Precision Pipeline Solutions Environmental Health & Safety Manual

Precision Pipeline Solutions

Environmental, Health and Safety Manual

Revised March 19, 2010

Safety * Quality * Trust

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Responsibilities 1

Employee Acknowledgement 2

Updates 2

Safety Inspections 3

Use of Prohibited Drugs or Alcohol 3

Training 3

Aerial Lift Equipment 4

Asbestos Awareness 4

Bloodborne Pathogens 5

Chemical Safety and Handling 5

Clear Access 6

Close Call Procedure 7

Compressed Gas Cylinders 7

Confined Space Program 10

Electric Service Work 10

Environmental Sampling 10

Excavating and Trenching 11

Fire Protection and Prevention 13

Fish, Wildlife and Wetlands 14

General Housekeeping 15

Hand and Powered Tools 15

Hazard Communication Program 17

Heat Stress 20

Insulation Material (Non-Asbestos) 23

Job Briefings 23

Lead Management 23

Lockout/Tagout 24

Management of Change 24

Materials Handling 24

Medical Emergencies 25

Motor Vehicle Operation 25

Noise 27

Oil and Dielectric Fluid 27

Overhead/Elevated Work 27

PCB Management 29

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 30

Public Safety 32

Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries & Illnesses 32

Respiratory Protection 33

Rubber Gloves and Other Protective Equipment 34

Spill Management 35

Time Out Procedure 36

Traffic Control 36

Waste Management 36

Water Resources 37

Welding and Burning 37

Work on Gas Facilities 38

Precision Pipeline Solutions Environmental Health & Safety Manual


Precision Pipeline Solutions, LLC (PPS) has no higher priority than to ensure the safety and health of its employees, representatives, clients and the community. To this end, each individual has a responsibility to work safely and to promote continuous improvement of our safety performance.

Our vision is to achieve a total safety culture. To accomplish this, safety must be integrated into every aspect of our business. As such, we will:

·  Design safety into each job.

·  Work proactively to prevent injuries.

·  Immediately report close-calls/near misses, accidents, and injuries.

·  Thoroughly investigate incidents to identify hazards.

·  Openly share lessons learned to raise awareness for all employees.

·  Promptly correct hazards when identified.

·  Hold each other fully accountable for safe work conditions.

·  Actively seek guidance if safe actions are unclear.

This plan provides guidelines for all PPS employees to follow in an effort to ensure the safety and health of themselves, their co-workers, their clients and the community. PPS employees are expected to read, understand, and follow the information detailed in this plan as well as any site/job-specific safety plans that apply to the work they are performing. Disregarding safety rules jeopardizes the safety and well-being of us and our fellow employees. Therefore, PPS employees are accountable for following safe work practices at all times.

These guidelines cannot and shall not act as a substitute for sound judgment based upon knowledge and experience. They may not cover all situations that an employee may encounter. In such cases a manager, supervisor or an Environmental, Health & Safety Group representative should be contacted for guidance.

Approved by:

______/ ______/ ______
Jon Selander
President / John Vitale
Chief Operating Officer / Michael Rhodes

Safety is the responsibility of all PPS employees and its representatives. To achieve our goal of protecting our employees, representatives and the community everyone must work together. A listing of some of the safety responsibilities is as follows:

PPS Corporate Responsibilities

·  Provide employees with a safe and healthy work place.

·  Develop and implement health and safety guidelines.

·  Provide employees with appropriate tools and personal protective equipment (PPE).

·  Provide employees with all necessary training.

Environmental, Health & Safety Group Responsibilities

·  Update this plan as necessary.

·  Ensure that up-to-date copies of this manual are available to all employees.

·  Ensure that employees are given appropriate training.

·  Ensure PPS is in compliance with this plan and any other applicable safety rules and regulations.

Manager and Supervisor Responsibilities

·  Create and maintain a safe working environment.

·  Inform employees of potential workplace hazards for each assignment.

·  Ensure employee knowledge of and compliance with this plan and any other applicable safety rules and regulations.

·  Take immediate action to control hazardous conditions identified during work.

Employee Responsibilities

·  Understand and comply with this plan and any other applicable safety rules and regulations.

·  Know the location of all on-site safety equipment, emergency phone numbers and communication equipment.

·  Report all injuries and/or incidents immediately to your supervisor.

·  Report all unsafe practices and/or conditions to your supervisor.


At the time of employment, this entire EHASP shall be reviewed to the point of complete understanding by the employee. The employee will be required to sign an acknowledgement form stating that they thoroughly understand all aspects of this EHASP. The PPS EHASP shall be available to all employees and will remain on all PPS worksites at all times. In addition, a copy of the PPS EHASP will be available at all PPS office locations If at any point during the work shift the EHASP is not being implemented, work will stop until the issue is resolved.


The Environmental, Health & Safety Group will revise this plan as necessary. This could be due to new code requirements, a change in equipment and/or procedures or comments from the field. At a minimum this plan will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.

Upon completion of any revisions the Environmental, Health & Safety Group will ensure that employees are made aware of the changes and that an up-to-date copy of the plan is made available to them. In those situations where immediate changes are required, to account for the delay in making the changes and distributing the updated manual, affected employees will be made aware of the changes by their supervisor in the interim.


The Environmental, Health & Safety Group will perform periodic safety inspections. The purpose of these inspections is to evaluate performance with respect to compliance with this plan and any other applicable safety rules and regulations.

Employees observed violating this plan and/or any other applicable safety rules and regulations will be immediately informed of such violations and corrective and disciplinary actions will be implemented as necessary. Depending on the severity of the violation or continuous non-compliance, the individual(s) may be dismissed from working for PPS.

