Special Educational Needs Information Report
Type of School / Mainstream Primary School – Local Authority MaintainedAccessibility / Fully wheelchair accessible:
- Main Office Entrance
- Staff Carpark Entrance
- Key Stage 2 playground
- Year 5 and 6 classrooms
Core Offer / Support in learning / An SEND teacher allocated to support children with SEND e.g. ASC, Global Developmental Delay, SEMH, SLCN
SEND teacher allocated to support children in 1:1 and small groups in reading and writing.
HLTA and two Reading Recovery Teacher supporting children with specific learning difficulties with reading, writing and comprehension.
Three Teaching Assistants and a teacher trained to support children with Speech and Language programmes (Reception to Year 6)
Three Learning Mentors trained to support children with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs.
Procedure / There are planned activities for pupils with SEND when transferring between phases and for some pupils from one year to another.Children with high needs have two transition books, one to take home and one to keep at school.
The transition book contains photographs of their new class teacher, new TAs, lunch time staff, classroom, and other areas so that parents and their current teachers can have regular discussions with the children during the summer holiday.
Policies / The following policies are published on the school website with more information on support arrangement for pupils with SEND:
Special EducationalNeeds Policy
Behaviour Policy
Range of Provision
Provision Map for Cognition & Learning
Provision Map for Physical Impairment
Provision Map for Social Emotional & Mental Health
Provision Map for Speech Language & Communication Needs / The learning provision that we offer has three graduated stages:
Wave 1: A range of teaching strategies and resources are used to deliver Quality First Teaching for all pupils.
Wave 2: Small group support to improve pupils learning for those who find it difficult to learn effectively in a large group or require a group catch up intervention.
Wave 3: Targeted supported/intervention or physical activities delivered by trained staff to meet pupils’ individual, specific needs following the guidance from the external specialists e.g. Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist.
Please click on the attached provision map on the left to see the intervention in each level. These levels of support are organised to meet each individual’s learning needs.
Assess Plan Do Review
Pupils Engagement / All pupils with SEND are involved in the SEND termly and ECHP annual review process. Annual reviews are carried out using in collaboration with the child, parents/carers, teachers, SENCo and outside agencies.
At the end of each year children with SEND complete an annual review booklet/questionnaire about what they like and dislike at school and which approaches to learning works for them.
Support / Liaison / Parents
External Agencies / The following events are on offer:
- SENCo’s/Inclusion Manager always available to discuss any concerns or queries that parents may have.
- Individual targets are set for children with high needs every term and at annual review meetings with the SENCo and class teacher
- Individual consultation and support from external agencies are given to carry out follow up activities with children at home and at school
- Common Assessment Framework consultation meetings – through individual appointments with specific trained staff
- Staff present in the playground to listen, offer advice and support parents for any concerns they may have.
- Maths workshop for parents of children in Year 4, 5 &6.
- Parents evening – termly
- SATS meetings Year 2 and 6 Spring Term
- End of Year Celebration Evening
We have many external agencies working with us to support our pupils with specific assessments, setting targets, writing reports and programmes so that school can deliver support.
Please click on the attached document on the left to view the names of the specialist who is working with the school this year.
Facilities for pupils with SEND / Equipment / We have two fully accessible toilets on site.
There are some specific equipment e.g. writing slopes, pencil grips, sensory equipment in a designated sensory room and soft play facilities within a safe environment.
To assist pupils with their writing, we have Communication in Print/Widget, individual laptops and iPads etc.
Staff / SENCos and support staff are assigned to work with high needs SEND pupils providing one to one support and some small group support.
Individual staff members are trained in using Makaton sign language, delivering social skills, speech and language therapy sessions, behaviour management and anger management activities and developing pupils independency using TEACCH approach for some specific pupils.
Weekly counselling sessions available with a trained member of staff.
SEND Offer from the LA / Please click on the link below to see the Local Offer from Barking and Dagenham for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disability.
LBBD Local Offer
Designated person / Mrs Carla Robinson – Assistant Head and Inclusion Lead
Mrs Deepti Chauhan – SENCo
Ms Aine Delaney - SENCo
Contact number: 0203 727 5171
Available to meet with parents:
-Through appointments via main office
-On school ground before and after school
Published Date / September 2017
Review Date / September 2018