To Your Health,August 2007
Dear Friends,
I have just arrived in Portland, my new home/office!Which is why this newsletter is so late!So, it is now August, ahhhhh, the leaves are turning, and I have still not unpacked my books!!!(It may be awhile!).
In this newsletter, I turn my attention to:water, honey bees and enzyme tidbits.And to my daughter’s first born, due any moment now!
To Your Health,
Lita Lee
“You can begin right now to feel healthy.You can begin to feel prosperous.You can begin to feel the love that's surrounding you, even if it's not there.And what will happen is the Universe will correspond to the nature of your song.The Universe will correspond to the nature of that inner feeling and manifest, because that's the way you feel.” -- Rev. Michael Beckwith in The Secret
Hello Lita,
I wanted to thank you for your informational consultation yesterday.It was really wonderful.I appreciate what people like you do.You offer a more genuine approach to good health.I took my temperature last night (I love the thermometer I purchased from you) and it was 97.5.) I took my temp. this morning and it was 97.9.I am keeping track of this, but I am certain that my thyroid has not been working as it should.So, the reason for my email today is to say that I am already feeling better.I have more energy today.I slept like a baby last night, even with my annoying cat who loves for me to keep his up all night schedule with him!I swear my eyes are even functioning better today; it may be the good night’s sleep that I got that has helped this too.I will keep you posted.I know this is exactly what I needed!
Eugene, OR
Hi Lita,
Thanks forthinking of me.I just wanted to write and tell you how well I am doing with a regular life now.Well I shouldn't say "regular."It is a bit enlightened with all my newfound knowledge and the incredible experiences that I've attracted into my life.It is a whole new world for me now.Before, I wasn't sure what path I was on, or even that I was on a "path" for that matter. Things were ordinary. I had health problems, financial problems, and really felt in a rut.I only knew the route that my parents had shown me. In the past couple months a whole new world has opened up to me. One that has allowed me to take responsibility for where I wish to go in life. No more rut.A world where I know for certain there are guides and angels.That we are never alone.There is an afterlife.That we are all connected.That there is so much more out there.At 29, I feel so blessed to have attracted these new realizations into my life. I am trying to live in the present and be open to love and trust.It truly is a whole new world for me.
Much Gratitude,
Redwood City, CA
Bottled Water: Pure Drink or Pure Hype?
Bottled water, a $22-billion industry, is the fastest growing beverage industry in the world. Close to half of the U.S. population drinks bottled water on a regular basis, despite the fact that it can be up to 1,000 times more expensive than the tap water.Worldwide consumption of bottled water has increased by nearly 60 percent to 41 billion gallons in 2004. We are on track toward more than 50 billion gallons this year.With bottled water sales rising rapidly-- U.S. sales rose 11.5 percent in 2001 to reach close to $6.5 billion-- environmental and consumer groups are asking: is bottled water really a better option than purified tap water?
Bottled Water Is Unsustainable andFar More Costly Than Tap Water
Bottled water may be no safer, or healthier, than tap water in many countries, while selling for up to 1,000 times the price.And according to Friends of Water, bottled water is far less healthy than tap water filtered to remove fluoride and chlorine.
A study commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund found the "bottled water market is partly fueled by concerns over the safety of municipal water and by the marketing of many brands which portray them as being healthier than tap water." Bottled water salesrise because people are worried about pollution. "Our attitudes toward tap water are being shaped by the pollution which is choking the rivers and streams," said Richard Holland, World Wildlife Fund.Buying bottled water is "not a long term sustainable solution to securing access to healthy water.Protecting rivers will help ensure that tap water remains a service which delivers good quality drinking water for everyone at a fair price."
Source: , who sells reasonable water purification systems including fluoride, which cannot be removed by a carbon filter.
Is Bottled Water Pure?
About one-quarter of U.S. bottled water comes from a municipal water source (e.g., tap water). The industry maintains that no illness outbreaks have ever been linked to U.S. bottled water. However, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) conducted a study of 103 brands of bottled water (over 1,000 bottles were tested in all) and found that one-third contained synthetic organic chemicals and bacteria.Additionally, the bottled water is stored in potentially dangerous types of plastic.
Contamination of Bottled Water is Common
The largest case of contamination was in the United Kingdom in 2004, when Dasani was introduced to the United Kingdom. One half-million bottles of Dasani water were found to be contaminated, causing illness among consumers. This is indicative of the lack of controls and monitoring ofbottled water.In the United States, several communities have had bottling plants take a lot of water from their groundwater.In Michigan the water level of one of their streams is declining because of the massive amount that Nestle was taking from their water.
