John S. Grabowski

School of Theology and Religious Studies

The Catholic University of America

Washington, DC 20069

(202) 319-6509

Fax (202) 319-5875


1985-1991 - Marquette University - Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies with specialization in Systematic Theology.

1981-1984- University of Steubenville - Steubenville, Ohio. Bachelor of Arts in Theology Summa cum laude.


Roman Catholic Theology: especially Moral Theology both method and current debates,

Sexual Ethics, Theology of Christian Marriage, Theological Anthropology, the Enlightenment, Feminist

Theology, Virtue Theory.


1991-present Now Associate Professor with Continuous Tenure. Teaching: HSTR 101/TRS 230 - Character, Choice and Community, TRS 352 - Christian Marriage and Family, TRS 630A - Foundations of Christian Moral Life, TRS 631 - Christian Marriage and the Family, TRS 732A - Sexuality, the Person, and Ethics,, TRS 737B - The Virtues, TRS 732F - Sex and Virtue, TRS 737 - The Body in Theology, TRS 737E Freedom, Responsibility, Rights. TRS 897 - Directed Readings in Moral Theology. Previously taught Theo 600, - Proseminar, Theo 800 - Proseminar for STL and Doctoral Students, Theo 722 - Conscience, Responsibility, and Freedom, Theo 823 - Personalism in 20th Century Catholic Sexual Ethics, Theo 824 - Medieval Views on Marriage, Sex, and Gender. The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC.

1999-present . Instructor for Archdiocese of Washington Permanent Deacon Program. Teaching Moral Theology and Christian Anthropology (10 - 15 week courses for deacon candidates and their wives). Washington, D.C.

January 2014, 2016. Instructor for the Theology of the Body Institute. Taught: Writings of Pope John Paul II on Marriage, Sex, and Gender. One week intensive course for certificate program (through Creighton University). Quarryville, PA.

Summer, 2015. Visiting Professor in MA Program. University of Notre Dame. Taught Theo 60649 - Sources of Catholic Sexual Teaching. Notre Dame, IN.

1995-2007. Instructor in Education for Parish Service Program course for lay ministers). Teaching: Moral Theology, Human Sexuality, Beginning and End of Life Issues. TrinityCollege, Washington, D.C,

Summer 1997. Visiting Professor. Taught Sexuality, the Person, and Ethics. Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education, Fordham University, Bronx, NY.

1992-1997. Instructor in Mother of God Pastoral Institute (12 week Adult Education Courses). Taught: Sources of Atheism, Introduction to Christian Moral Living, Human Sexuality: A Catholic Vision, Veritatis Splendor: Controversy and Content, Family in the Light of Faith, Life in Christ: The Moral Teaching of the CCC, "We Believe" . . . The Creed according to the CCC, Matters of Life and Death: The Encyclical Evangelium Vitae, The Problem of Suffering, Marriage: A Catholic Perspective, Chastity: A Catholic Perspective for Teens and Their Parents, Six Weeks Toward a Better Marriage. Potomac/Gaithersburg, MD Summer 1996 Taught Marriage: A Catholic Perspective (6 week adult education course). St. Martin's Church. Gaithersburg, MD.

Spring 1995 Instructor for Diocese of Arlington Master Catechist Training Program (8 week course for catechists). Taught: Moral Theology. Alexandria, Virginia.

1992 (Summer) Instructor for Diocese of Nassau (2 week Intensive Course for Deacon Candidates). Taught Introduction to Moral Theology. Nassau, Bahamas.

1989 Instructor in Summer Session II. Taught Theology 130 - Contemporary Atheism and Theism and Theology 139 - Special Topics in Systematic Theology: Contemporary Questions About God and Belief. MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1989 (Spring) Served as co-instructor for three sections of Theo 001 - Introduction to Theology. MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1987-1989 Teaching Assistant in Theology Department. MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1988 Instructor in Summer Session I. Taught Theology 109 - History of Israelite Religion. MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1987 Interim instructor for 4 week period. Taught Theology 115 - Luke-Acts. MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

1985-86 Research Assistant in the Theology Department. MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


2006-2008, 2013-present Director of Moral Theology/Ethics, the School of Theology and Religious Studies. The Catholic University of America.

2015-16. Governance Committee Chair , the School of Theology and Religious Studies. The Catholic University of America.

