Errata for

A Mathematical View of Our World

as of January 16, 2007

Many of the corrections are stylistic rather than mathematical. The most important corrections to the mathematical content are items 3 and 37. Boldface is sometimes used to point out changes.

1.  p. v Line 1 - Raymon should be Raymond

2.  p. 10 Line 3 in box - Close up d2 and d3.

3.  p. 14 The 3 lines above Problem 15 - Replace those lines with ‘The check digit is the number that when added to the weighted sum produces a multiple of 11. In the case when the number needed is a 10, the check digit is an “X”.’

4.  p. 14 Problem 17(b) - Change 17(b) to 1-88-342354-2

5.  p. 14 Problem 18(a) - Change 18(a) to 9-68-380983-8

6.  p. 14 Problem 19(a) - Change the ISBN in Problem 19(a) to 0-31-011608-4

7.  p. 14 Problem 20(a) - Change the ISBN in Problem 20(a) to 1-03-891448-6

8.  p. 22 Line 2 - Replace “1, 2, 3, . . .” by “0, 1, 2, . . .”

9.  p. 22 Line 23 - Put a minus sign in front of 51.2857142857

10.  p. 23 Line 4 - Replace “less than or equal to” by “strictly less than”

11.  p. 26 2 lines before the dingbat – Right paren in (23)100 is too small.

12.  p. 45 In Ex 1.21 some words need to be interchanged - … for the soup made by manufacturer 51000 with product number 01031. (They may not make this change, although this correction presents the numbers in the same order of the UPC bar above.)

13.  p. 46 - Dingbat needs to be moved to under Fig 1.19.

14.  p. 47 line 7 insert – “…raised dot – here we use a red dot. A cell ….”

15.  p. 49 4th line in the solution – first quad of numbers should be 0101.

16.  p. 53 In the problem statement for problem 39 and problem 40 - change “kilobits per section” to “kilobits per second”

17.  p. 56 In the Key Ideas and Questions list - the page numbers are not formatted consistently with other chapters. All page numbers listed should have “pg.” or “pgs.” before the page numbers. Also, hyphen were used rather than en dashes.

18.  p 78 In SOLUTION at bottom - “…The measures of the vertex …”

19.  p. 86 Line 7 – delete the comma after “Pottery”.

20.  p. 93 Fig 2.54 – the 90 should be -90.

21.  p. 94 4th line in box - …”directed angle ÐAOB is …”

22.  p. 98 Fig 2.62 – We should have dots at both ends of each of the patterns. See Fig 2.63.

23.  p. 110 In the second paragraph in the left-hand column - change “At each subsequent stage of the construction, every black…” to “At each subsequent stage of the construction every shaded…”

24.  p. 110 In problem 51(b) - change “black portion” to “shaded portion”.

25.  p. 116 Line -3 - There should be commas around bn.

26.  p. 132 - The square in the picture of the ear is too big. Fix the figure so the square looks just like the following figure.

27.  p. 169 - It seems to be better if we say “S receives 2” in line 2 of the solution.

28.  p. 175 Problem 13(d) - The period is missing at the end.

29.  p. 185 Box - Left justify the second ‘If”.

30.  p. 186 Line 3 of Ex 3.16 – “… 2 votes for Luxembourg, which had the smallest population, to 10 votes for the most populous countries, …”

31.  p. 201 - The header for this page should say, “Chapter 3 Review”. It should not say, “Chapter 3 Review Problems.”

32.  p. 249 Near the middle - the = 0.397 should be » 0.397, and twice = 53.095 should be » 53.095

33.  p. 255 Problem 37 - The figure for Problem 37 is MISSING! The artist was supposed to make generic versions of the following snacks with the markers as shown since we could not get permission to use the name brands.

34.  p. 256 Bottom line - 269–270 should be 269–273

35.  p. 280 - The figure of the candy bar in problem 29 needs a slight change. The candy bar should not look the same all the way along the bar. There must be something like nuts scattered on the top so that a person might prefer parts of the bar more than other parts of the bar.

