Saint Anselm Church

12670 Dunks Ferry Road

Philadelphia, PA 19154

Parish Center School

Phone 215-637-3525 215-632-1133

Fax 215-637-4915 215-632-3264

Parish Website:

School Website:



Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday 8:00; 10:00 AM; 12:00 Noon


8:30 AM (Monday thru Friday)

8:00 AM (Saturday)

Fifth Sunday of Easter

3 May 2015


Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Reverend Thomas J. Dunleavy.……………..Pastor.………………..ext. #11…………

Reverend David M. Friel.……………………Parochial Vicar……..ext. #14…………

Deacon Gerald J. Whartenby ………………Pastoral Associate…...ext. #12…………

Deacon Dennis P. Warner.…………………..Pastoral Associate…..ext. #17…………...deacon.warner@

Mrs. Geraldine Murphy……………………..Principal…………………………………

Mrs. Diane Leonetti..………………………..Director of Music……ext. #29…………...dleonetti@

Mr. Dennis Mueller..………………………...Religious Education…ext. #15…………..dmueller@

Mrs. Theresa Grillo..………………………...Business Manager..…ext. #13…………... tgrillo@

Mrs. Kathleen Zaremski..…………………...Parish Secretary…….ext. #16…………

Mrs. Joanne Jackson………………………..Receptionist………….ext. #10.…………..jjackson@

Mrs. Ronnie Harkins ……………………….Receptionist……...... ext. #10….……….rharkins@


Baptisms are every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Parents are asked to call the Parish Center and speak with the Priest or Deacon who is on call and who will assist them in registering their child for Baptism. The Church assists the parents by offering instruction on the meaning, importance, and responsibilities of the sacrament of Baptism. A Pre-Jordan Baptismal Program for helping parents prepare for the spiritual birth of their child is held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Spirituality Center following the Noon Mass.


Couples planning to marry are asked to contact a Parish priest to make arrangements for a wedding.


Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM


Rosary 8:00 AM Daily

6:30 PM Monday

Divine Mercy 3:00 PM Monday (Chapel)

Eucharistic Exposition 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Monday - Chapel

Benediction 6:50 PM Monday (Chapel)

Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Monday

Charismatic Prayer Mtg. 7:00 PM Tuesday

Miraculous Medal Novena 8:00 AM Mass Saturday

Honoring & Celebrating Mary

~~Our Mother of Consolation~~

The month of May is dedicated to Mary, our Blessed Mother. This year, we will honor Mary using her title, Our Mother of Consolation.

What is Consolation? Definition:

By definition, consolation is a person or action that consoles, comforts, and/or cheers up, especially when there has been a loss or disappointment. An understanding of the word comfort, succor, and encouragement can provide insight into an understanding of consolation.

Comfort means to give aid, encouragement. Comfort offers relief from distress or grief. Comfort lessens misery or grief by calming, cheering or inspiring with hope. Comfort creates a state of ease and relief from adversity.

Succor aides, helps, relieves, gives assistance in time of need.

To encourage is to give courage, hope, confidence; to help, to give support to.

Consolation in the Bible

“God’s consolation” is the descriptive term in the Bible which is used to describe the actions of God in coming to the aid of people who have experienced loss, disappointment, or oppression.

To console is to comfort, to cheer, to soothe, to ease, to bring hope. Consolation implies the lessening of grief by calming, cheering, inspiring with hope.

Jesus Christ is the consolation of God made flesh. In Jesus, we see and experience God consoling and helping people.

Jesus sent by God to help in hard/difficult times. Note the action of Jesus which comforts, soothes, eases, calms.

Mary - Mother of Consolation

Devotion to Mary under the title of Our Mother of Consolation dates back to the 2nd Century. Mary is venerated as “mother of consolation” or consoler of the afflicted. Through Mary, God sent Jesus to be the consolation of his people. Consoled by God so often throughout her life, Mary, in turn, is able to console all her children entrusted to her by Jesus. As our mother, Mary is a source of the Lord’s consolation for all in distress.

Mary, as Mother of Consolation, offering consolation, comfort, succor to those who experience loss, disappointment, oppression.

Artistic Expression of Our Mother of Consolation

The image of Our Mother of Consolation pictures Mary holding her infant son, Jesus. The colors and expression in the statue reflect the comfort, peace (calm), relief that God’s consolation causes in Mary and Jesus.

Note the crown on Mary. The crown is a symbol of victory. God’s consolation has enabled Mary to be victorious over the forces of fear, loss, disappointment, and oppression in her life. Mary’s firsthand experience of life humbly acknowledged her need for God’s grace of consolation. God graced her soul. We see the calm, peace, hope, freedom in her that God’s consolation made possible.


