e-Learning Training Conference Call Agenda
December 2008
Are you aware of all LKQU training requirements for you and your staff? Are you and your staff in compliance? Do you know how to add new learners and run reports to manage your learners' performance?
These web / conference calls are designed for new and experienced LKQU Managers & Administrators and will discuss the latest updates and requirements for LKQU.The second half of the call will also include a full review and training of the administrative functions, including advanced reporting features for more efficient learner management.Please share this invitation to your management team and LKQU administrators.
· Housekeeping
o Please mute your phone unless you have any questions
o Please do not put your phone on hold, especially if your phone system has hold music
o One random winner will be selected from today’s top participants on this call. The winner will be notified via email and announced later this week on the manager’s page of www.lkqu.com! A 1GB LKQU thumb drive will be mailed to the winner at his/her company location!
· Your duties as a manger
o Ensure ALL of your employees are enrolled in LKQU
o Be aware of your learners listed in LKQU and whether their account information is complete
§ Make use of the Learner Upload Sheet to quickly ensure that new learners are added to the system and existing accounts are updated. NOTE! This process does not delete unwanted accounts!
§ Avoid duplicate accounts – not only do duplicate accounts create an unwanted cost for the company, but this also keeps the appearance of your compliance percentage low. Keep in mind that regional / district / higher managers will be reviewing your property reports and compliance percentages!
§ If learners are no longer with the company and there are no plans to re-hire the individual, their account should be deleted. Although there is no direct cost to your property – unneeded accounts do cost the company. NOTE! Once a learner is deleted from LKQU, their history can NOT be recovered.
o Ensure that learners are aware of what is expected of them and how they can access LKQU . Ensure that learners are taking ALL required courses.
§ Joe Holston will be looking at your compliance numbers at various times of the year! Are your employees taking the required courses?
§ Refer to the e-learning Matrix for required courses per job titles
§ Run reports to monitor your learner’s activities to ensure both compliance AND understanding
· Make use of the newly updated auto-generated report feature to simplify this process and be more efficient – if you do not know how to maximize these features for your benefit, please stick around for second half of the conference call.
o Discussion note: How we will make these management tasks easier on you in the future with automated features.
· Updates and reminders for important features and resources
o LKQU continues to be a free “all you can learn buffet” for everyone.
o Do you offer the right computer equipment for your learners? If not, do you have something in your 2009 budget? Will discuss further at the end of the call.
o Over 200 courses in multiple languages. To see a full list of courses that have been added in the past few months, visit either the “NEWs” page of www.lkqu.com or view the e-Learning Matrix for a full course listing.
o Updated with new features! The e-Learning Matrix contains all courses with supporting information which includes but is not limited to; available languages for each course, course requirements (who is required to take the courses and how often), The matrix now also includes easy to use AutoFilter features and also contains new course descriptions. Better manage course requirements!
o Many courses are available in Spanish and a growing number are now available in French Canadian. Use the new AutoFilter feature on these columns of the e-Learning Matrix to view the latest course lists in these languages.
o Mass Learner Upload template can be used to mass upload new learners as well as update existing ones. New contact info – send completed sheets to . New training staff member – Diane Lloyd will be assisting with these upload sheets.
o System Check Page located in various parts of LKQU and ePath
o Help Desk for learners who are having trouble logging in
§ or (860) 444-6989 Option 4
§ 8 am – 8 pm EST
§ NOTE: If computer or internet connection related, continue to contact your IT department, although the e-Learning Help Desk will assist as much as possible.
· Q&A and suggestions before second half of call / Management Training so we can excuse those who do not need the following training.
o LKQU Management Experts:
§ Share your concerns and suggestions.
§ Share what you specifically like.
§ Have any best practices to share with those that are experiencing problems? Best practices for ensuring that learners have completed required courses? Other LKQU success points?
· Brief tour of the learner interface
o Tour of www.lkqu.com learner tools
§ System check screen
§ Video that introduces learner to system
§ Log in link
o If a learner can not remember password or has any problems accessing LKQU, refer to: ePath eLearning Help Desk
§ or (860) 444-6989 Option 4
§ 8 am – 8 pm EST
§ NOTE: If computer or internet connection related, continue to contact your IT department, although the e-Learning Help Desk will assist as much as possible.
§ Learners can also obtain new passwords from log in screen if their login ID is their email address
o Tour of the ePath learner interface - available in English, Spanish, French Canadian and Simplified Chinese
o Each learner has their own personalized e-learning campus accessed with a log on (typically the learner’s email address) and password (generic password of welcome, then system asks them to change their password)
o Encourage learners to self-register for both required and optional courses that may interest them.
o Policies regarding hourly employees taking e-learning programs from home computers.
· Management/Administrative Features: Adding, editing, deleting users and running reports
o The following functions are outlined in the documentation located on the LKQ Manager’s page of www.lkqu.com. The manager’s log in link is also located on this page.
o If you or another manager/supervisor do not have an administrative / mgmt account, please email with the following information: full name, title, email address and all plant numbers that this individual oversees.
o Adding a learner – enroll an actual learner: requires manager volunteer
§ Add a new learner
§ Edit an existing learner
§ How to register learners into courses with or without optional mass email to newly registered learners. Mass registration can be used with existing spreadsheet of learners.
§ Printing completion certificates (certificates are optional!)
o Running Reports
§ Various available reports
· Special attention on course roster and course summary reports
§ How to save a report to run later on a regular basis
§ New - How to have a report automatically emailed to you on a regular basis (some of you may already be receiving monthly reports)
· Computer requirements
o The e-learning programs contain multimedia and require the correct hardware such as sound cards and headphones and also requires the correct software.
o The system check page will address software challenges that will allow the user to download needed software or give the correct information to the user needed in order to contact IT for software download assistance: http://www.epathlearning.com/LKQ/systemcheck/systemcheck.html
o If you do not have a computer at your property that meets the e-learning requirements request a new computer using the term "e-learning computer" through an email message sent to (for Keystone users) or create a start ticket (for LKQ users). A configuration has already been set with the vendor, and includes a desktop, monitor, and headsets. These new computers have been designed to keep costs down compared to other units while offering all of the components needed to meet the needs of the e-learning programs. Budget money for e-Learning computers should have been added to all property’s 2009 Budgets.
· Bandwidth requirements
o If there is a slow bandwidth issue, then review your current bandwidth, and request on increase to handle the additional load. Most locations have been upgraded to 256K, but if you are at a larger location you may need more. Learners have been experiencing challenges accessing some programs during “high peak” internet usage times. Low bandwidth properties will experience viewing problems with the e-learning courses.
· Q & A – These conference calls were designed with few participants to allow for your questions! Please be prepared to ask questions!