Bristol Penguin Olympic SC
Mid Distanceand Sprint Club Championships
Sunday1stOctober – Horfield Leisure Centre. 10am to 4pm. Register 9.30am
Friday 6thOctober – Easton Leisure Centre. 7 to 9pm. Register 6.30pm
Saturday 7th October – Easton Leisure Centre. 6 to 9pm. Register 5.30pm
Age on 7th October (last day of club championships)
25m races for children aged 7 to 9 only, except butterfly where there are additional 25m races for 10 and 11 year olds.
Age categories on 50m events: 10yrs & under, 11/12yrs, 13/14yrs, 15/16yrs, 17yrs & over.
100m events – 11 and under, 12s, 13s, 14s, 15/16 and 17 and over
200m events – 12 and under and 13 and over
Mums and Dads 25m freestyle – go on give it a go!
If we get lots of entries for the 100s and 200s, we will make additional categories.
Medals presented on the night for top 3 finishes in each age group.
Club Championship certificates with swimmers’ times will be awarded so swimmers focus on their own personal swimming journey and get to know their race times / personal best and targets.
Trophies for winners of each event – to be presented at the Christmas party – date TBC but hopefully Friday 15th December. This will be at the Rose Green Centre, BS5 7DR 7 to 11pm with presentations at 7.45pm.
As a general guide, all swim academy swimmers from Stage 5 / 6 upwards can enter the 25m metre races. All swimmers from about Stage 7/ Development 1 can enter the 50m races. Development 1/2 upwards should be ready to enter the 100 and less tricky 200m races although see your child’s swimming coach to see if there are any events which swimmers are not yet ready for (such as the fly).
This is an informal and relaxed event.Please do enter as many different to make the most of the club championship weekend. For example:
- It is the ideal opportunity to have a go at new events, especially the 100 and 200m events before trying them in a more formal open meet.
- Although you may think you do know, you may not know your best event(s) and if you are more suited to sprinting or longer distance races. So, have a go at the 100s and 200s!
- Parents’ race – come on, it’s only 25m! The swimmers love to see you swim. There’s medals and certificates for you as well!
- Masters swimmers – would be great to see more swimmers in the 17+ races this year.
Please volunteer – see entry form. We needlots of people to make these events happen.
Closing date for entries is 23:59 on Friday 22nd September 2017. No late entries will be accepted. No entries without payment will be accepted.
How to enter
Complete the form and pay!Cost: £2 per event. Max cost is £16. So after eight events it’s free!
Entry to the viewing gallery per session be £1 per person. Raffle – 50p per strip.
Prizes for the raffle welcome – hand into the desk at Easton LC.
Programme of Events
Sunday 1stOctober 2017 – Horfield Leisure Centre 10 to 4pm
Session One
Register 9.30pm
Warm up:10 to 10.20am
Start of races10.30am
Event 1Girls 200m Freestyle
Event 2 Boys 200m Freestyle
Event 3Girls25m Freestyle
Event 4Boys 25m Freestyle
Event 5Girls 200m Breaststroke
Event 6Boys200m Breaststroke
Event 7Girls 25m Breaststroke
Event 8Boys 25m Breaststroke
Event 9Mums 25m Freestyle
Event 10Dads25m Freestyle
Event 11Girls 100m Butterfly
Event 12Boys 100m Butterfly
Lunch break from 12 to 12.30pm.
Session Two
Register12pm (if arriving for Session Two only)
Warm up 12.30 to 12.50pm
Start of races1pm
Event 13Girls 200m Backstroke
Event 14Boys 200m Backstroke
Event 15Girls 50mBreaststroke
Event 16Boys50m Breaststroke
Event 17Girls 100m IM
Event 18Boys 100m IM
Event 19Girls 50m Butterfly
Event 20Boys50m Butterfly
Friday 6th October 2016 – Easton Leisure Centre
Register 6.30pm
Warm up7 to 7.15pm
Start of races7.20pm
Event 21Girls 200m IM
Event 22Boys 200m IM
Event 23Girls 50m Backstroke
Event 24 Boys 50m Backstroke
Event 25Girls 100m Freestyle
Event 26Boys 100m Freestyle
Saturday 7th October – Easton Leisure Centre
Register 5.30pm
Warm up6 to 6.20pm
Start of races6.30pm
Event 27Girls 25m Backstroke
Event 28Boys 25m Backstroke
Event 29Girls 100m Breaststroke
Event 30Boys 100m Breaststroke
Event 31Girls 25m Butterfly
Event 32Boys 25m Butterfly
Event 33Girls 100m Backstroke
Event 34Boys 100m Backstroke
Event 35Girls 50m Freestyle
Event 36Boys 50m Freestyle
Event 37Girls 200m Butterfly
Event 38Boys 200m Butterfly
Bristol Penguin Olympic SC
Club Championships
Individual Entry Form
Sunday 1st October 17. 10am to 4pm. Register 9.30am
Closing date for entries is 23:59 on Friday 22nd September 2017.
