Affiliated with the British Horse SocietyIrving House

Web: 73-75 Mackie Road, Email: MULGRAVE.Vic 3170

ABN 95 090 080 265 Tel: 0390987079


Patron:National President:

Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Mrs. Carol Paterson

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of AustraliaTel: 0428 531 359National Secretary: Mrs Judith Pitt 07 4653 1359

Tel: 0428 593591/0363 96 6191



LexingtonKentucky - July 2014

Expressions of interest are being called from financial members of Pony Clubs in Australia to compete at an International level in the Annual Quiz Competition held in Canada and the USA.

Pony Club Australia Inc. has been invited to send a team of 4 quiz competitors aged 16 years and under 26 years to the United States Pony Club Festival at Kentucky Horse Park, Lexington, Kentucky. The Pony Club Australia team will consist of a team manager, 2 x C efficiency certificateand 2 x A/B efficiency certificate competitors. The PCA Quiz team will compete against teams from Canada and the US Pony Clubs.

The US Pony Club Festival is their National Championships and runs from 14th – 21st July 2014. This event is held every three years and is a huge, with all disciplines and States coming together to compete over the week.

A word to the wise... Pony Club members who participate in Quiz somehow seem to do very well in testing. Studying for Quiz has that carryover. Quizzes are staged to test a Pony Clubber's theoretical knowledge of horsemanship and of various Pony Club activities.

In Pony Club Quiz, members compete as teams, without horses or ponies. Quiz tests knowledge, not skills. The Quiz has three parts: a written test, which each competitor does independently; a visual test where competitors identify strange... obscure... or unusual objects of a horsy nature by sight, again individually; and an oral test which may be done either individually or as a team (each team gets to confer before answering). Each individual's scores go toward his/her team's total.

If you are interested in competing in the international quiz, you will need to have a current passport and to be selected as the PCA team representatives,you would need to be in the top two C certificate or the top two A/B certificate competitors from an open book quiz test.

Quiz team members will be expected to pay the costs involved in travelling to and from Lexington, a simple uniform requirement and some additional travelling costs – meals and accommodation depending on flights etc. Accommodation with a family at Lexington has already been secured for the time of the Festival. The cost is likely to be around $4000 per competitor.

Nominations on the Quiz Entry Form must be submitted to Pony Club Australia Inc. through your State Office by 30th January 2014.

Acknowledging the financial support of the Australian Sports commission