2015-16. Failing Grades Committee Chair, the School of Theology and Religious Studies. The Catholic University of America.

2015 -2016. Search committee Chair (also 2013-14 [Bioethics], 2012-13, 2012 [Clinical], 2011-12) the School of Theology and Religious Studies. The Catholic University of America.

2014-15 Structures Committee Chair, , the School of Theology and Religious Studies. The Catholic University of America.

2010-2014. First Year Experience Lead Professor, the School of Theology and Religious Studies. The Catholic University of America.

2003-2005. Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, the School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America.

October, 2003. Acting Dean , School of Theology and Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America.

1999-2002. Associate Dean, the School of Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America.

1997-98. Theology Department MA Committee Chair, School of Religious Studies, The Catholic University of America.


2014-present. Theological Consultant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family and Youth.

October 2015. Adiutor(Expert) at the 14th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Vatican City.

2015-present. Academy of Catholic Theology Board Member.

September 2009-present. Member couple (with spouse), The Pontifical Council for the Family.

2005-2009. Theological Consultant to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Subcommittee on Marriage and Family.

1998-2006. Executive Secretary, Missouri Valley Association of Catholic Theologians

1996-1999 Theological Consultant for Covenant House Washington, Washington, D.C.


DISSERTATION: "Theological Anthropology and Gender since Vatican II: A Critical Appraisal of Recent Trends in Catholic Theology." Director Rev. Donald J. Keefe, S.J.

BOOKS:One Body: A Program of Marriage Formation for the New Evangelization. With Claire Grabowski. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Press (forthcoming).

Transformed in Christ: Essays on the Renewal of Moral Theology. Faith & Reason: Studies in Catholic Philosophy and Theology. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press (Forthcoming 2017).

FamiliarisConsortio: Anniversary Edition. With Commentary by John & Claire Grabowski. Boston: Pauline Books and Media, 2015.

Sex and Virtue: An Introduction to Sexual Ethics. Catholic Moral Thought Series. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press: 2003.


Janet E. Smith, John S. Grabowski, J. Budzinski, and Maria Fedoryka, "Self Gift: The Heart of Humane vitae," The National Bioethics Quarterly 16 (2016): 449-74.

"An Analysis of GSUSA's Policy of Serving Transgender Youth: Implications for Catholic Practice" With Christopher Gross. Journal of Moral Theology 5:1 (2016): 86-110.

“Catechesis and Moral Theology: Toward a Renewed Understanding of Christian Experience.” Nova et Vetera 13:2 (2015): 459-87.

“And So He Revealed His Glory: Cana and the Sacramentality of Marriage.” The Thomist 78:1 (2014): 37-63.

“The Luminous Excess of the Acting Person: Assessing the Impact of Pope John Paul II on American Catholic Moral Theology.” Journal of Moral Theology 1, no. 1 (2012): 116-47.

"Dignitatis personae and the Adoption of Frozen Embryos: A New Chill Factor?'With Christopher Gross. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10, no. 2 (Summer 2010): 307-28.

“Called to Holiness: Spirituality for Families in the Light of Ecclesia in America,” Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 5, no. 4 (Fall 2002): 75-95.

“The New Reproductive Technologies: An Overview and Theological Assessment.” The Linacre Quarterly 69 (2002): 100-19.

“Public Moral Discourse on Abortion: The Contribution of Theology,” The Irish Theological Quarterly 64 (1999): 361-377.

“A Theological Analysis of Cloning,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review 98, No. 9 (Spring 1998): 16-21; rpt. Ethics and Medicine 18, no. 3 (1998): 69-72.

“Mutual Submission and Trinitarian Self-Giving.” Angelicum 74 (1997): 489-512.

“Rival Personalisms in 20th Century Catholic Sexual Ethics.” StudiaMoralia 35 (1997): 283-312.

“Conceptualism and Consequences: The Legacy of Locke's Essay.” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 25 (1996): 273-85.

“Evangelium Vitae and Humanae Vitae: A Tale of Two Encyclicals.” Homiletic and Pastoral Review. 97, No. 2 (November, 1996): 7-15.

“Covenantal Sexuality.” Église et Théologie 27 (1996): 229-52.

“Chastity: Toward a Renewed Understanding.” The Living Light 32, No. 4 (Summer, 1996): 44-51.