The statue of Our Mother of Consolation portrays Mary victorious, radiating peace, hope. As a mother holds her child close, so Mary, as our Mother, holds us and our concerns close. Mary prays that we will be open, like her, to allow God’s consolation to grace our lives. Mary prays that the spirit of calm, faith, and love that hovered over her life amidst life’s losses, disappointments, and oppresses will also be ours.


Dear Parishioners,

1st Holy Communion

This weekend, 76 children in our Parish received their first Holy Communion.

May the love, joy, and faith that are so alive within our children and their families at this time continue to grow and remain healthy and alive within them. May they always remain in communion with Jesus who will nourish, strengthen and energize a spirit of faith, hope, and love in them.

I am most grateful to all who helped prepare our children for their 1st Communion. I am grateful for the parents, guardians, teachers and catechists Mrs. Troutman, Mrs. Dunn, Mr. Argabright, Mrs. Carroll, and Mrs. Clark. Thank you, Mrs. Leonetti, for enabling our children to sing with such joy and love.

Special Appeal – Tuition Assistance

The 2015-2016 Budget for Saint Anselm School was presented to you in March. As noted, the budget is not balanced. There is a deficit of $24,000.

To eliminate the deficit and to balance the budget, we are having a special appeal asking 300 people to give $100 which will be used to subsidize school tuition. The generosity of these 300 people will keep the tuition rate for each of the 300 children in the school from being $100 more than it is. 300 people giving $100 each totals $30,000 which will eliminate the $24,000 deficit.

Before sending letters of appeal to individuals, I am asking all who read about this appeal to be one of the 300 people who contribute to this appeal. Checks may be made out to Saint Anselm Church. Please put your check in an envelope noting “Tuition Appeal” on it. Please place it in the collection basket or bring it to the Parish Center. Thank you.

Art Display – Saint Anselm School Students

On Wednesday evening, May 6th, at our Home and School meeting the art work of our school students will be displayed. All are welcome.

Ms. Bilotta, our Art Teacher, enables our students to be so creative and artistic. I am always fascinated with their work.

Mother’s Day Mass Intentions

All Masses on Mother’s Day will be offered for our mothers, living and deceased. On the tables with the bulletins, there are cards and envelopes for you to enroll your mother. Please use a large envelope for Mothers who are living and a small envelope for Mothers who are deceased.

Wedding Anniversaries

Invitations have been sent to married couples who are celebrating 65, 60, 55, 50, 25, years of marriage in 2015 to attend our annual Wedding Anniversary Mass and Breakfast on Sunday, May 17th. If you are celebrating one of these significant wedding anniversaries in 2015 and you did not receive an invitation, please call the Parish Center so we can update our records and send you an invitation.

God Bless you,

Father Dunleavy

Catholic Charities Appeal

Dear Friends,

As we prepare for the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal In-Pew Weekend on May 16th and 17th, I ask you to once again reflect on the importance of sharing your blessings with the least fortunate among us.

“If we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us” (1 John 4:12). What better way to live our Faith than showing love to those most in need? The In-Pew Weekend gives us the opportunity to come together as parish communities to support the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s single most important fundraising initiative, the Catholic Charities Appeal. To learn more, please visit

On May 16th and 17th, I ask you to prayerfully consider a gift to the 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal. If you have already shown your support, but are inspired to make an additional contribution during In-Pew Weekend, please accept my heartfelt appreciation. Together we can make sure there is a place at the table for those who have nowhere else to go.

For all you have done for the Catholic Charities Appeal in the past, I offer my deepest gratitude. You clearly saw the challenges that so many of our brothers and sisters faced every day, and you chose to extend yourselves to better their lives. I encourage you to support the Catholic Charities Appeal, motivated by love, to Give Hope to those who need it most.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput,

O.F.M. Cap.

Archbishop of Philadelphia


Mass Schedule

Sunday, May 3

8:00 AM Deceased Members of

Saint Anselm Memorial Society

10:00 AM John & Regina Kaczmarek r/b Family

12:00 PM People of Saint Anselm Parish

Monday, May 4

8:30 AM Kassy Giordina r/b Robert Dougherty

Tuesday, May 5

8:30 AM Catherine Zollner r/b Terry & Bill Clark

Wednesday, May 6

8:30 AM Edward Friel r/b The Connors Family

Thursday, May 7

8:30 AM Frances Belmonte r/b Edward Belmonte

Friday, May 8

8:30 AM Holy Family r/b Ralph Berarducci

Saturday, May 9

8:00 AM Martin V. Gallagher r/b His Dad

5:00 PM Mothers’ Day Intentions

Sunday, May 10

All Masses are celebrated for the Intentions of, and in memory of, Mothers named on our

Mother’s Day Envelopes

Sunday Collection – April 26, 2015

Envelopes $10,097.00

Loose $ 492.59

High School Students $ 27.00

Grade School Students $ 30.00

Total $10,646.59

Second Collection – April 26, 2015

Home Missions $ 1,382.00

Second Collection Today

Building & Grounds

Eucharistic Minister

If you are able to assist the priest with the distribution of Communion at the Ascension Thursday Masses, May 13th & 14th, please indicate your availability on the sign-up sheet in the Sacristy. Thank you.