No late entries will be accepted. No entries without payment will be accepted.
Please submit the hard copy form with payment and hand into the Penguin desk at Easton Leisure Centre or hand to Polly Mullen at the Swim Academy in a labelled envelope (some available on the desk at Easton).Or scan in / photo and email to nd remember to pay online.
Name:……………………………………………. Male / Female DoB:………………….Age @7/10/2017:…………
Entry time can be gained by looking up PBs on website. blank if unsure or if you haven’t done the event before.
We need LOTS of volunteers. Please could you kindly tick if you are willing and able to help.
Name of volunteer______
Recording desk Medals desk Writing certificates Official
Timekeeper Race marshal Door / drinks
Prizes for the raffle welcome. Hand into the Penguin desk at Easton LC.
Swimmers in competitive squads - swim LOTS of events over different strokes/distances.
Event / Entry Time / Tick to enterSession 1- Sunday1st October 17 (Horfield LC 10 to 12pm)
200m Freestyle(About Development 2 up)
25m Freestyle (7 and under to 9s – about Stage 5 upwards)
200m Breaststroke (About Development 3 up)
25m Breaststroke(8 and under to 9s – about Stage6 upwards)
25m Mums and Dads Race (come on, say yes!!) / Name ______
100m Butterfly (About Development 3 up)
Session 2- Sunday 1st October 17 (Horfield LC 12.30 to 4pm)
200m Backstroke (About Development 3 up)
50m Breaststroke (About Stage 7 up)
100m Individual Medley (About Development 1 up)
50m Butterfly (About Development 2 up)
Total Cost @ £2 per event (max cost across whole of club champs is £16) / £
Max £16
Bristol Penguin Olympic SC
Club Championships
Individual Entry Form
Friday 6th October 17 – Easton Leisure Centre. 7 to 9pm. Register 6.30pm
Saturday 7th October 17 – Easton Leisure Centre. 6 to 9pm. Register 5.30pm
Closing date for entries is 23:59 on Friday 22nd September 2017. No late entries will be accepted. No entries without payment will be accepted.
Please submit the hard copy form with payment and hand into the Penguin desk at Easton Leisure Centre or hand to Polly Mullen at the Swim Academy in a labelled envelope (some available on the desk at Easton).Or scan in / photo and email to nd remember to pay online.
Name:……………………………………………. Male / Female DoB:………………….Age @7/10/2017:…………
Entry time can be gained by looking up PBs on website. Leave blank if unsure or if you haven’t done the event before.
We need LOTS of volunteers. Please could you kindly tick if you are willing and able to help.
Name of volunteer______
Recording desk Medals desk Writing certificates Official
Timekeeper Race marshal Door / drinks
Prizes for the raffle welcome. Hand into the Penguin desk at Easton LC.
Swimmers in competitive squads – swim LOTS of events over different strokes/distances.
Event / Entry Time / Tick to enterSession ThreeFriday 6th October 17 (Easton LC 7 to 9pm)
200m Individual Medley (About Bronze Development up)
50m Backstroke(About Stage 7 up)
100m Freestyle (About Development 1 up)
Session Four Saturday 7th October 17 (Easton LC 7 to 9pm)
25m Backstroke (About Stage 5 up)
100m Breaststroke (About Development 2 up)
25m Butterfly (9 and under to 11s – about Stage 7 up)
100m Backstroke (About Development 1 up)
50m Freestyle (From about Stage 6 up)
200m Butterfly (Bronze and Youth 1 and 2 Squads)
Total Cost @ £2 per event(max cost across whole of club champs is £16) / £
Max £16
Total cost of entry for Sunday 1st Oct, Friday 6th October and Saturday 7th October ______
Payment method (please tick)
Cash Cheque On-linetransferCheque payable to ‘BPOSC’
______On-line transfer reference (Initial and surname + BPCC)e.g. M Phelps BPCC