25 Rumford Street

Waterbury Connecticut 06401

Team Inc.

30 Elizabeth Street

Derby Connecticut 06418

May 12, 2018

Documents To Be Submitted

  • Conflict of Interest Form
  • Site Visitation Statement
  • Certificate of Experience
  • Proposal
  • Bid Bond (For Proposals over $100,000.00 See General Conditions)

Note: Projects over $2,000.00 are subject to Davis Bacon Act including Prevailing Wage Requirements. See General Conditions.

A.1 GENERAL INFORMATION: The project involves the rehabilitation of the two stairways that connect the top floor to the main floor of the Slocum Child Care Center. They are identified as the North and South stairwells. The walls above the level of the unpainted brick tested positive for lead. The stairs and the window trim did not test positive for lead. The upper and lower ceilings in both stairwells have recently been installed.


A.1 SCOPE OF WORK:The quotation shall include all permits, labor, materials, equipment and items of work necessary to complete the improvements listed. The firm submitting a quotation is to visit the site and examine the areas to be addressed to have an understanding of the existing conditions. The work is to include but not be limited to:

Wall A (wall opposite stair) remove wood trim, clean and encapsulate with liquid. Wall B (stair wall) stucco base of wall, repair and encapsulate with liquid. Wall C The strip along the base of the wall above the stairs and over the bottom of the stair approximately 20 inches wide is to be rigidly encapsulated with 5/8 inch thick gypsum board. WallD Clean and encapsulate with liquid the section of wall above natural unpainted brick. New light fixtures are to be installed. Stairs (not including risers and treads) are to be cleaned and painted. Stair Railing on wall side of stairs is to be replaced. Exterior wall is to be cleaned and painted. Floor is to be patched and repaired, a leveling course applied and VC tile installed with a base molding. Window trim and wood casements are to be removed and replaced. Stair risers and treads are to be cleaned.


B.1 SCOPE OF WORK:The quotation shall include all permits, labor, materials, equipment and items of work necessary to complete the improvements listed. The firm submitting a quotation is to visit the site and examine the areas to be addressed to have an understanding of the existing conditions. The work is to include but not be limited to:

Rigidly encapsulate upper walls(walls above unpainted brick) and wall below stairs with 5/8 inch thick gypsum board; also, ornamental strip around base of wall above stairs. Stairs (not including risers and treads) are to be cleaned and painted. Stair Railing on wall side of stairs is to be replaced. Remove and replace subfloor, install underlayment and VC tile with a base molding. Clean and paint stairs. Window trim and wood casements are to be removed and replaced. Stair risers and treads are to be cleaned. Exterior wall is to be cleaned and painted. Install new light fixtures.

C.2 North Stairwell Floor:The existing concrete surface is to be patched and repaired with a Portland cement based mix to provide a base with structural integrity. A leveling course is to be used to prepare the surface for vinyl composite tile. Final surface is to be vinyl composition tile. A minimum of ten tiles are to be provided the Owner after the floor is completed.

C.3 South Stairwell Floor: The existing diagonal subfloor is to be removed and¾ inch thick plywood subfloor installed. An underlayment of ¼ inch thick plywood is to be installed and a vinyl composition surface installed. A minimum of ten tiles are to be provided the Owner after the floor is completed.

C.4 Floor Material: Exterior grade AC plywood is to be used for the subfloor and underlayment. The smooth sanded side must be free of knots and imperfections. Fasteners shall be a ring or screw shank nails, 4d with a minimum 12-1/2 gage shank diameter.

Tiles shall be 12 inches square and 0.125 inches thick. The surface shall be smooth and colors/pattern full depth. VOC content shall be 50g/L or less. Colors and pattern will be selected by Team Inc. The manufacturer must have been producing the product for a minimum of five years.

Water-resistant adhesive compatible with the tile and existing floor surface is to be used. Preference is to be given to products manufactured by tile manufacturer. VOC content is to be 50g/L or less.

Wall base shall be 4 inch 1/8 inch thick vinyl or rubber compatible with the floor tile used.

C.5 TileInstallation: Using principal walls establish center marks to establish a grid system. If it results in tile widths at sides being less than one-half of a tile width adjust grid system. Use tiles from the same carton to avoid differences in color. A full spread of adhesive is to be used to insure complete bonding of the tile to the floor. Tiles are to be cut neatly to fit tight against vertical surfaces and equipment that cannot be moved.

The manufacturer’s recommendations are to be followed during installation and final cleaning. The final surface must be smooth and free from blemishes, open joints or raising /puckering joints.

D.1 Liquid Encapsulation: Encapsulation maybe done using a brush, roller or spraying. The area is to be ventilated for 24 hours after encapsulation.

D.1.1Material: Products used must be on the State of Connecticut – Department of Public Health Registry of Authorized Encapsulant Products. It must be able to be applied with a brush or roller. It must be delivered to the site unopened and with the Material Safety Data Sheet.

D.1.2 Application: Application is to be in accordance with Connecticut Department of Health Regulation and Guidance documents and the manufacturer’s instructions. Wet film thickness must be monitored using a wet film (mil) gauge. Finished mil thickness is to be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation but not less than 7 mils. Contractor is to provide proof that product purchased and used is in compliance with the manufacturer’s coverage listed for square footage and film thickness.

