Atherton and Tyldesley Medical Practice

Minutes of Patient Participation Group Meeting

onTuesday29th September 2015 at 1800hrs in the TyldesleySurgery


IntraHealth Simon Carr (Practice Manager),

WBCCG Martyn Kent Rachel Richardson

Patients Mr Mike Smith, Mr Ronnie Jewell, Mr Frank Chamberline, Pamela Copeland

Item / Outcome / Action
Welcome / Simon welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies for Absence / Mr Ronnie Jewell
Minutes of Last Meeting / The last meeting minutes were read and agreed.
Matters Arising / Introductions
Simon introduced Martyn Kent and Rachel Richardson
Agree minuets from last meeting dated 25th August 2015
Updates to discuss from previous meeting
Points to discuss and inform patients of
Staff Update-Dr Harris is now starting to see patient under the supervision of Dr Natsagdorj and is settling in well.
EPS- is going well and is liked by patients.
External presentation
WBCCG gave a presentation/engagement event as part of the Practice Contract renewal due in September 2016. Martyn and Rachel from WBCCG spoke to the PPG and explained the procurement process for all 7 APMS contract across the Wigan area. Martyn also picked up that the Surgery is a training Practice which he did not know.
They ask the group to think about the following;
  1. What kind of health services that they would like to see in the practice.
  2. What shape and form would they like to see the practice in.
  3. Is the Practice in the right location?
  4. Is there amply parking.
  5. Does the Practice meet the needs of the local population.
  6. Do they know of any large building/construction projects in the area.
  7. Do they think that the GP extended hours Hubs are working.
PPG Responded to some of the questions.
  1. PPG were happy with the service the practice currently provides.
  2. PPG will discuss at the next meeting.
  3. PPG happy with the building and location but did raise that it was a slit surgery that did cause problems when the duty clinician was at the other site for patients with no transport or local direct transport.
  4. Yes happy with parking arrangements.
  5. Yes they felt it currently did, less for point 3.
  6. PPG explained of a number of planned building contracts in the area of between 2 and 5000 new homes which WBCCG were not aware of.
  7. Yes PPG members feel the hubs are good but are slow at being rolled out due to CQC getting involved.
Martyn thanked the PPG for their comments and informed them that there would be more meetings and surveys/questionnaires that would be organised over the coming months. /
Points raised by the group / Everyone thanked Martyn and Rachel for their presentation.
Any Other Business / The next TABA PRG Meeting see attached agendaAll PRG members are encouraged to attend. Thomas will be attending.
Patients Suggestions and Comments
Date and Time of next meeting / Tuesday 27that 1800hrs in the Tyldesley Surgery.