IATI Steering Committee and Signatories Meeting

Friday 16th November 2012, 09.00 – 16:30, OECD Chateau Room C, Paris

Annotated Agenda

09:00-09:10 Welcome and Introductions

Introduced by: Mehdi Hussain, Chair, Acting Chief Statistician (DFID)

09:10-09:30 Update from Partner Country Meeting

Introduced by: Mary-Anne Addo, Ghana

Objective: Partner countries’ views on key issues articulated to the full Steering Committee

Reference: Partner Country Meeting Agenda (paper 1)

09:30-11:00 Future Governance, Hosting & Funding of IATI

Introduced by: Alasdair Wardhaugh, IATI Secretariat Leader

Objective: To update members of progress made on future hosting arrangements and any potential legal implications.

Discuss and agree on future governance arrangements.

Discuss and agree on future funding arrangements

For decision/discussion:

Hosting – Agree updated terms of reference for hosting IATI

Governance: Provide a steer on membership and implementing partners and on the future Steering Committee composition between:

(a) maintaining the status quo;

(b) streamlined and formalised; or

(c) a combination of (a) and (b).

If (b) or (c): Do members agree on a composition of 15-20 members: 5 or 6 donor signatories and partner country endorsers; 3-4 CSOs; and 4 technical experts.

Funding: Provide guidance on which funding option is most feasible and appropriate for IATI and what are the implications:

(a) Voluntary donations

(b) Membership fees

(c) Voluntary donations + membership fees

(d) Sponsorship

References: Future Hosting Arrangements (paper 2)

Future Governance Arrangements (paper 3)

Future Funding Arrangements (paper 4)

11:00-11:15 Coffee

11:15-12:45 Implementation Issues: The Budget Identifier; Implementation

Schedules; Data Quality Review; Annual Report

Introduced by: Brian Hammond, Chair IATI TAG

Objective: Agree content and format for the recipient budget identifier in the IATI Standard;
Agree outline format for first IATI Annual Report based on updated implementation schedules and data quality review.

For decision:

Budget identifier: agree to add two items to the IATI standard from 1January 2013 to record:

(a)  what percentage of funding for an activity is for capital expenditure, with a threshold of USD10,000 below which activities are considered as recurrent;

(b)  the common administrative/functional classification of the activity, derived as fully as possible by mapping from CRS sector codes, and including any percentage shares already published under the sector-code item.

Annual Report: Agree:

(a)  format of the signatory publishing page, inclusion of short articles and case studies

(b)  timetable to review and improve scores by end January 2013

(c)  report in PDF with links to the raw data and complementary visuals

(d)  external communications campaign on launch of the report, based on the activities set out in the annex

References: Proposal on budget identifier (paper 5)
IATI Annual Report approach (paper 6a)
Draft outline of Annual Report (paper 6b)

12:45-13:45 Working Lunch (Sandwiches will be provided)

13:15-13:45 CSO Update including work of CSO Working Group and UK NGOs’ experience of publishing IATI data

Introduced by: (TBD)

Joni Hillman, BOND

13:45-14:00 Upgrade to the Standard

Introduced by: Bill Anderson, IATI Secretariat

Objective: Note the first decimal (minor) upgrade to the IATI Standard in the light of implementation experience and call for suggestions for the next decimal upgrade

Note upgrade 1.02 to the IATI Standard and provide suggestions for next upgrade

Reference: Upgrade to the Standard (paper 7)

14:00-14:30 IATI Country Pilots: demonstrating the use of IATI data

Introduced by: Burkina Faso/DR of Congo/ Nepal

Bill Anderson, IATI Secretariat

Objective: Demonstrate the practical application of IATI data in the Country Pilots

In DRC, Burkina Faso and Nepal

Reference: Country Pilot Update (paper 8)

14:30-15:30 The Common Standard

Introduced by: Suzanne Steensen, DAC Secretariat

Alasdair Wardhaugh, IATI Secretariat Leader

Objective: To provide an update on the common standard to which stakeholders committed in the Busan Outcome Document; update on progress with the Building Block on Transparency

Commit to complete implementation schedule questionnaire by 19November and finalise detailed schedules as called for in the Busan Outcome Document by end December 2012

Background: An adhoc sub-group comprising the IATI and DAC Secretariats and representatives of Partner Countries, CSOs and DAC WP-STAT negotiated a common standard which brings together the IATI Standard, Creditor Reporting System (CRS) and the Forward Spending Survey (FSS) which was endorsed by DAC WP-EFF at its final meeting in June.

References: The Common Standard (paper 9)

The Implementation Schedule for the Common Standard (paper 10)

15:30-15:45 Coffee

15:45-16:15 The Transparency Indicator

Introduced by: Brian Hammond, Chair IATI TAG

Objective: To update the meeting on proposed use of the IATI Annual Report to test a proposal for a global Transparency Indicator to be put forward as part of the post-Busan monitoring arrangements

For decision:

The Steering Committee is asked to agree a common approach by IATI members:

(a)  To use the IATI Annual Report to test the proposed transparency indicator on data and implementation schedules already published

(b)  To have the main indicator as delivery of specific components of the standard of most importance to partner countries

(c)  To supplement the main indicator with a measure of how fully publishers have delivered on what they promised in their implementation schedules

(d)  To make the unit of observation the individual country or organisation providing development cooperation

(e)  To set the baseline for IATI members at end 2012 with a target for full implementation by end 2015

(f)  To present the measure on a simple scale from A to E showing a) delivery against schedules and b) delivery against the standard

(g)  To propose the methodology to the Global Partnership Secretariat for use in monitoring the common standard, adjusted in the light of experience on IATI data.

Reference: Draft of proposal for the Transparency Indicator (paper 11)

16:15-16:30 Any Other Business and Closing Remarks from IATI Chairperson

Introduced by: Mehdi Hussain, DFID (Chair)

16:30 Close