It’s a more critical issue in other countries where water scarcity is a real problem, such as India, where Coca-Cola and Pepsi have depleted community water supplies and farmers have been unable to grow their crops. There have been many communities, such as Bolivia, where water supplies have been privatized and sold back to the people at exorbitant prices -- water that was previously free. In some communities, people have taken to the streets in protest and got the private companies to leave.
Is There an Environmental Toll?
Yes! The plastic bottlesin whichbottled water is typically sold are made of plastic polyethylene terephthalate(PET). The manufacture of these bottles can release phathalates into the environment, which have been found to cause birth defects in animals.With the price of gasoline rising faster than nearly everyone's paycheck, it has become painfully obvious how much it costs to transport water over long distances. Not only are there wasteful costs in transporting this water, but enormous amounts of energy are used to created the bottles that store this 50 billion gallons of water.
The Recycle Myth
The International Bottled Water Association says that the bottles are recyclable and are reused up to 100 times before being made into other products.However, most people do not recycle their bottles. Each day an estimated 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown away and not recycled. The Pacific Institute has estimated 20 million barrels of oil are used each year to make the plastic for water bottles.
The Bottled Water Lie: As Soft Drink Giant Admits Product is Tap Water, New Scrutiny Falls on the Economic and Environmental Costs of a Billion Dollar Industry
The soft drink giant Pepsi has been forced to make an embarrassing admission – its best-selling Aquafina bottled water is nothing more than tap water. Last week Pepsi agreed to change the labels of Aquafina to indicate that the water comes from a public water source. Pepsi agreed to change its label under pressure from the advocacy group Corporate Accountability International, which has been leading an increasingly successful campaign against bottled water.
The environmental impact of the country’s obsession with bottled water has been staggering. Economically it makes sense to stop buying bottled water as well. The Arizona Daily Star recently examined the cost difference between bottled water and water from the city’s municipal supply. A half liter of Pepsi’s Aquafina at a Tucson convenience store costs one dollar and thirty nine cents. The bottle contains purified water from the Tucson water supply. From the tap, you can pour over six point four gallons for a penny. That makes the bottled stuff about 7,000 times more expensive, even though Aquafina is using the same source of water.
As well, Coke's Dasani comes from our public water systems.Nestle owns several dozen brands of bottled water. The bottled water brand they source from our public water systems is called Nestle Pure Life. They also own Poland Spring, Ozarka and Arrowhead. The list goes on. And regionally, it's distributed across the country.Hopefully Coke and Nestle will follow Pepsi’s admission with their own.
Purify Your Tap Water and Don’t Use Plastic Bottles
I recommend using stainless steel containers to carry your water – just like the ones people use to carry coffee.Or glass containers when you aren’t traveling widely.It would be best to avoid using all disposable plastic bottles. Water delivered to your home in reusable five-gallon jugs is not as big an energy hog.But the best solution is to PURIFY your tap water and there are several excellent water purification systems available. Visit learn about excellent and reasonable water purification systems, including those that remove fluoride that cannot be removed by carbon filters.However, there is no way to remove fluoride from your tub or shower in spite of what you may have heard.
Fluoride Removal Filters for Your Sink, NOT Your Shower or Tub
To date, no matter what you have heard, there is NO water filter that will remove fluoride from your shower or tub, although many whole house filter companies will tell you they work.The most common filter which removes fluoride is activated alumina.If you have bought such a filter, perhaps you should have your shower water checked for fluoride after a month or several months.The comments below are from Tim Hickey of Friends of Water.
“The story on a whole-house activated alumina filter which will remove fluoride from the shower is that if someone has the problem and must find a solution, it will probably be cheaper for them to quit their job, sell their house, and move to an unfluoridated area.Based on the numbers for flow, etc., the cost of getting started would be about $7,000.However, the alumina would typically be used up at such a rate that it would have to be replaced every month and half for the typical household.To replace it every time would cost about $4000 or $4500.
People should at least stop drinking fluoride and the carcinogen chlorine.A great kitchen filter to remove chlorine, fluorides, arsenic, iron, organics, etc. can be had for about $300 and the media doesn’t need to be replaced for a year.That’s less than most spend on bottled water in a year.”
Tim Hickey
Nutritional Support for Bloating, Abdominal Gas and General Digestive Discomfort
This is a big problem for many people which is why I offer you these natural solutions.Normally a multiple digestive enzyme will correct bloating and flatulence, but some people need extra help.Here it is.
