Implementation for Ohio SIG schools
Contact: Rosemary Ellis, Director Central Division, AVID
; (512) 669-5900;
AVID Elementary is a foundational component of the AVID College Readiness System and supports AVID Center’s mission to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. AVID Elementary is designed to be embedded into the daily curriculum of all elementary classrooms across grade levels 4- 6 to impact schoolwide structures. This systemic approach provides different curricula for different levels and settings in order to support all students on their path to college readiness.
AVID Elementary promotes “best teaching” practices to develop consistency in thinking, processing and delivering information by both students and teachers. This is accomplished through the implementation of AVID Elementary’s framework for WICOR (Writing to learn, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, Reading to learn) Lessons, Organizational Skills, Student Success Skills, and Partnerships, and through the cultivation of students’ self-motivation, helping them expand their personal visions of academic success and achievement.
AVID Elementary methodologies and strategies ensure all students will:
· Experience Writing to learn, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading to learn skills (WICOR Lesson Framework)
· Utilize organizational skills both inside and outside the classroom
· Develop student success skills for lifelong learning
· Successfully make the transition to middle school and courses of high rigor
The AVID Elementary Site Team is established on AVID Elementary sites to assist articulation, calibration, accountability and assessment across the site and grade levels. The site administrator is the instructional leader who guides the implementation of AVID on campus.
AVID Elementary sites work collaboratively to:
· Generate stronger students and teachers through the development of a consistent way to think and process information
· Cultivate intrinsic motivation by creating a vision of academic success
· Promote a belief that academic rigor is expected, possible, and attainable
· Establish equal access to AVID Elementary methodologies for all students
· Strengthen the bridge between elementary and middle school
· Improve accurate identification of future AVID Elective students in grades 6-12
AVID Elementary classrooms encourage:
· Organizational tool accountability and responsibility
· Use of agenda/planner to foster a “plan-ahead” mentality
· SMART goal-setting skills
· Time management skills
· Note-taking strategies (STAR)
· Inquiry method
· Collaborative learning
· Effective reading strategies for comprehension
· Building community with open communication
AVID Elementary District Infrastructure for Ohio SIG Awardees
· Elementary District Liaison (EDL) designated
· AVID Site Administrator and Site Team for each school selected and organized
o Includes AVID teachers, administrators, counselors, and other teachers
· Elementary Training Days - required in year one and two for new elementary schools
o Training will be expedited in Fall 2010 in order to allow AVID system to be implemented for students in Winter/Spring 2011.
o In school year 2010/11, several training cycles will be offered for the New Teacher Cycle to accommodate teachers in districts throughout Ohio. This training will be in lieu of requiring site teams to attend Summer Institute before implementing AVID system.
o Site Administrator, site teams, district liaisons, and other teachers will attend Summer Institutes in 2011, 2012 and 2013.
· Elementary District Site Visits - Individualized coaching to address unique needs of schools and Elementary District Liaison
o Coaching will be expedited in Fall 2010 in order to allow AVID system to be implemented for students in Winter/Spring 2011.
· Ongoing AVID support to site teams and administrators:
o Site visits, conference calls, webinars, and access to resources
· Pre/Post Assessments and Data Collection
· AVID Membership Fee - Yearly per site fee allows use of AVID logo and intellectual property; participation in professional development; phone, email and website access to AVID resources; licensing for reproduction of materials; curriculum resources; measures of implementation fidelity
· Elementary Curriculum – One set per site plus one for the Elementary District Liaison
o Contains Implementation Resource with CD, Administrator Resource with CD, Set of Curriculum Posters, and AVID College Readiness System DVD
AVID Elementary Training Components
Site Administrators and Teams receive training at AVID Center’s Summer Institutes and on Elementary Training Days. Once all key members (teachers and administrators) are trained, a site is considered an implemented AVID Elementary site. Training components include:
New Training Cycle
Offered for new AVID Elementary multi‐subject classroom teachers, instructional specialists, counselors and curriculum coaches within active AVID Elementary contracted sites. Four component areas are explored: Student Success Skills, Organizational Tools, WICOR (writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organization, reading to learn) and Partnerships. Participants will leave this strand with articulated grade level and site goals as they relate to high expectations for all students. Additionally, AVID Elementary sites will be better prepared to create smoother transitions as well as build stronger relationships with their middle and high school AVID Elective sites.
Existing Training Cycle
Offered for existing AVID Elementary multi‐subject classroom teachers, instructional specialists, counselors and curriculum coaches within active AVID Elementary contracted sites. Participants will explore opportunities to delve deeper into WICOR lessons and the power of inquiry within the elementary classroom. Participants will leave this strand with new perspectives on the Quality Standards and a stronger understanding of how to embed WICOR throughout the academic day. Additionally, AVID Elementary sites will explore and assess current status as well as redefine grade level and site goals.
Summer Institutes
The AVID Summer Institute is an intensive, week-long program that trains AVID teachers and administrators; during the program, school site teams build leadership capacity and develop annual strategic AVID implementation plan for their schools.
Administrator Training Cycle
Offered to active AVID Elementary sites for Elementary District Liaisons and Site Administrators overseeing the implementation of AVID Elementary. This strand highlights the foundational pieces necessary to support strong partnerships within AVID feeder patterns. Through the lens of AVID Elementary’s Pillars of Excellence (accountability, articulation, assessment, calibration) four curriculum component areas are threaded: Student Success Skills, Organizational Tools, WICOR (writing to learn, inquiry, collaboration, organization, reading to learn) and Partnerships. Participants will explore opportunities to promote cultures of high expectations for all students across the grade levels, sites, and district feeder patterns.
District Site Visitation Days (DSV)
Full days including on-site visits, training, and coaching to help Elementary District Liaisons build capacity for implementing, sustaining and constantly improving quality AVID programs in their schools. Classroom teachers and Site Coordinators are provided feedback and suggestions to guide grade level and site implementation.
Leadership for College Readiness - Administrator Training
Focuses on the structures, processes, protocols, and systems within a school that have significant impact on its culture and ability to support college readiness
Data Analysis Training
Focuses on the interpretation and use of data to inform instruction and program improvement practices and shape school culture
AVID National Conference
District administrator teams expected to attend in each year of grant period; conference includes dialogue, presentations, and sessions from practitioners currently engaged in college-readiness efforts.