“Shooting Abortionists and the Death of the Pro-Life Ideal.” New Theology Review 9 (1996): 33-40.

“Clerical Sexual Abuse and Early Traditions regarding the Sixth Commandment.” The Jurist 55 (1995): 527-91.

“Newton, Hume and the Ethics of the Closed System.” The Irish Theological Quarterly 61 (1995): 138-58.

“Person: Substance and Relation.” Communio 22 (Spring 1995): 139-63.

“The Status of the Sexual Good as a Direction for Moral Theology.” The Heythrop Journal 35 (1994): 15-34.

“Catholic Social and Sexual Ethics: Inconsistent or Organic?” With Michael Naughton. The Thomist 57 (1993): 555-78.


“Not Just Love: The Anthropological Assumptions of Catholic Teaching on Same-Sex Attraction and Activity” In Justice through Diversity. Michael Sweeney, ed., 615-37. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.

“Covenantal Sexuality.” In Divine Providence and Human Freedom . Kevin A. McMahon ed. 107-25. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books., 2015.

“Foreword,” with Claire Grabowski. In The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples. Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2012. ix-xi.

“Body, Theology of,” in New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2009. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 96-99.

“Contraception, Sterilization, and Abortion and the Ethical and Religious Directives,” in Moral Issues in Catholic Health Care, Kevin T. McMahon, ed., 68-92. Wynnewood, PA: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, 2004.

“Natural Family Planning and Marital Spirituality,” in Integrating Faith and Science through Natural Family Planning, Richard J. Fehring and Theresa Notare, eds., 29-45. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2004.

“Foreword” in Pope John Paul II, Theology of the Body (Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1997), 19-24. Rpt. As “Pope John Paul II on the Theology of the Body.” In Marriage. Readings in Moral Theology no. 15, Charles Curran and Julie Hanlon Rubio eds. , 72-77. New York: Paulist, 2009.


“To Revitalize Parish Life and Welcome Home Wounded Hearts, We Must Seek what Has Been Lost: Community.” Our SundayVisitor 104, no. 6 (June 7, 2015), p. 11.

“Understanding the New Human Ecology.” Our SundayVisitor103, no. 41 (February 8, 2015, p. 9.

"The Law of Gradualism: A Process Toward God." Our SundayVisitor103, no. 28 (November 9, 2014),

p. 8.

“Sex and the City of God: Exploring the Connection Between Sex and Life Issues.” The Crozier 1, no.1 (2014): 4-8.

“Formation in Human Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Life.” In A Book of Readings on Marriage. Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis. Washington, DC: USCCB, 2010. pp. 26-30.

“Divorce and Remarriage in the NT: Clarifying the Bases for the Church’s Teaching.” Family Perspectives Journal. Vol. 28, no. 2 (Spring 2010), 8-9.

Share the Word 27, no. 1 (2005-2006): wrote Sunday reflections for November 27, 2005 (First Sunday of Advent, pp. 10-12, December 4, 2005 (Second Sunday of Advent, pp. 16-18), December 11, 2005 (Third Sunday of Advent, pp. 22-24), December 18, 2005 (Fourth Sunday of Advent, pp. 28-30), December 25, 2005 (The Birth of the Lord, pp. 34-36), January 1, 2006 (Mary, Mother of God, pp. 40-42), January 8, 2006 (Epiphany, pp. 46-48).

“Promises, Promises: Biblical Reflections on Hope,” Share the Word 26, no. 1 (2004-2005), 14-17. In the same issue wrote the Sunday reflections for November 28, 2004 (First Sunday of Advent, pp. 18-20), December 5, 2004 (Second Sunday of Advent, pp. 24-26), December 12, 2004 (Third Sunday of Advent, pp. 30-32), December 19, 2004 (Fourth Sunday of Advent, pp. 36-38), December 26, 2004 (Feast of the Holy Family, pp. 42-44, January 2, 2005 (Epiphany of the Lord, pp. 48-50), January 9, 2005 (Baptism of the Lord, pp. 54-56).

“A Tale of Two Gardens,” Share the Word 25, no. 3 (2004), 14-16. In the same issue wrote the Sunday Reflections for February 29, 2004 (First Sunday of Lent, pp. 19-21), March 7, 2004 (Second Sunday of Lent, pp. 25-27), March 14, 2004 (Third Sunday of Lent, pp. 31-33) March 21, 2004 (Fourth Sunday of Lent, pp. 37-39), March 28, 2004 (Fifth Sunday of Lent, pp. 43-45), and April 4, 2004 (Passion/Palm Sunday, pp. 49-51).

