USC 8.1 Analyze (4) and establish (3)effective strategies of support for purposes of helping others increase health-enhancing behaviours.
Key Indicators
a. Locate (2) and evaluate (5), according to student-generated criteria, both sources of and information about support strategies .
f. Determine (1) the traits and skills of an effective support person
k. Distinguish (2) between help that supports greater independence and that which creates (6) dependence

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
support strategies
traits and skills of an effective support person
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
locate (2)
evaluate (5)
determine (1)
distinguish (2)
create (6)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
An effective support system enables one to make healthy choices and achieve goals
/ Essential Questions
How can I establish a support strategy?
How do certain traits and skills identify an effective support person?

USC 8.2 Analyze (4) how personal prejudices/biases, and habits of mind shape assumptions about family identities, structures, roles, and responsibilities.
Key Indicators
a.Describe (2) a variety of family structures (e.g., nuclear, mixed, childless, foster, same-sex, single parent, extended).
e. Explore (4) the expectations that parents/caregivers and children/youth have of one another.
j. Recognize (4), name (1), and challenge (4) (question) instances of inequity, bias, intolerance, and discrimination related to family identities, structures, roles, and responsibilities.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
family structures
inequity, bias, intolerance, and discrimination
family identifies, structures, roles and responsibilities
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Describe (2)
explore (4)
recognize (4)
name (1)
challenge (4)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Personal beliefs are guided by knowledge and experience.
/ Essential Questions
What are our assumptions about family roles, structures, and responsibilities?
What do we expect of others and ourselves as a member of a family?
How do we challenge our beliefs about family inequity, bias, intolerance, and discrimination?

USC 8.3 Investigate (1) and analyze (4) the impact of in/formal supports and services (including testing/ diagnostic services) available to individuals, families, and communities infected with/ affected by non-curable infections/diseases (including HIV and Hepatitis C).
Key Indicators
a.Locate (1) and evaluate (5), according to student-generated criteria, both sources of and information about the supports needed/wanted by individuals, families, and communities infected with/affected by non-curable infections/diseases (including HIV and Hepatitis C).
f. Describe (2) how misinformation and/or lack of understanding may influence the kinds of supports available to people infected with/affected by non-curable infections.
g. Investigate (1) and critique (5) the kinds of supports needed to mitigate some of the behaviours associated with acquiring non-curable infections/diseases (e.g., needle exchanges, safer sex practices).

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
individuals, families, and communities
non-curable infections/diseases
non-curable infections/diseases
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
locate (1)
evaluate (5)
Describe (2)
investigate (1)
critique (5)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
A multitude of supports and services are available for those inflicted with non curable infections/diseases. / Essential Questions
How do we locate, evaluate, and access, sources and supports for non curable infections/diseases?

USC 8.4 Demonstrate (2) an understanding of the impact of violence (including but not limited to emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, and neglect) on the well-being of and the supports needed for self, family, and community.
Key Indicators
c.Assess (4) the impact of physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual abuse on families and communities.
e. Discuss (1) the factors that are known to contribute to abuse (e.g., stress, exposure to violence, addictions, mental health issues, poverty).
n. Research and investigate (1)sources of help for an abused child, an abused peer, an abused parent/spouse, an abused grandparent/elder, or a family who has a mixture of violent behaviours and ways of protecting oneself and others from abuse.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
impact of physical, emotional, spiritual, and sexual abuse
families and communities
contribute to abuse
sources of help (escape plan)
violent behaviours
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
Assess (4)
Discuss (1)
Research and investigate (1)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Violence impacts me, my family, and my community.
Support exists for victims of abuse.
/ Essential Questions
How do I recognize and resolve abusive behaviours in myself and others?
How do I access help for someone who is experiencing abuse (create a safety plan for a person experiencing abuse)?
How do our experiences and bias influence our yourself and others to be safe from violence?