Pray For Our Sick…

Lorraine Apice, wife of Edward Apice

Tom Barr, brother of Margie & Jerry Barr

Barbara Bersin, friend of Terry Caimi

John Carr, brother of Robert Carr

Loretta Chilton, wife of Jack Chilton

Joe Ciminara, friend of Pete DiGiuseppe

Margaret, Mark & Ralph Citrino

Debbie Collins, niece of Peg Brecker

Michael Cook, neighbor of Sharon Dluge

Emma Costello, great-granddaughter of Peg Cohan

Michael DiMauro, brother of Carmella Morris

Baby Josephine DiStephano, friend of John & Mary Icona

Tom Dobron, nephew of Andy & Jean Dobron

Jack Dockery, husband of Jackie Dockery

Joey Dougherty, brother of Debbie Peruso

Ralph Gariano, husband of Helene Gariano

Tom Gimble, friend of Ronnie Harkins

Nicki Goodwin, friend of Bill & Lauren Love

Donna Graham, wife of Joseph Graham

Carol Grimes, mother of Melissa Baker Moore

Gianna Harder, granddaughter of Kathy & Tony Jagielski

Teresa Holman, daughter of Mary & Dom Bucciarelli

Marlene Kelly, friend of Bill Fitzgerald

Colleen Klouser, friend of Dorothea Zukovsky

Leslie Kobzina, granddaughter of Eleanor Keeton

Ed Lafferty, husband of Peg Lafferty

Nicholas Lamina, son of Joseph & Carol Lamina

Jeanne McDonough, aunt of Ann Grippo

Marie Macready, mother of Joyce Macready

Erin Martin, granddaughter of Tom & Anita Murphy

Nora Mastyl, sister of Kathy Nice

Rick Mauro, husband of Cathy Mauro

Mickey Melnyk, wife of Joe Melnyk

Gerald Menard, brother of Marlene McDermott

Bonnie Oldham, sister of Mary Ellen Lowery

Judy O’Meara, relative of Joanne Callahan

Quinn Pacitti, grandson of Harry & Peg Brecker

Joe Pearce, husband of Judy Pearce

Al Penner, friend of Ronnie Harkins

Relatives of The Tarquin Pirolli Family

Vivian & Nancy Plantarich, friends of Staci McFadden

Ron Raby, husband of Marge Raby

Art Rausch, husband of Judy Rausch

Jeanne Robinson, friend of Bill & Lauren Love

Al Romagano, husband of Mary Romagano

Baby Lily Schingen, great-granddaughter

of John & Mary Iacona

Betty Beck Tierney, sister of Rita Vaxner

Lisa Valente, sister of Staci McFadden

Elizabeth Wahl, granddaughter of Terry Kumor

Richard Walsh, brother of John Walsh

Edward Woehlcke, husband of Donna Woehlcke

Richard Young, husband of Catherine Young

Helene Zisk, wife of Stan Zisk

Pray For Our Deceased…

David Goldberg, son of Nancy Goldberg

Armand Madrigale, father of David Madrigale

John Salnaitis, father of Stephen Salnaitis

Michael Torpey, husband of Ruth Torpey

Weekly Schedule

Sunday, May 3

Respect Life Sunday

9:00 AM SCRIP Sales – Parish Center

10:00AM Liturgy of the Word for Children (K-4)

12:00 PM Secular Franciscans – Spirituality Ctr.

1:00 PM World Youth Day Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr.

5:00 PM AA Meeting

Monday, May 4

9:00 AM Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament

3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet

6:30 PM Rosary & Benediction – Chapel

6:30 PM AA Meeting

7:00 PM Legion of Mary – Spirituality Center

7:00 PM Cub Scouts – Parish Hall

7:00 PM CYO Board Mtg. – OLV

7:30 PM Al Anon Meeting – Cares II Room

Tuesday, May 5

9:15 AM SCRIP Sales – Room A

2:30 PM Mass – Delaware Valley Veteran’s Home

6:45 PM CCD - Mary Celebration

7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr.

7:00 PM AA Meeting