Cop Lane, Penwortham, Preston, Lancashire PR1 9AE
Tel: (01772) 743131
Headteacher: Miss P Carter BA (Hons) PGCE NPQH
This term’s value is; SERVICE. Based on 1 Corinthians 12:5
Extra-curricular activities 16/17
Staff / Activity + Year groups / When (in the week) / When (in the year)Mrs Ball / Art Club Y4/5 / Wed 3.15-4.15 / Half Terms 4/5
Mr Costas-Walker / Football Y5/ Y6 / Thurs 3.15-4.15 / Half Terms 1/4
Mrs Hicks / Book club Y2/3 / Thurs 3.15-4.00 / Half Terms 1/2
Mrs Hicks/Mrs Chamberlain / Country dancing Y2/3 / Thurs 3.15-4.00 / Half Terms 4/5
Mrs James/Mrs Parker/Mrs Bradley / Netball Y5/6 / Mon 3.15-4.00 training
(Matches Tues, see separate details) / Half Terms 1/4.
Mrs Lowe / Science club Y1/2 / Thurs 3.15-4.00 / Half Term 3/4
Miss Levett / *Cross country Y5/6 / Thurs lunch / Half Term 1/2
Mrs Dears / Gymnastics Y1/2
Gymnastics Rec/Y1 / Mon 3.15-4.00 / Half Terms 1/2
Half Terms 3/4
Mrs Hodgson / Maths Club Y6 / Wed lunch time / All Year
Mrs Barnes / We love to read / Thurs lunch YR/1 + Y6 / Start 10th Nov then all Year
*Please note change - due to logistics of lunch time - Cross Country is for Years 5 and 6 only.
Marathon Man!
We are very proud of our Y4 Teacher Mr Costas-Walker who took part in the Great North Run last Sunday and finished in 2 hours! Next April ’17 Mr Costas- Walker will be running the London Marathon for St. Catherine’s Hospice. Well done Mr CW! What a super star!
Parents’ Information Evening Tuesday 18th October
Please come along from 6pm to view your child’s books at our information evening which will be held on Tuesday 18th October from 6.00-8.00 pm. You are invited to meet your child’s teacher and support staff, review progress and collect their autumn term personal targets.
The timetable for teacher talks is :-
Mrs Barnes/Mrs Bourne 6.00pm Miss Levett 6.15pm
Mrs Hicks 6.30pm
Mrs Lowe 6.45pm
Mr Costas-Walker 7.00pm
Mrs Ball 7.15pm
Mrs Hodgson 7.30pm
Football Dates
Wed 21st Sept is football trials for Years 5 and 6 - 3.15 to 4.15
Wed 28th training for the selected team, football letter to follow
What’s On?
Fri 30th Macmillan Coffee Morning 9-10
Wed 5thY6 Tuck Shop
Mon 10thYoung Apprentice week
Tues 18thParent’s Information Evening 6pm to 8pm
Wed 19th Y5 to visit Jodrell Bank
Wed 26th Y3 Class Bible Worship
Fri 28th School closes at 3.15pm for the half term holiday
Mon 7th School reopens at 8.45am
Wed 9th Y4 Tuck Shop
Wed 16thY6 Class Worship
Fri 18th Children in Need
Mon 5thChristmas Lunch for children
Wed 7th Y5 Tuck Shop
Mon 12th Infants Production Dress Rehearsal
Tues 13th 10am Infant Production
Wed 14th 10am Infant Production
Mon 19th Party Year 5 and 6 – Children may wear their own clothes
Tues 20th Party Year 3 and 4 – Children may wear their own clothes
Wed 21st Carol Service at St Mary’s Church 10am approx.
Party for all infants – Children may wear their own clothes
Thurs 22nd School closes at 2pm for Christmas Holidays Reopens on Mon 9th January 2017
Macmillan coffee morning Friday 30th 9am to 10am
Friday September 30th– a charity close to many of our hearts. Call into school after you have dropped off your child and have a coffee and a cake from 9.00-10.00. If you would like to support this fund raising event, we would be very grateful for any of your home made goodies to sell and better still, for you to come and join us for a coffee and a cake. The children will be holding their own version of this event in their classrooms. If you could send a small number of biscuits/cakes (no nut based products please) and a small amount of money, it will help them take part in the event. Please try and find time to support these worthy charities which sadly touch so many of our lives.