USC 8.5 Assess (5) how body image satisfaction/ dissatisfaction and over-reliance on appearance as a source of identity and self-esteem affects the quality of life of self and family.
Key Indicators
e.Discuss (1)body image to include one’s feelings, attitudes, and perceptions towards his/her body and physical appearance.
g. Explore (4) the different attitudes and behaviours related to self-perception (e.g., body image satisfaction, body image investment, body image behaviour, body image perception) and how difficulties in one or all of these areas creates disturbances in body image.
j. Analyze (4)techniques used by industries (e.g., plastic surgery, weight loss products, diets) and the mass media to influence judgement and values about the way we look.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
body image
feelings, attitudes, and perceptions
physical appearance
attitudes and behaviours
mass media
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
discuss (1)
explore (4)
analyze (4)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Society influences our perception of self.
/ Essential Questions
How does mass media and industry influence my judgement, feelings, attitudes and perceptions about the way I look?

USC 8.6 Examine (4) and assess (5) the concept of sustainability from many perspectives, and develop (6) an understanding of its implications for the well-being of self, others, and the environment.
Key Indicators
d.Examine(4)practices and activities that pose a threat to the environment and to the health of people.
g. Analyze (4) how one’s behaviour related to the concept of sustainability, might affect the well-being of others and other things.
l. Discuss (2)contributions of traditional First Nations and Métis people to environmental health.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
practises and activities
health/well being of self, others and environment
contributions of First Nations/Metis
environmental health
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
examine (4)
analyze (4)
discuss (2)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
My behavior affects the sustainability of our environment and the well being of others.
/ Essential Questions
How do my choices/practises affect myself, others and the environment?
Why have First Nations/Metis been more effectual than others in preserving environmental health?

USC 8.7 Assess (5) the social, cultural, and environmental influences on and supports for sexual health knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and decisions.
Key Indicators
b.Locate (1) and evaluate (5), according to student-generated criteria, both sources of and informationandsupports for about sexual health.
f. Examine (4) how the social, cultural, and environmental influences may determine people’s knowledge and access to sexual health information.
k. Determine (1) how access to sexual health supports and services influence personal and community sexual health.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
sexual health information
supports and services
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
locate (1)
evaluate (5)
examine (4)
determine (1)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
Sexual Health for the individual and the community is determined through social, cultural and environmental information.
/ Essential Questions
How can students locate and access supports for sexual health?
How does this knowledge affect the individual and the community?

DM 8.8 Appraise (5) the role of “support” in making healthy decisions related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/ diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
Key Indicators
a.Review (2) the kinds of support that one may need when making healthy decisions.
c. Discuss (3)ways to determine when support is needed.
e. Examine (4) the implications or consequences of support strategies.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
kinds of suport
support strategies
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
review (2)
discuss (3)
examine (4)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
An effective support system is necessary to make healthy decisions.
/ Essential Questions
How can I utilize support systems in decision making (individually, with my family, and with the community) about disease, violence, body image, sexual health and environmental sustainability?

DM 8.9 Analyze (4) the health opportunities and challenges, and establish “support others” personal goal statements, related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
Key Indicators
a.Assess (4) current skills and abilities to be a support person.
c. Discuss (2) and evaluate (5) various alternatives to address health opportunities/challenges.
e. Design (6) a personal goal statement that supports others in each unit of study.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
skills and abilities
support person
health opportunities/challenges
personal goal statement
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
assess (4)
discuss (2)
evaluate (5)
design (6)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
An effective support system enables one to make healthy choices and achieve goals and create a personal goal statement.
/ Essential Questions
How can I create a personal goal statement that supports others?
What are the characteristics of a support person?

AP 8.10 Design(5), implement (3), and evaluate (5)three seven-day action plansthat establish multiple supports for responsible health action related to family roles and responsibilities, non-curable infections/diseases, violence and abuse, body image, sustainability, and sexual health.
Key Indicators
a.Determine (1) the elements of effective “support” action plans (e.g., who, what, where, when, how, why).
b. Plan (5) the required steps to complete action plans that support others.
c. Identify (1)criteria and use them to assess (5) the design elements of “supporting others” action plans.
d. Distinguish (4), with others, criteria to evaluate (5) the implementation of “supporting others” action plans.
e. Identify (1) and use (3)criteria to evaluate growth in one’s ability to establish supports for health.

Concepts (Nouns, Knows)
elements and steps of action plans
/ Skills (Verbs, Dos)
determine (1)
plan (5)
identify (1)
distinguish (4)
use (3)
Big Ideas (Enduring Understandings)
A responsible health action plan will assist me to support others with their health issues.
/ Essential Questions
How do I create 3 - 7 day action plan on topics of responsible health action?

HEALTH Grade 8 (Updated MAR-19-2012)