“Following Jesus–Ways of Discipleship,” Share the Word 24, no. 5, (2003), 18-20. In the same issue wrote the Sunday Reflections for June 15, 2003 (Trinity Sunday, pp. 24-26), June 22, 2003 (Corpus Christi, pp. 30-32), June 29, 2003 (Peter and Paul, pp. 36-38), July 6, 2003 (pp. 42-44), July 13, 2003 (pp. 48-50), and July 20, 2003 (pp. 54-56).

“Living Together,” CUA World (Catholic University of America, Washington), January 28, 2000, 5, 7.

Humanae Vitae: Thirty Years Later,” Eutopia3, no. 1 (1998): 26-30.

“How to Really Get to Know Yourself,” Our Sunday Visitor 86, no. 23 (Oct. 5, 1997): 18.

“Doctrinal Development: Does It Apply to Family & Sex?” With Michael Naughton. Commonweal 124, No. 11 (June 6, 1997): 18-20.

“Divorce, Remarriage, and Reception of the Sacraments.” America 171, No. 10 (Oct. 8, 1994): 20-24.

“Humanae Vitae: Twenty Five Years Later,” The Saint Cloud Visitor, July 22, 1993, 7.


"Reflections on Pope BenedictXVI's Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives" in the newsletter of the Pontifical Council for the Family. No. 4 (2013). available at (Posted February, 2013).

“Formation in Human Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Life” is published on the USCCB’s website for Catechetical Sunday September 19, 2010: Marriage: Sacrament of Enduring Love. Available at Teaching Resources--posted April 27, 2010).

“The Theology of the Body according to Pope John Paul II” is published on the USCCB’s “For Your Marriage website at (Posted September 2008).

“Marriage as a Unitive and Procreative Partnership” is published on the USCCB. website at (Posted November 2005).

“Sex American Style--Part I: History.” (Posted September 2000).

“Sex American Style--Part II: The Contemporary Scene” (Posted September 2000).

“Sex: The Catholic Dilemma--Part I: A Pervasive Silence.” (Posted October 2000).

“Sex: The Catholic Dilemma--Part II: The Roots of Alienation.” (Posted October 2000).

“Harry Potter: Muddled Mythology for a Postmodern World.” (Posted October 2000).


Faculty Study Days. Saint MeinradArchabbey. Presentations on the Synods and Pope Francis’s Teaching on Family. New Harmony, IN. September 22-23, 2016.

Academy of Catholic Theology Annual Meeting. “Family in the Ministry of Pope Francis: A Report from the Synod.” Washington, D.C. May 25, 2016.

Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy Lecture. "Inside the Synod on Family: What Happened and What Does It Mean?" University of St. Thomas, St. Paul Minnesota. January 28, 2016.

Building Spiritual Bridges to the Community lecture. “The Family as an Agent of the New Evangelization: Seeing the Big Picture around the Synods.” Pontifical College Josphinum, Columbus, OH.. November 12, 2015.

U.S.C.C.B. Conference on the Intellectual Tasks of the New Evangelization. “Catechesis and Moral Theology.” Washington, DC. September 14, 2013.

School of Theology and Religious Studies Symposium. Reform and Renewal: Vatican II After 50 Years. “Gaudium et spes: Ressourcement, Experience, and the Human Person.” The Catholic University of America. Washington, DC. September 29, 2012.

Academy of Catholic Theology Annual Meeting. “And So He Revealed His Glory: Cana and the Sacramentality of Marriage.” Washington, DC, May 23, 2012.

Theology Department Lecture. “The Luminous Excess of the Acting Person: Assessing Venerable Pope John Paul II’s Impact on American Catholic Moral Theology.” Franciscan University. Steubenville, OH. March 22, 2011.

Theology Club Guest Speaker Series. “Caught in a Bad Romance? Reexamining Allegations of Romanticization in the Theology of the Body’s Account of Sex and Gender,”Assumption College, Worcester, MA. March 21, 2011.

