Rock Island/Milan Booster Club Minutes from the August 8, 2013 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Kevin Guthrie. We met at Roosters in downtown Rock Island.
We had a thank-you from Debra Kane at Washington for the donation for the microscope. Her class has greatly enjoyed using it.
The minutes from the July meeting were read, there were two corrections. Ted Hinze motioned to accept the minutes, 2nd by Jim Veasey, and the minutes were accepted.
Brian Flaherty came to the meeting tonight and was nominated for the Board of Directors by Ted, 2nd by Dave Rockwell; Brian was unanimously voted in as a Board member
Treasurers Report
As with last month, Mark DeBarr had a pretty thin report as it was a very quiet month, with not much going on. Randy Slusser motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report, 2nd by Doug Hall and the report was accepted.
Rock Shop
Dave noted that he had gotten in his first batch of stuff from Herman’s (about $1,500 worth) with plenty of room to put things away with the flags out getting cleaned. His Sports Depot items will be coming in the next few weeks and the VISA card machine is good to go.
Kevin reported that he is gearing up for the season. In addition to four home game we will also so two Alleman games as they have two dates they can’t get into Augustana. He noted since we will provide the product and the workers we’ll keep all the money. He also noted we have the battle of the bands and the Rocky/Alleman alumni game (on a Sunday).
Old Business
Raffle tickets are ready to pick up, we’ll have them available at home football games and out at the schools.
New Business
Denkman requested a donation for a new electric sign. It will be safer and much more efficient, allowing them to more effectively communicate with parents and the community. Dave made a motion to donate $1,000.00 once funds are available, 2nd by Ted, and the motion passed.
The girls bowling team asked for a donation for $300.00, Doug made a motion to make the donation, Jim V 2nd, and the motion passed.
Rick Miers discussed removing the bad section of bricks which have sunk in, there would be only four bricks with names on them to move. Kevin will look it over but he noted there is a bad low spot which would need to be filled in.
Ted made a motion to adjourn the August meeting, 2nd by Jim V, and the motion passed.