The “Submission of Annual Reports” memo from OVAE provides information regarding the annual reporting requirements for the adult education State-administered formula grant program. The required annual reports include:

  • Statistical (performance) reports (NRS Tables 1-14),
  • Financial status reports (2 initial and 2 final) for Adult Education and EL/Civics
  • Narrative report,
  • Data quality checklist (with improvement plan, if needed),
  • Data quality checklist certification, and
  • Assessment policy.

Descriptive Information for the Narrative Report

Use the following outline in preparing the Annual Performance Reportnarrative:

  • Describe successful activities, programs, and projects supported with State Leadership

funds and describe the extent to which these activities, programs, and projects were

successful in implementing the goals of the State Plan.

  • Describe any significant findings from the eligible agency’s evaluation of the

effectiveness of the adult education and literacy activities based on the core indicators of


  • Describe how the eligible agency has supported the integration of activities sponsored

under Title II with other adult education, career development, and employment and

training activities. Include a description of how the eligible agency is being represented

on the Local Workforce Investment Boards, adult education’s involvement on the State

Workforce Investment Board, the provision of core and other services through the onestop

system and an estimate of the Title II funds being used to support activities and onestop

services through the one-stop delivery system.

While there are other considerations in awarding grants, WIA provides the overarching consideration in that the eligible agency shall consider if the eligible provider offers flexible schedules and other necessary support services such as child care and transportation to enable individuals including individuals with disabilities or special needs to participate in adult education and literacy activities. Each eligible provider shall attempt to coordinate to provide support services which include flexible schedules and support services to reduce participation barriers such child care, transportation and disabilities and other special needs.

Therefore for OAE to provide information to OVAE, we need to receive information from the field through RFA narrative, self -assessment narrative and other reports.