BoltonLINks Stakeholder Event

Holiday Inn Hotel, Bolton

18th February 2008

9.30 Arrival and refreshments

10.00Welcome – Cllr Rosa Kay – Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health – BoltonCouncil

10.10Purpose of the event – John Rutherford – Director of

Adult Social Services – Bolton Council

10.20Current Social Care involvement structures – Kevin Durkin (Older Adults) Ian Jones (Younger Adults), Bolton

Adult Services

10.35Current health care involvement structures and the impact ofTrust Foundation – Andrew White, Bolton PCT

10.50Bolton Council’s Approach to Consultation -Karen Johnston,Consultation and Research Manager, Bolton Council

11.05Bolton’s Local Strategic Partnership– Margaret Appleton, Principal Development Officer, Bolton Council


11.35 Current patient and public involvement in local health services– Mike Phillips, Vice Chair of Royal Bolton Hospital PPI Forum, Harold Hunter, Mental Health PPI


11.50 Involving people with disability in health and social care - BADGE (Bolton Active Disability Group for Everyone)

12.05An example of current service user involvement in

mental health– Jean Haslam, Bolton Council for Mental


12.20Current service user involvement in older adults

Bolton and District Over 50 Federation –Zonya Marsh



14.00Introducing the afternoon - what is LINk and how can it co-ordinate patient, service user and community involvement – Joy Tweed, Independent Consultant

14.30 GROUP WORK – What are the key elements we would like to see in the new LINk(see topics below)


15.30Report back

16.15Concluding remarks



How do we engage commissioners?

LINks powers – how will it work in the new arrangements?

Recruitment of new people – membership?

Relationship with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Work programme – how will it be developed?

Governance- accountability – structures and processes?