PRESENTMr. Fraser( chair ) Mrs S, Palmer,MR M. Ing, Mrs HILL, Mr. S. Pashley,Mrs Childs& Mrs Taylor.
14.Apologies for absence.
Mrs. L. Yates.
15.Question time.
There was one member of the public present.
16. Declaration’s of Interest.
There were no declarations of interest.
17.Adoption of Minutes
It was proposed by Mr. Pashley seconded by Mrs Hill that the minutes of the meeting held onTuesday 5th January 2016be accepted. All were in agreement.
18.Matters arising.
Request for NCC to attend our Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 10th May 2016. No reply as yet.
19. Village Hall.
It was once again agreed that we should contact builders for the Village Hall.
20. Planning
The Council has received a letter from BDC Planning.
Ref No 14/00239/ENF.The Old Coach House. The appeal against the refusal to grant planning permission for the retention of the residential portacabin and associated fixtures has now been dismissed.
The requirements of the enforcement notice must now be carried ot within 9 calendar months. The new compliance date is now 22nd September 2016
21.Playing field.
There were no matters to discus.
22. Highways.
Mrs Yates to be contacted about lack of reply from highways for our Annual Meeting.
It was suggested we plant some flowers at both ends of the village for the Queen’s birthday.
All in agreement.
23. Correspondence.
Bassetlaw has informed the council that there will be an election on Thursday 5th May for the Police & Crime Commissioner they have booked the Village Hall for this date.
There should also be the Referendum date not known but could take place June or September 2016.
24. Financial statement January 2016.
Current account at the end of January£3789.92
Nottingham Building Society at 31/03/15£10.775.01
Accounts to pay January 2016
B.D.C. Village Hall rates£9.00
Village Hall gas.£40.78
Village Hall electric.£40.78
NAVACH subs 2016/2017£50.00
NALC subs 2016/2017£69.90
Ye Olde Bell ½ cost for defibrillator £499.50
Mr Ing carbon monoxide alarm£12.95
Mrs Ford hall cleaner£20.00
Total payments£751.91
Receipts for January 2016
Barnby Moor Line Dancing£48.00
Mr Rothwell£54.00
Fly ball£30.00
Grant from Mrs Taylor BDC£200.00
Total receipt£332.00
It was proposed by Mr Fraser and seconded by Mr Ing that the financial statement be accepted, all in agreement.
It was proposed by Mr Pashley and seconded by Mr Ing that the Precept for 2016 2017 £3144.00 be accepted, all in agreement.
It was proposed by Mr Ing and seconded by Mr Pashley that the estimated budget for 2016 2017 be accepted.
Expenditure £5284.00
Income £6024.
All in agreement.
25.Village matters
It was agreed the council should ask other contractors to give us estimates for grass cutting also for insurance quotes.
Pat testing and boiler service to be done.
26.Date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 10th March 2016.
Chairman...... Date......