Thurrock Council

Community Environmental Development Fund (CEDF) application form for grants above £10,000

Thank you for your interest in the Community Environmental Development Fund (CEDF).

This form is for applications to receive grants of above £10,000 only.

Please refer to the guidance for applicants which accompanies this form.

This fund is intended to support projects that meet one of the following criteria:

  • improve street scene furniture in line with the government Manual for Streets
  • renew, improve or create a capital or fixed asset
  • improve the appearance of the borough

We understand there will be a variety of projects put forward. It is not expected that each project will be able to contribute to all of the priorities for the CEDF outlined in the supporting guidance.

Please complete each section in this form and supply as much information as you can to help us to assess your proposal. If a question is not relevant, please just state 'Not applicable' or 'N/A'.

Supporting information should be relevant to your submission and limited to 6 sides of A4 in total. This may include background or more detailed information on your group, your project or its benefits. Please include each of the items listed on the final page.

If more information is needed during the assessment process we may need to get in touch, so please provide up to date contact details for the lead applicant.

1.Title of project

The name by which you would like this project to be known:

2. Your organisation

About your organisation or group / Yes? / No?
Are you a registered charity?
Are you a formally constituted club or association, or an individual who can work with a constituted group?
Are you a private enterprise operating for or providing social benefits, such as a community shop?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above, please continue.

3. Applicantdetails

Lead organisation or group details

Name of organisation or group leading this application
Main activities of organisation or group
Registered Charity number, if applicable
VAT registration number, if applicable

Lead applicant details

Position of lead applicant in organisation or group
Phone number – home
Phone number – mobile
Email address

4. Grant priorities

Does your project cover at least one of the following grant priorities?

Grant priorities / Yes? / No?
Improve street scene furniture in line with the government Manual for Streets
Renew, improve or create a capital asset
Improve the appearance of the borough

If you answered 'yes' to at least one of the above, please continue.

5. Project information

This section will allow us to understand the nature of your project, how residents have helped to shape it and the difference it will make.

5.1 / Please provide a description of your project proposal – for example, repair of paths, hardening of verges
5.2 / Why is the project needed by the local community, and in what way will it be of benefit to the local community?
5.3 / Please confirm the project location including the postcode and a drawing or map with the area clearly marked in red
You may also wish to attach photos, maps, plans and other documents to help identify the location and the detail of your proposal
5.4 / Please provide details of any consultation or involvement you have completed with residents to inform or develop this proposal and the outcome from doing so:
Please highlight any other consultations or involvement of residents you are aware of that have influenced this proposal. Please state 'n/a' if applicable.
How will you continue to involve residents through the delivery of this project?
5.5 / Do you have the support of any stakeholders other than residents – for example, ward councillors, faith groups, schools or business? Please provide names
5.6 / Please provide details of any objections received by you or your organisation or group that are not in favour of this project.
Please state 'none' if this is the case.
Have any objections been resolved? If not, please provide details of the outstanding objection/s
5.7 / How does your project proposal meet at least one of the priorities set out at Q4?

6. Consent to proceed

We need to understand who owns the land or asset you wish to improve. It is the responsibility of the applicant to check they have consent for works. In order to get consent, you may need to gain a License to Alter or Planning Permission. Please consider these points when planning your budget and timetable for implementation.

If your application relates to land or assets owned by Thurrock Council, we will aim to support you in checking information before you submit your application.

6.1 / Who owns the land or asset you are seeking to improve?
6.2 / Do you have a formal lease in place? / Yes No
If so, who is this between?
How long remains on the lease?
Are you in arrears? / Yes No
Please provide an up-to-date copy of your lease, if one is in place.
6.3 / Have you sought the Landlord's permission for carrying out the improvement? / Yes No
If 'yes', at what stage is your request for permission, and what information has been requested from the Landlord?
If you hold a lease from the council, it is important that you obtain landlord's consent and begin your enquiries by contacting the council's Asset Management Team via , providing full details of the works proposed.
6.4 / Does your project require a Landlord's Licence for alternations? / Yes No Don't know
6.5 / Are you aware of any building regulations or statutory consents that need to be taken into consideration?
6.6 / Are you aware of any other planning, environmental, legal, land ownership or any other permissions or covenants that may affect your project?
If so, please provide details and attach any related documents.
For further guidance on projects that may need additional permissions please contact
6.7 / Will the project include works on adopted highway or land?
For further guidance contact
6.8 / The council is unable to fund ongoing maintenance implications arising from projects supported by the CEDF. With this in mind, how will residents maintain any improvements made once the project has been completed?
6.9 / What future relationship is envisaged between your group and the landowner?

