Lesson 1: Introduction and Planning:

Introduction: 15 mins

See powerpoint presentation.

Explanation of the project and its outcome: explain that there will be a presentation.

Assigning groups.

There should be a class discussion on the structure of a project; eg questionnaire to collect information presenting the results, evaluating, implementing new ideas.

Class discussion on different types of sampling, random etc. and how big a sample size should be.


10 mins:

As a class discuss the different types of questions, eg tick boxes, yes/no.

Discuss the different places that you could find information.

(List of websites useful to find information: using Google, virgin, 02, vodaphone, orange, T-Mobile. Carphone warehouse, phones4u.)

To find information on tariffs and prices of different phones.

(support = ICT work: Data already collected and entered into a spreadsheet, on tariffs and different phones.

Extension = ICT work: allow them to explore different websites and see what information they can find.).

15 mins:

In groups create a variety of different questions that could be used in a questionnaire, then as a class decide on the most important ones.

(support = Example of different questions you could ask. Eg colour, make size

Extension = Bring in ideas of tariffs, texts and minutes, web access, mps options, data cards).

5 mins:

Decide as a class/group the different ways that we could gather this information: eg maths lessons, form classes, assembly, lunchtimes, library, playground.

In their groups decide the day, where and at what time they will collect their data.

Write final questionnaire which should contain 5 – 10 questions.


Start discussing what needs to happen next lesson, start diary journal about what they have achieved this lesson and were they need to be by the next lesson (also homework task if necessary).

Homework can include use of ICT to research tariffs, or gather different data.