Color Squares
- Choose your favorite color and this will be the theme for you Color Squares.
- Click View/Header and Footer. Insert your first and last name followed by an Enter. Then insert your class period followed by an Enter. Finally insert BCIS followed by an Enter. Click Close.
- Click File/Page Set-up. Under the Margins tab choose Landscape under Orientation. Change all of the Margins to 0.25. Click OK.
- Click View/Zoom. Click the dot beside Whole Page. Click OK.
- Choose Table/Insert/Table. When the window pops up, change number of columns to 4 and number of rows to 3. Click OK.
- Highlight the last column of your table. Right Click and choose merge.
- Highlight the whole table or click the double arrows at the top left edge of the table. Right click on the table and choose table properties. Under the Table tab, change the alignment to Center. Under the Cell tab, change the vertical alignment to Center. Click OK.
- Highlight the whole table again. Right click on the table and choose Borders and Shading. Under the Borders tab, change the setting to All. Change the color to your theme color. Choose a style and width of the border that you like. Under the Shading tab, choose your theme color. Click OK.
- Type the name of your theme color in all caps in Column 2, Row 2.
- Type the name of your theme color five times followed by an Enter in the last Column.
- Highlight the first word in the last Column. Click Tools/Language/Thesaurus. Choose a word from the list and click Replace. Repeat these steps for the four remaining words in the last Column.
- Go to or and choose Images. Type in your theme color and search for eight pictures that use your theme color.
- Copy and Paste each picture into one of the empty spaces on the table. Resize the pictures to make sure your table fits on one page.
- Click Edit/Select All. Change your font to whatever you want. Change the font size to whatever size you want. Change the color of your font to something can be seen easily on your theme color background shading.
- Click File/Save As. Save your document as YourNameColoredTables. (ie. LeslieColoredTables)
- Send your document to me using Gaggle.
/ / / Mauve