.09 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle

Members noted that the chain barrier has now been installed at the Castle entrance but that one of the bollards had come out of the ground. The Clerk was asked to report this.

244.04.10 – One Voice Wales

Cllr. Hughes reported that he was due to attend a meeting of the Independent Remuneration Panel in Merthyr on Wednesday.

The Clerk had circulated a letter from OVW inviting renewal of its membership for a further year at a fee of £235. Members agreed to continue in membership and approved payment. He had also received copies of the latest issue of 'The Voice' and gave a copy to the Chairman.

244.04.11 – Proposed St Fagans Festival

The Chairman reported that the committee had decided there were limitations with using the Castle site and had agreed to use the cricket club, which had more space and was better for parking, etc. A meeting was planned with David Harris on Wednesday 4th April. Cllr. Parry reported that the Vale of Glamorgan had a free marquee scheme and would get more details.

244.04.12 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported receipt of:

Ø  an email from A. Singh of Cardiff Council (circulated) giving details of changes to the bus services to St Fagans. Members commented favourably on the plans for a summer sight seeing tour service to St Fagans.

Ø  an email from Gareth Cooke of Cardiff Council with nomination packs for the election. The closing date of Wednesday 4th April at 12 noon was noted.

244.04.13 – Finance

a) Requests for Financial Assistance

The Clerk reported that no new applications had been received.

b) Clerk's salary, etc. from April 2012

The Clerk had circulated a note advising that the Body representing Employers had indicated that, in view of the Government's austerity measures, there would again be no pay award for council employees this year. The Clerk advised that he was at the top of his agreed scale and his salary, subject to Members' approval, would remain at £4,510 per annum. This was approved.

The Clerk also reported that the method of calculating mileage allowances for council employees was under review and accordingly the rate agreed from April 2010 of 65p per mile would continue until further notice. Noted.

c) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals

The Clerk submitted the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. In addition to the payments approved earlier in the meeting, he reported that the Secretary of the Village Association had requested that the Council meet the cost of the annual rates charges on the Village Hall in the sum of £267.81. Cllr. Hughes submitted a claim for travel expenses during February and March in the sum of £150.30. The Clerk submitted a request for payment of his salary for the period April to July (£902.00 net of income tax), together with expenses incurred during the three months of January to March in the sum of £169.48. Payment of all these items was approved. The following cheques were signed accordingly:

ñ  One Voice Wales Annual membership 235.00

ñ  Superior Signs 'No Shooting' signs 175.20

ñ  Cllr. J. Hughes Travel expenses (Feb./Mar.) 150.30

ñ  D. Barnard Salary & expenses 1,071.48

ñ  St Fagans Village Hall Rates charges 2012/13 267.81

d) Sources of funding (lottery, etc.)

The Chairman reported that completion of the application form for the disabled toilet facility was causing some problems because of the relationship between the Village Hall and the Council. It might mean that the reserves of the Council would have to be declared, potentially ruling out any award of funding.

e) 2011/12 Provisional Out-turn

The Clerk had circulated a statement showing the financial out-turn for the year ended 31st March 2012. It showed an underspend against budget of £4,417, coupled with additional receipts of £1,407, increasing the Council's funds at the year end by £5,854 from the position anticipated. He advised that the formal accounts would be presented after the internal audit in June.

244.04.14 – Community Resilience

No issues were raised.

244.04.15 – Community Council Website

The Clerk advised that he had provided information on the site about the Council elections and how to obtain a nomination pack. Members commented favourably on the content of the web site, referring particularly to the details of the Cricket Club's 150th anniversary.

244.04.16 – Other Business

i) The Chairman confirmed that the annual Chairman's dinner would be held on Friday 11th May, and she had decided that the venue would be the Plymouth Arms at 7.30pm. She also invited Members for pre-dinner drinks at her home from 6.30pm and asked Members and the Clerk to confirm their availability to attend in due course.

ii) The Chairman acknowledged, with regret, that Cllr. Bourne and Cllr. Hill had both decided not to stand for re-election on 3rd May. She expressed, on behalf of the Council, her thanks for their contribution to the Council in the past and hoped that they would keep in touch with the other Council Members and the Council's activities. The other Members present and the Clerk all endorsed the Chairman's comments.

No other matters were raised.

244.04.17 – Date & Time of Next Meeting

The Clerk confirmed that the Annual General Meeting and first meeting of the new Council would be on Monday 14th May at 7.00 pm.


There being no further matters to discuss the meeting closed at 8.40 pm.

Confirmed as a correct record………………………..Chairman …………….Date