Agenda Item
Opening and welcome by the Chair / Time: 7:02pm
Chair: Amanda Roughan
Present / Sue Seymour, Rachel Hughes, Jodie Cannell, Amanda Roughan, Tania Coleman, Jon Case, Cassie Buchanan, Craig Bacchi, Ross Jardine
Apologies / Jodie Dull, Toni Reiser, Regina Graham
Business arising from the minutes of the previous general meeting /
- Waiting to hear back from Bendigo Bank re: Grant application
Correspondence received since the previous general meeting Inward (as listed)
Outward (as listed) / Correspondence: (as tabled)
Motion: That the inward and outward correspondence tabled be recorded as read.
Moved: Sue SeymourSeconded: Jodie Cannell
Business arising from the correspondence /
- Sue to unsubscribe to Renark emails
Confirmation of executive committee’s decisions (if any)
Treasurer’s report and financial statement, and any business arising from these. / Treasurer’s report: Presented by Rachel Hughes
Motion: That the treasurer’s report tabled be recorded as a true and accurate record of income and expenditure and the outstanding invoices be ratified.
Moved:Rachel Hughes Seconded:Tania Coleman
Rachel to update budget vs actual to present each month.
Subcommittees’ reports and financial statements and any business arising from these. /
- Uniform shop
-Amanda to take uniform examples to Prep orientation night
-Jodie Cannell to talk to Nikki about contacting Uniform supplier asking for latest order date
Other reports
This will include the Principal’s Report / Principal’s report (as tabled)
Jon to email Sue the Principal’s report.
Fundraising report N/A
Uniform shop report N/A
Chaplaincy report N/A
Sue to attach reports to the minutes for uploading onto the website.
General Business /
- Sue to check with Andrea Cowley (Maher) re: cake for Year 6 dinner
- Ross presented information about changing our sporting district from Metropolitan West to Darling Downs District (see attached documentation)
Moved: Ross Jardine Seconded: Tania Coleman
Vote: Unanimous Yes
- Ross presented the School Wide Behaviour Matrix for P&C members to review over the next month and provide ideas and suggestions at next meeting (see attached – Sue to attach the Matrix to minutes for absent members) Homework for all members – please review!
- Tuckshop – Meal Deal this Thursday. P&C support the concept of weekly Meal Deals for Term 4. Amanda to put a note in the newsletter to request volunteers for each fortnights (on alternate fortnights to Toni and Regina).Thank you to Toni Reiser and Regina Graham for instigating the Meal Deals for Term 4.
- Barefoot bowls day – Jodie Dull is the organiser. 10:30am 2/12/17. Dress up, Teams of 4, $10/person, Auction, etc. Thanks to Jodie for organising. P&C support the raffle of an alcohol barrel/trolley. P&C to donate trolley and ask for donations of alcohol. Jon to look into the responsible service of alcohol during a P&C fundraiser with children present.
- Jon dealing with the decision of Lego purchase. Sue to talk to Jon about developing a form for teacher requests from P&C.
- Treasurers to work on 2018 budget to forward to school for decision making on the best use of P&C funds. School can make requests to P&C to compliment school’s priority needs.
Applications for membership and recording of new members
Date of next meeting / 13.11.17
Close / 8:52pm
President’s signature
Principal’s signature