36.  p. 281 - The header for this page should say, “Chapter 4 Review”. It should not say, “Chapter 4 Review Problems.”

37.  p. 291 Hamilton’s method - The claim that there will be a seat left over in Step 3 may be false if a seat is awarded to a state with a standard quota less than 1.

There is no simple fix for this. An expedient repair is to first award seats to states with standard quotas less than 1, then apportion the remaining seats among the remaining states.

The presence of small states may also make it impossible to satisfy both the quota rule and the requirement that every state receive at least one seat.

38.  p. 350 - Delete the dingbat at the bottom and place it on the line above the Soln of the IP on p. 352.

39.  p. 378 Figure 6.51(a) - The segment AB should not be thicker.

40.  p. 378 Last two lines - This should read “… are called Hamiltonian paths and the one in Figure 6.51 is also called a Hamiltonian circuit.”

41.  p. 384 The sentence before Example 6.19 - It should read “A typical problem related to complete weighted graphs is to find the Hamiltonian path or circuit of least cost for the graph.”

42.  p. 384 The sentences after Example 6.19 - They should read “Example 6.19 was an example of a problem involving a complete graph with four vertices. Next, we will solve a problem in which the complete graph has five vertices.”

43.  p. 410 Knust - run back ‘engineer ….’ in the middle of the page.

44.  p. 419 Second sentence in Ex 7.7 - Change to “The tasks involved in the project are shown in Table 7.5.”

45.  p. 453 Table 7.13 - Move ‘8 +’ to the right.

46.  p. 457 Line -4 - ‘… of a longer path within the table.’

47.  p.497 Problem #29 - There is a dot missing between 2001 and 2002 (where there is a slight bend in the line graph).

48.  p. 510 Figure 8.23 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

49.  p. 513 Problem 7 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

50.  p. 514 Problem 11 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

51.  p. 514 Problem 12 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

52.  p. 515 Problem 15 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

53.  p. 516 Problem 16 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

54.  p. 517 Problem 19 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

55.  p. 517 Problem 20 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

56.  p. 518 Problem 25 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

57.  p. 519 Problem 26 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

58.  p. 521 Problem 30 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

59.  p. 522 Problem 35 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

60.  p. 522 Problem 36 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

61.  p. 523 Problem 37 - The fonts in captions and scales need to be corrected.

62.  p527 Figure 8.25 - Date in the source for Figure 8.25 is wrong – it should say “Source: Salem Statesman Journal, October 23, 2003.” That was the date on the original newspaper graph.

63.  p. 531 Figure 8.33 - Remove the tick marks on the vertical axis in Figure 8.33

64.  p 551 Problem 24 - This problem should start, “Comment about how the use of the bird is misleading…”

65.  p. 552 - The arrow in the middle needs to have ‘Extended Problems’ in it.

66.  p. 598 Line 2 – We use the term asymmetric below and on the next page, but never define it. It may be too tough to squeeze it in, but after “…because the bar graph is symmetric. Add the sentence “If the bar graph is not symmetric, then the data distribution is said to be asymmetric.”

67.  p. 600 lines -5 to -3 - ‘… a bar graph or histogram like the one in Figure 9.14—just look for the tallest bar.’ Then delete the sentence ‘For example …physics exam.’

68.  p. 611 Table 9.11 - In Table 9.11, a negative sign is missing in the second row and middle column, it should say, “16 - 19 = -3”

69.  p. 638 - Move dingbat to under the table.

70.  p. 648 In Problem 33(a) - Delete “List the sample space and”. The problem should say, “Find P(A), …”

71.  p. 657 Line -3 - The G needs to be italic.

72.  p. 660 Fig 10.22 - Change “marbles” in Figure 10.22(a) to “balls”

73.  p. 675 Line 4 - The A and B need to be italic.

