Monday, September 25, 2017
Parent Attendees: Patty Bartlett (Co-Chair), Melanie Gibson (Co-Chair), Catherine Ip, Kirsten Dunne, Stacy Marcynuk, SeemaAdmad, Jacquie Danker, Melissa Barron, ShymaSunderaswara, Bo Cao, Steve Dryburgh, Jackie Robbins, Eric Robbins, Lucie Zima, Crystal McRobert, Jane Gauvreau
Staff Members: Greg Pearson (Principal), Shannon Matthews (Teacher), Colleen Crane (Teacher)
Student Member (2017/18): Joshua Danker
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Greg welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:07pm.
REVIEW OF MINUTES: Minutes from May 15, 2017. Motion to accept by Jane Gauvreau. Seconded by Seema Ahmad. Minutes approved.
STUDENT’S ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL UPDATE: Joshua Danker – Public Relations Officer. Josh introduced himself as the new PR person and gave a brief overview of SAC goals and purpose as well as recent events hosted by SAC.
As the new principal, Greg introduced himself and presented an overview on his Educational Beliefs and background. Greg provided event updates as follows;
Applewood Heights Events
Pre-registration/Cashless Schools - 93% adoption rate
Newcomer Orientation event
International student program - 108
Terry fox Event, best turnout ever, over $2500 raised (1200, 1500, 1750, 1850)
Spanish club bbq - great event - sold out of items on friday, student agency
Applewood Heights Updates
Enrollment - Exceed our target we are at 1174.
1 new position, (six sections) - Potential new teacher in building on October 2
Tennis Courts
New xcrossfit training room
Possible elevator/washrooms
Looking at field and track
Eqao math - up
o10% in applied - 54% - 64%. Board 39% and 44% province.
o8% Academic - 73% - 781%. Board 83% and 84% province
Bomb Threat drill
#AHSSproud -
Parent Survey -
Upcoming dates:
Sept 27 - Lockdown drill
Sept 29 - Mock Lit test
Oct 5 - Grade 9 parents Night
Oct 5 - World teacher’s day
Oct 5 - Annual Awards Ceremony
Oct 6 - PL Day
Oct 12 - Progress reports
Oct 20 - Principal’s reception
Oct 27 - Early Release day
2017-2018 School Council
Greg reviewed the role of School Council and presented the 3 nominees who had submitted their names for positions on the 2017/18 term. Melanie Gibson and Catherine Ip accepted the position of Co-Chair and SeemaAdmad were all voted in as voting members.
Chair’s Report
Melanie Gibson acknowledged Patty Bartlett as the outgoing Co-Chair and thanked her for her years of service as Chair and Co-Chair. The 2016/17 Annual Report was circulated for approval and would be submitted to the Board accordingly.
Melanie provided an update on the parent event Careers of the Future tentatively scheduled for Thursday, November 2nd. The speakers that were being considered just advised they were not available on this date, so possible other dates in November would be considered along with other speaker suggestions.
The next meeting would involve a discussion on the Planning/To Do List for potential Council activities and Melanie asked for further input at that time.
Melanie asked if those present would be interested in attending the annual social event to give parents a chance to get to know eacher other in a more relaxed setting. Previously an evening out at a restaurant over a meal has been well received. Melanie would circulate some dates following the meeting to see if there was enough interest.
The meeting was concluded at 8:40pm.
School Council Meeting Dates for 2017/2018
- 5 Meetings
- Monday, September 25, 2017
- Monday, November 6, 2017
- Monday, January 22, 2018
- Monday, March 19, 2018
- Monday, May 14, 2018
Minutes Prepared by Melanie Gibson, School Council Co-Chair.