Columbus School of Law Symposium on a Common Morality. “Response to Gilbert Meilaender.” The Catholic University of America. Washington D.C. March 28, 2008.

Institute for St. Anselm Studies. Metaphysics Colloquium. “Response to Francesca Murphy on the Metaphysical Basis of the Difference between Men and Women.” Saint Anselm College. Manchester, NH, June 15, 2006.

Promoting and Sustaining Marriage as a Community of Life and Love. A Colloquium of Social Scientists and Theologians sponsored by the U.S.C.C.B. Committee on Marriage and Family Life. “Marriage as a Unitive and Procreative Partnership.” Creighton University, Omaha, NE, October 25, 2005.

Theology/ Philosophy Lecture. “The Theology of the Body.” Newman University. Wichita, Kansas, February 11, 2005.

Theology Department Lecture. “Mutual Submission: A Development of the Catholic Doctrine of Marriage.”Franciscan University of Steubenville. Steubenville, OH, December 3, 2004.

Catholic Medical Association 73rd Annual Meeting and National Conference: The Vocation of Medicine in the Third Millenium. “The Medical Covenant: A Theological Perspective” and “Medical Issues at the End of Life.” Orlando, FL, September 23& 24, 2004.

Catholic Healing Symposium. “Response to Barry Levy ‘Theology and Therapy: A Great Marriage.’” Mother of God Community. Gaithersburg, MD, April 23, 2004.

Catholic Common Ground Initiative. Eighth Annual Cardinal Bernadin Conference. “Sex, Conscience, and Authority.” Marymount University, Arlington, VA, March 5, 2004.

The Call to Holiness and Communion: Vatican II on the Church. (Sponsored by Sacred Heart Major Seminary). “Response to Pia de Solenni on the Authority of Women in the Church and OrdinatioSacerdotalis.” The John Paul II Cultural Center. Washington, D.C., November 14, 2003.

2003 Diocesan NFP Coordinators Conference on the Continuing Importance of Humanae Vitae on its Thirty-Fifth Anniversary. “The Pope, The Pill, and the Theology of the Body.” Phoenix, AZ, July 10, 2003.

Missouri Valley Association of Catholic Theologians, Fifth Annual Meeting “The Personalist Bases of Catholic Moral Theology.” Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, St. Louis, MO, November 16, 2002.

The Achievement of John Paul II: Community, Family, Culture Conference (Sponsored by the Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family and CUA). Response to Bishop Marc Ouellet’s “Christian Marriage, Sin and Conversion” and Dean Stephen Happel’s “The Sacrament of Marriage, Contemporary Cultures, and Ecclesial Responsibilities.” The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., September 7, 2002.

Integrating Faith and Science through Natural Family Planning Conference. “Natural Family Planning and Marital Spirituality.” Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, June 22, 2002.

Symposium on Catholic Health Care and Medical Moral Issues . "Contraception, Sterilization, Abortion and the Ethical and Religious Directives." Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia, PA.April 20, 2002

Missouri Valley Association of Catholic Theologians, Annual Meeting (e-version). “Teaching Sex: Education, Sexuality, Character.” On-line presentation. November, 2001.

Marriage and Family Life: Enduring Truths, Changing Realities–Symposium sponsored by the U.S. Catholic Bishops. “ Familiarisconsortio and Openness to Life: What Does It Really Say?” Arlington, VA, August 17, 2001.

The Morality of the Death Penalty Conference. “Response to Avery Cardinal Dulles and Judge John T. Noonan..” The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., March 29, 2001.

Restoring Life Connections through Natural Family Planning. “Natural Family Planning and Moral Education within the Family: Practices Makes Perfect” and “New Reproductive Technologies: A Catholic Ethical Perspective.” Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, March 25, 2000.

Jubilee Year Reflections on Catholic Social Thought. Response to David Schindler’s “Homelessness and the Modern Condition: The Family, Community, and the Global Economy.” CUA Columbus School of Law, Washington, D.C., March 17, 2000.

Missouri Valley Association of Catholic Theologians, Third Annual Meeting. “The Call to Holiness and American Families: Resources for a Contemporary Spirituality,” Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, St. Louis, MO, November 13, 1999.

Hemispheric Consultation on Ecclesia in America. “ Called to Holiness: Spirituality for Families in Light of Ecclesia in America,” Notre Dame University, South Bend, IN, October 11, 1999.