- Multiple Digestive Enzyme as determined by the Loomis 24-Hour Urinalysis – Thera-zymes PAN, Stm, Bil, HCL, DGST, VSCLR.
- Thera-zyme BDG (bowel distention gas) for bloating, distention and gas, take 2 caps as needed to relieve.
- Charcoal Caps, from health food stores may also provide help for reducing intestinal gas.
Happy Colon Nutrition
Colon problems are also very common and there are many natural therapies for them.Here are some of mine.
- Constipation:LgI (large intestine), 2 caps 1, 2 or 3x/d.Use only as needed.If there is constipation with a hard, dry stool, add up to one tbsp ofSmI (small intestine), 1-2x/d (stir in water or shake in a glass jar). Challenge Caps can be added if all else fails.Be sure to correct structural problems with chiropractic therapy if you have them.Thera-zyme Para is excellent for low back (lumbo-sacral) problems.Thera-zyme Sym is indicated for nutritional support in people who may have upper cervical (neck) problems which can cause many symptoms, including constipation.
- Diarrhea or loose stools, multiple bowel movements: IrB, 2 -4 caps 3x/d as needed. NOTE:If diarrhea occurs because of antibiotics, SmI (small intestine) is indicated.
- Diarrhea alternating with Constipation: SmI (small intestine), up to 1 tbsp in water in the am and the pm in water, away from food.
- New Zealand Colostrum (Caps or Powder) is a whole body nutritional support food for the immune system, the colon, the skin, etc. Follow the directions on the label.Use the powder if you like smoothies.
- Thyroid glandular therapy(hormonal balancing) has a profound effect on the entire body, including the colon.(Articles:Hypothyroidism; Thyroid Myths; Thyroid Resistance; The Pro-Thyroid diet; Colon Problems.)
The disappearance of honeybees started around November 2006 and has spread across the United States with similar collapses reported in Brazil, Canada and parts of Europe, including Germany.A study released in October 2006 by the National Research Council indicates a "demonstrably downward" trend in populations of birds, bats, and other pollinating species in addition to the honeybees.
Dire Predictions Coming True from Albert Einstein and Rudolf Steiner:
As far back as 2005, Albert Einstein said: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."Mysterious recent events have suddenly made Einstein's apocalyptic vision seem all the more topical. Bee populations throughout Germany are disappearing. But the situation is different in the United States, where bees are dying in such dramatic numbers that the economic consequences could soon be dire.Millions of honeybees have simply vanished. In most cases, all that's left in the hives are the doomed offspring. But dead bees are nowhere to be found - neither in nor anywhere close to the hives.In many cases, scientists have found evidence of almost all known bee viruses in the few surviving bees found in the hives after most have disappeared. Some had five or six infections at the same time and were infested with fungi -- a sign, experts say, that the insects' immune system may have collapsed. Reprinted in OCA:COLLAPSING COLONIES; Are GM Crops Killing Bees? By Gunther Latsch ; SPIEGEL ONLINE, March 22, 2007
In 1923, Rudolf Steiner, predicted in that if humanity continued to cultivate the honeybees by artificial means, we would, within eighty years, witness the mass disappearance of the bees.That time has come.
Rudolf Steiner, in his series of lectures entitled "The Bees," gave numerous indications to portray the intricate nature of the honeybee community.Steiner warned against both meddling with the natural process of hive society and artificially manipulation of queen bees.
The following list of ways humanity is known to interfere with the natural process of bee life:
- The raising of larva in separate quarters, arbitrary feeding of royal jelly to produce queens, then shipping by post to keepers.
- Selection of bee populations for docility, de-selecting for aggression.In contrast to the normal 5 or 6-year life span of a queen is, "re-queening" after one or two years.
- The grafting of queens
- Moving larva to artificial cups, then cages for transport.
- Supplanting guard bees with protective measures of humans.
- Keeping hives hyper clean, to reduce production of "nuisance" propolis.
- Providing ready-made combs in place of bee-constructed combs, to save work (production time) for the bees.In a similar vein, supplying sheets of wax, so bees don't have to gather and secret their own wax.
- Use of ventilators so the bees don't have to tend this.
- Use of queen excluders to prevent eggs being laid in inconvenient areas of the hive.Moving of hives over long distances at the will of human intention.
- Clipping of queens' wings.
- Agricultural practices consisting of monocultures that wreak havoc on honeybee diets, limiting options once the dominant crop is no longer flowering.(Add to this genetically modified crops to which bees are very sensitive).
Source:Bees, 8 lectures by Rudolf Steiner