74.  p. 703 Fig 11.4 - This figure is not correct – the three areas are not equal as stated with the 0.2. Make the intervals between 192 and 222 and between 137 and 167 wider by 20%.

75.  p. 706 Figure 11.9 - Label the top axis in Figure 11.9 with a z and the bottom one with an x.

76.  p. 707 Table 11.1 - In the cell for a = 0.0 and b = 2.0, the value should be 0.4772, NOT 0.4773. Also, in the row for a = -2.0 and b = 0.0, the value should be 0.4772, NOT 0.4773. See the corresponding correct value in Table 11.3 on p.709.

77.  p.708 Table 11.2 - In the cell for a = 0.0 and b = 2.0, the value should be 0.4772, NOT 0.4773. Also, in the row for a = -2.0 and b = 0.0, the value should be 0.4772, NOT 0.4773. See the corresponding correct value in Table 11.3 on p.709.

78.  p. 709 Table 11.3 - In row 8 (not counting label row), column 6, the decimal is misplaced. The number should be 0.4974

79.  p. 710 Figure 11.13 - Change “z-axis” to just a “z”

80.  p. 712 Figure above Problem 7 - Replace the figure above Problem 7 with the following figure:

81.  p. 714 Problem #39(a) - Add the word “deviation” after the word “standard”.

82.  p. 716 In box - Label top axis with an x and bottom axis with a z.

83.  p. 756 Line -3 in SOLUTION - equal sign should be approximately equal, namely » 53,065.9541.

84.  p. 801 L -12 - Simple interest should be roman here.

85.  p. 802 L -6 and -5 - The plus sign is in a bad place. Change to “…total amount needed to … so the plus etc/ can be run back.

86.  p. 837 under POINTS AND …. - The word ‘points’ in the first sentence should be roman. The word ‘point’ in the third sentence should be boldface.

87.  p. 863 Problem 15 - Change the answers to problem 15 on page 863:

15. a. 6

b. 8

c. 1

d. 2

88.  p. 863 Problem 17(a) -

Change the answer to problem 17(a)

17. a. There are nine ways to correct the single-digit error. The corrected digit is underlined.










89.  864 Problem 17(b) - Change the answer to problem 17(a)

17 b. There are eight ways to correct the single-digit error. The corrected digit is underlined.









90.  864 Problem 19(a) -Change the answer to problem 19(a) on page 864:

19. a. 0-13-011608-4

91.  p. 896 Problem 1(a) - In the figure for Problem 1(a) of the Chapter 6 Review Problem answers, there is a red line segment missing from the figure. Add a segment connection from D to C.

92.  p. 923 Problem 19(a) of Chapter 9 Review Problems - In Column 1 of the answers, in Problem 19(a) the list of numbers after Class 1 has one error. It should say, “Class 1: 58, 69, 74, 82, 92”.

93.  p. 923 Problem 13 - The answer for problem 13 is not in the same format as the explanation in the text. Correct the figure and sample space as follows:

The sample space of the experiment is {(1, H), (2, H), (3, H), (4, H), (1, T), (2, T), (3, T), (4, T)}.

94.  p. 923 Problem 23(a) - The answer to Problem 23(a) should be .

95.  p. 927 Problem 15(a) - The answer for Problem 15(a) should be the reduced fraction .

96.  p. 931 Problem 5 of Section 12.1 - The answer for problem 5 of section 12.1 should say “5 years; 57,964”

97.  p. 931 Problem 17(d) of Section 12.1 - Part of the answer to Problem 17(d) for the Section 12.1 answers is missing. Correct the answer for 17(d) to say, “4096 E. coli, 4.7´1021 E. coli”

98.  p. 935 Problem 21(a) - In the answer to Problem 21(a) the number “136,000,000” should be “136,800,000”

99.  Back inside cover - There needs to be a letter P with an arrow atop the ‘p’ list and the P atop the ‘q’ list needs to be a Q.