D.1.3 Cleaning: All drips and spills are to be cleaned from adjacent surfaces. All tools equipment and material used are to be removed and disposed of off-site leaving the area clean and orderly.

E.1 Rigid Encapsulation:Rigid encapsulation is to be done using gypsum board mechanically fastened to the walls. Adhesive may not be used to fasten the gypsum board.

E.1.1 Gypsum Board Surface: Five eights inch thick Type X fire code gypsum board fastened to metal furring strips is to be installed to provide a new surface where required on existing walls. Intersection of ceiling and walls shall be caulked and 11/16 inch quarter round molding installed. The intersection of walls and floor shall be caulked.

E.1.2 Finish:All cracks, holes and similar imperfections shall be filled and sanded to provide a uniform smooth surface. Latex paint shall be used. A prime coat followed by a top coat shall be applied. Sanding between coats shall be done as necessary to remove blemishes.

Prime coat shall be institutional low odor VOC. It shall be MPI (Master Painting Institute) No. 149.Intermediate coat shall be latex low odor matching the topcoat. Top coat shall be MPI No. 143 (ceilings) institutional low odor.

F.1 Stairs: Stairs are to be thoroughly cleaned. Rust and existing paint is to be removed; the surface sanded and the stairs repainted. Apply two coats of rust inhibiting metal primer/undercoat that is specifically intended for the proposed use and is compatible with the topcoat. Allow drying time between coats as recommended by manufacturer but not less than four hours. Apply topcoat with brush or roller. Spraying may be done only when it can be accomplished without spraying adjacent surfaces and is not to be done without permission. A three coat latex institutional low odor system is to be used. The prime coat shall be a rust inhibitive water based product; MPI No. 107. Intermediate coat shall be institutional low odor; VOC and be compatible with top coat. Top coat shall be latex interior institutional low odor; VOC MPI No. 147.

G.1 Windows:The existing trim, molding, casings and stool are to be removed and replaced with materials providing a similar appearance.All wood is to be stained.

H.1 Lighting: Both stairwells will need two lights at the ceiling of the landing at the main floor level. The bidder is to include a cost of $1,200.00 to purchase the fixtures. The payment to the contractor will be adjusted based on the fixtures selected. The contractor will need to provide the Owner with a copy of the invoice containing the cost of the fixtures selected. The cost of installation and all other cost except for the fixtures is to be part of the contractor’s proposal for the project.

I.1 Natural Brick: Brick that will not be encapsulated with liquid encapsulant or covered with gypsum board, primarily the lower wall sections is to be cleaned thoroughly and a sealer applied. It shall be an acrylic sealer with a minimum of 15 percent solids. Two coats are to be applied using a brush or roller.

J.1Time for Completion: All work is to be completed within 24 calendar days from the initiation of the agreement.

K.1 Agreement: The agreement is included so the contractor is aware of the agreement that will be used if he is selected for the project. It does not need to be signed when the quotation is submitted.






Brief Description

Quotation for all work necessary for the rehabilitation of the stairwells at the north end and south end of the Slocum Child Care Center at 25 Rumford Street, Waterbury Connecticut including all permits, testing and approvals. Prices entered below include all work required and necessary for a complete installation.

Lump Sum Price for rehabilitation of stairwell at north end of building. $______

Lump Sum Price for rehabilitation of stairwell at south end of building $______

Total price for all work to complete project $______

(Total of prices above)

Submitted By______Date: ______

Name of Firm





THIS AGREEMENT made on this the______day of ______in the year two thousand and eighteen

BY AND BETWEEN Team Inc. 30 Elizabeth Street, Derby Connecticut hereinafter called the Owner

AND ______hereinafter called the Contractor.

WITNESSETH: that the Owner and Contractor undertake and agree as follows:


The Contractor shall perform all work required by the Contract Documents, Rehabilitation of Stairwells Slocum Child Care Center, 25 Rumford Street, Waterbury Connecticut in accordance with documents listed below.

Complete and fulfil everything indicated by this Agreement.

Commence work at a date determined by the Owner and prosecute the work continuously until complete.


General Conditions Construction Projects in Connecticut, Slocum Building, 25 Rumford Street, Waterbury Connecticut, August 8, 2017

Request For Quotation Rehabilitation of Stairwells, Slocum Child Care Center, 25 Rumford Street, Waterbury Connecticut, May 12, 2018


Prior to construction the following documents shall be submitted and approved as required by General Conditions and Request for Quotation:

Performance Bond and Certificate of Insurance


The Contract Price is $______. Which price maybe adjusted by provisions of and in accordance with the General Conditions, Request For Proposal and issued and completed Change Orders.


Subject to applicable legislation the Owner shall make payments for approved work in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions dated August 8, 2017.


The General Conditions of the Contract and all other Contract Documents are to form part of this Agreement and the Whole constitute the Contract between the parties and subject to law shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties whereof the parties hereto have executed the agreement by the hands of their proper officers hereunto duly authorized.


______signed signed

______name and title name and title

______date date


Illustrative Floor Plan

Plan North Stairwell

Plan South Stairwell

Connecticut Department of Public Health Application and Maintenance of Liquid Encapsulants

Connecticut Department of Public Health Registry of Authorized Encapsulant Products