7. Project outcomes

Please state where and how the following outcomes may be realised by your project proposal. Please state 'n/a' where appropriate.

7.1 / Improving the appearance of a neighbourhood.
7.2 / New community facilities created, or existing community facilities improved or enhanced.
Please indicate the number of people expected to access new or improved or enhanced community facilities.
7.3 / Increased community safety
7.4 / Number of residents benefiting from the project?
Will the project enable more or new communities to benefit?
7.5 / Number of residents volunteering?
Please indicate an estimate of the total volunteering hours.

8. Financial information

8.1 / Total project cost
8.2 / CEDF grant requested
8.3 / Community contribution – must be 10% minimum cash
8.4 / Other grant funding secured to deliver this project
8.5 / Other grant funding pending decision.
Please give details of decision timescales.
Other costs – please explain
8.6 / What will a CEDF grant be spent on?
Please provide a budget breakdown. This can be attached separately.
8.7 / What is the basis for the costs outlined?
You should provide copies of at least three quotes. If three quotes are not possible, please explain your rationale for estimating project costs.
8.8 / Does your organisation have a reserves policy? If so, please provide a copy / Yes No
8.9 / How do you intend to fund any project shortfall?
8.10 / Why does your organisation need additional funds to complete this project?
Existing organisations are asked to provide a copy of their latest accounts.
New organisations are asked to provide a projection over the next 12 months
8.11 / Have your accounts been independently audited? / Yes No
8.12 / If you do not receive this grant, how will this project be taken forward?

9. Key milestones

9.1 / Please provide an outline of key milestones and dates.
for example, "Milestone 1 – planning permission obtained"

10. Project management and monitoring

10.1 / Please describe your plans to manage this project and how you will monitor it through to completion.

11. Risk management

11.1 Please complete the following table to the best of your ability, highlighting any additional risks.

What are the key risks related to your project? / Likelihood of risk
(high/medium/low) / Impact of risk
(high/medium/low) / How will the risk be managed?
Delayed implementation
Inability to raise match funding
Inability to overcome objections, where applicable
Potential to disadvantage particular individuals, or have a negative impact on the local community or communities of interest
Difficulties managing the project and achieving key milestones
Potential for the project to become a financial liability for the applicant organisation or group
Potential for the project to become a financial liability for the council
Any additional risks?

12. Equality and diversity

12.1 / Please explain how the improved area or location will be open and accessible to all local residents

13. Declaration

I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information submitted in this form and the associated documents are correct. I understand that the information will be used in the process to assess my organisation's application and determine its eligibility to receive a CEDF grant.

I am signing on behalf of my organisation. I understand that Thurrock Council may reject this application form if there is a failure to satisfactorily respond to information requests, or if I provide false/misleading information.


Please return this form via:

  • email
  • post toCommunity Development and Equalities Team,
    Thurrock Council,Civic Offices,New Road,Grays,RM17 6SL
    Please ensure you obtain proof of postage

Submissions must be received no later than 25 May 2018.

Your personal information

We will use your information to provide the service requested. We may share your personal data between our services and with partner organisations, such as government bodies and the police. We will do so when it is of benefit to you, or required by law, or to prevent or detect fraud. To find out more, go to Get free internet access at libraries and community hubs.

Checklist for additional information

If applicable, please include the following information with your application:

Additional information / Included?
Copy of constitution
A map showing where the project will happen
Additional information detailing the project
Copy of lease if applicable
Evidence of consent where applicable
Evidence of covenants or restrictions where applicable
Budget breakdown
At least three quotes to verify project costs
Reserves policy