The results of these inspections will be documented and maintained by the Environmental, Health & Safety Group.


PPS expects its employees to report to work in a condition to perform their duties safely. Anyone who attempts to work under the influence of prohibited drugs or alcohol jeopardizes his/her own health and the safety and well being of his/her fellow employees and the general public. Additionally, there is a risk that facilities will be damaged impacting our ability to meet business and service obligations. Employees who fail to comply with this policy shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Refer to the PPS Drug and Alcohol Plan for more information.


·  Each employee will be instructed in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his/her work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.

·  Employees will be instructed on the proper use of tools, equipment and personnel protective equipment as needed.

·  Employees required to handle or use poisons, caustics, and other harmful substances will be instructed in the safe handling and use, and be made aware of the potential hazards, personal hygiene, and personal protective measures required.

·  Employees who may be exposed to harmful plants or animals will be instructed regarding the potential hazards, and how to avoid injury, and the first aid procedures to be used in the event of injury.

·  Employees required to handle or use flammable liquids, gases, or toxic materials will be instructed in the safe handling and use of these materials and be made aware of the specific safety requirements for them.

·  Employees required to enter into confined or enclosed spaces will be instructed as to the nature of the hazards involved, the necessary precautions to be taken, and in the use of required protective and emergency equipment.

·  Employees who work on natural gas systems will be trained on natural gas properties, hazards, control measures, emergency procedures and applicable work practices and procedures prior to performing work on gas systems or appliances.

·  The Environmental, Health & Safety Group and/or the respective business unit will document and maintain information related to safety training. This would include topics covered, materials used, tests and a list of attendees.


·  Prior t use, all employees will be trained in the use of fall protection equipment, body belts and the specific applications in their work area.

·  Extreme care should be taken to avoid contacting low voltage lines, neutrals, cables, guys, communications facilities, fire alarm systems or other pole plants.

·  Only personnel who have been trained and qualified in the proper care and use of a piece of aerial lift equipment shall operate such equipment in the elevated position.

·  Drivers of aerial lift equipment shall be constantly aware during all moves of the equipment that the vehicle has exposed equipment above the cab. Clearance heights and load limits will be posted on the dashboard or other conspicuous places.

·  The operator of any aerial lift equipment shall, before operating any control, satisfy himself/herself that nothing will restrict or jam the controls

·  Operation of the controls of the aerial lift equipment shall be by the employee in the elevated position, unless an emergency exists; however, is there is no one in the bucket the aerial lift can be operated from lower controls.

·  Buckets and platforms of personnel aerial lift equipment shall be used to support only employees, their tools and equipment within the limits established by the manufacturer.

·  Aerial equipment approved for the purpose shall be used to do other such work as hoisting, lifting and supporting but only within the safe load limits set by the manufacturer. Extreme caution shall be exercised to prevent the imposition of mechanical stresses exceeding the manufacturer’s rating. Such loads shall be attached to the boom in an approved manner and at an approved location. Approval in these matters is limited to the respective manager.

·  Employees working from aerial lift equipment shal enter or leave aerial baskets or platforms only when such equipment is properly cradled or at ground level, except in an emergency. Platforms shall not be moved from the cradled position until railings have been properly erected.

·  Extreme caution shall be exercised whenever it becomes necessary to extend a boom or platform over traffic lanes.



Asbestos had been used in hundreds of different types of insulation products and building materials. Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) can release asbestos fibers into the air if damaged. To minimize the release of fibers and the potential for exposure concerns, the handling and removal of ACM is highly regulated. Those employees who may come in contact with ACM during the normal course of their work shall be trained in accordance with that client’s requirements and shall be held to the specifications below. Training is not required for those employees who will not encounter ACM during their normal course of work.

·  Employees are required to ensure that ACM is not inadvertently contacted or disturbed.

·  Suspect ACM must be assumed to be ACM until results of sampling by a certified individual and analysis by a certified lab proves the material to be non-ACM.

·  If the client anticipates ACM to be encountered during the normal course of work, that client shall have an established Asbestos Management Program to control and manage ACM. Employees operations will adhere to this program.

·  Employees will comply with the local, state and federal regulations for ACM work.


Bloodborne pathogens (BBP) are pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Risks and Exposures:

·  A qualified employee gives First Aid and CPR to an individual who has infectious blood.

·  A possibility for an employee’s eyes, mucous membranes, non-intact skin (i.e., cut and abraded skin) to come into contact with potentially infectious materials from another employee.

·  Contact with infectious waste found at project sites, glassware, needles and other sharp objects that have been involved in injuries to personnel and are contaminated with blood or related bodily fluids.


·  Treat all potentially infectious material as if it were infected

·  Proper PPE must be used at all times when there is a chance for exposure to infectious materials.

·  Hand-washing facilities or products (antiseptic hand cleaner, etc.) must be readily available to all employees.

·  All infectious material must be placed in appropriate, labeled containers (sharps containers, biohazard bags, etc.) and disposed of properly.

·  All infected equipment and surfaces must be decontaminated with an appropriate disinfecting solution prior to re-use.

No exposure to blood borne pathogens (BBP) is expected during the normal course of work.


Federal and State laws require that specific procedures be followed to properly handle chemicals to protect workers and prevent spills. Refer to the Hazard Communication Program contained in this plan for additional information.

·  Copies of MSDS for all chemicals that may be utilized on a given job shall be present on said job-site.

·  Any chemical that has not been formally approved for use must first be reviewed and approved by PPS as well as the Company on whose property it will be used, prior to its use.

·  Equipment utilized to deliver or store hazardous chemicals must be in good condition and all required safety equipment must be operating properly. This includes, but is not limited to all deadman switches, safety valves, hoses, pumps, warning or signal lights, etc.