August 16, 2011

Chairperson, Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau called the meeting to order at 10:18 a.m. at the Mid-State Special Education Office in Morrisonville, Illinois.


Ms. Ann Chandler, Morrisonville; Dr. Gregg Fuerstenau, Taylorville; Ms. Patty Wood, Edinburg; Dr. David Lett, Pana; Mr. Scott Doerr, Nokomis; Mr. Jeff Strieker, Bond County; Mr. Rich Well, Vandalia; Mr. Mike Kelly, Carlinville; Ms. Connie Woods, Panhandle; Mr. David Powell, Hillsboro; Mr. Chad Allison, Litchfield.




Mr. Bob Pritchett, South Fork; Mr. Mike Gauch, Mulberry Grove; Mr. Doug Slover, Brownstown; Ms. Deb Philpot, St. Elmo; Ms. Melissa Ritter, Ramsey;


Ms. Alison Boutcher, Director; Brenda Patrick, Assistant Director Christian Region; Ms. Angie Armour, Assistant Director Montgomery Co./Carlinville Region; Ms. Crystal Lawler, Assistant Director Bond/Fayette Region; and Ms. Tammy Hadley, Secretary/Recorder.


Presented for review and approval:

·  Regular Session Minutes from June 14, 2011.

·  Recommendation for destruction of Executive Session audio recordings older than 18 months (January 26, 2010).

·  Semi-annual consideration of executive session minutes – Ms. Boutcher recommended the closed session minutes from February 22, 2011, March 22, 2011, and June 14, 2011, remain closed as they deal with the Director’s contract and staff salaries.

·  Payables lists – June totaling $199,361.72; July totaling $101,002.67, and August totaling $434,748.22.

·  Statement of Position – as of June 30, 2011, the fund balance for MSSE was $91,541.54, and as of July 31, 2011, the fund balance was $1,003,441.96.

·  Receipts vs. Expenditures – Ms. Boutcher presented the June receipts vs. expenditures reports for June and July.

·  Ms. Boutcher also explained that the FY11 IDEA grants were extended to August 31, 2011, to allow for the July expenses involving the remodeling work.

Motion to approve all items on the consent agenda: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Allison. Roll call yielded 12 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.


FY12 Administrative Go-Forward – Ms. Boutcher provided an update including some of last year’s accomplishments and items to be included in this year’s action plan. The Go-Forward meeting was held at Erin’s Pavilion. The facility is located in the new Southwind Park in Springfield and is completely accessible. The administrative staff was provided a tour of the facility and park.

Ms. Boutcher also shared a large article printed in the Hillsboro Journal regarding the opening of Cornerstone Academy in Nokomis.

FY12 MSSE Central Calendar – Ms. Boutcher provided a calendar of the MSSE Central office closings.

MSSE Personnel List – Ms. Boutcher provided a listing of MSSE Central staff assignments.


FY12 MSSE and Consolidated Budget Revisions – Ms. Boutcher provided budget revisions and updated IDEA final allocations.

·  Revisions to the FY12 MSSE Budget include:

o  Additional $4,000 to materials

o  New personnel adjustments

o  6% TRS salary excess cost for Joyce Carman

o  Moved some OT expenses from IDEA Preschool to IDEA Part B Flow-Through

o  SLP and OT services for Cornerstone Academy – any outside districts will be billed for these services.

·  Revisions to the FY12 Consolidated Budget include:

o  Bond/Fayette Region – federal revenue adjustment

o  Christian Region – cost billing adjustment

o  Montgomery Co./Carlinville Region – staff salary adjustments

Motion to approve FY12 Proposed MSSE Central Budget Revisions: Mr. Allison; second, Mr. Well. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.

Motion to approve FY12 Proposed MSSE Consolidated Budget Revisions: Mr. Kelly; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.


Resignation – Ms. Boutcher presented a letter of resignation from clerical employee in the Bond/Fayette Region office, Karen Downs, effective August 12, 2011.

Motion to accept letter of resignation as recommended: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Strieker. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Employment of Staff – Ms. Boutcher recommended the following for employment:

·  Randi Riemann, Transition Specialist for Christian Region effective with the 2011-2012 school year.

·  Elizabeth Howley, School Social Worker for Christian Region effective with the 2011-2012 school year.

·  Sarah Clark, clerical employee for the Bond/Fayette Region effective August 15, 2011.

·  Additionally, Melanie Jesse will be completing her School Social Work internship this school year with MSSE under the supervision of Katie Glenn in Christian Region. This is an unpaid internship, so no board action is necessary.

Motion to approve the employment of Randi Riemann, Elizabeth Howley, and Sarah Clark as recommended: Mr. Slover; second, Mr. Powell. Roll call yielded 11 yeas, 0 nays. Motion carried.

Leave Request – Ms. Boutcher presented a request for maternity leave from Amanda Cunningham, psychologist in the Montgomery Co./Carlinville Region. Ms. Cunningham’s anticipated leave is from September 26, 2011 through November 4, 2011. She will use accumulated sick days to cover her leave.

Vendor Contract – Ms. Boutcher presented two proposals for a one time purge and a routine shredding service, one from Shredz, and one from Cintas. Ms. Boutcher recommended accepting the proposal from Cintas and requesting a one-year contract. The cost for the purge will be $100 for the first 65-gallon container, and $25 for each additional container. We anticipate the total cost of the purge to be $550. The cost for the routine service will be $45.95 for two containers to be picked up and shredded monthly. This schedule may be adjusted to more or less frequency as needed.

Motion to approve the proposal from Cintas for a one-time purge and a one-year contract for a routine shredding service as recommended: Mr. Powell; second, Mr. Strieker. Roll call yielded 10 yeas, 1 nay. Motion carried.

Appointment of FY12 Policy and Finance Committees – Ms. Boutcher asked for volunteers to serve on the FY12 Finance and Policy Committees. The FY12 committee members are:

·  Finance Committee: Alison Boutcher, Gregg Fuerstenau, Rich Well, David Powell, and Ann Chandler.

·  Policy Committee: Alison Boutcher, Gregg Fuerstenau, Chad Allison, Jeff Strieker, and Patty Wood.

First Reading of Policy Revisions – Ms. Boutcher presented board policies for a first reading:

The following policies are due for a 5-year review. They have not been changed by IASB:

·  1:20 Organization

·  1:30 Cooperative Philosophy

·  3:30 Line and Staff Relations

·  5:170 Copyright

The following policies have recommended revisions/updates:

·  5:132 Internet/E-mail Usage Policy

·  5:132-E Exhibit – Authorization for Internet Access

·  6:235 Access to Electronic Networks

·  2:10 Joint Agreement Governance

The following policy is new:

·  5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct

Motion to accept first reading of policies: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Allison. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.


The next monthly meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 10:15 a.m. at the Mid-State Central Office in Morrisonville.


Motion to adjourn at 11:03 a.m.: Mr. Well; second, Mr. Doerr. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Mrs. Tammy Hadley, Recorder

Chairperson Date

Secretary Date

MSSE Minutes 2011.08.16