Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 13 June 2012 at 7.00 pm
in the Training Suite
PresentMelvin Lynch Head Teacher
Jane Esson Depute Head Teacher
Lesley Cromar Chairperson
Jennifer HedgeVice Chairperson
Gloria Garland
Des Cryle
Bob Baldie
Annette Baty
Debbie Dallas
Edith Hampton
Jane Maguire
David Shepherd
Robert Scott Treasurer
Lorna Dandie
Yvonne Hill
Frances Joiner Secretary
ApologiesFiona Davidson
Lorraine O’Brien
Lesley welcomed everyoneto the meeting.
Approval of previous Minute
The previous Minute was approved byLesleyand seconded by Lorna with no amendments.
Matters arising
- Consultation with Local Supermarkets
Following on from a second letter sent to Tesco, this time to theirHQ inDundee, highlighting issues with pupils, a reply was received 16.4.12 and Lesley shared this with the meeting. The new store manager, John Thomson was to make contact but this had not been done. It was decided to wait until the new Pupil Council representatives attended a meeting to gauge if problems persisted with access for pupils to Tesco.
- School Momento – Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
Bob reported the bookmarks would be ready for issue to pupils the third week back after the summer break.
- JubileeGarden Project – Pupil Council
Bob brought along the plaque to be erected in the garden to show the meeting.
- FSA Fundraising Ceilidh
It was reported £1,200 profit had been made from the evening at which the Parent Council assisted with the bar, it was felt this was a good result given the event was not greatly supported.
Olympic Torch passing through Forfar
Mr Lynch made apology for the school’s involvement in the Olympic Torch Procession as he had been made aware of some unhappiness by pupils and parents. Numbers were restricted due to Health & Safety Policy but pupils were involved in the relay at The Myre and pupil sports achievers attended the procession. Teachers were provided with a live video link for form time and P7 pupils, last year’s S1 and senior pupils were able to watch the live transmission in the dining hall. Confusion arose over senior pupils being allowed out of school, with a parental note, to see the procession and Mr Lynch conceded there had been a lack of communication. On reflection arrangements could have been better and Mr Lynch regretted any distress or annoyance caused. On a positive note Mr Lynch suggested James Beattie, a pupil who was torch bearer, can perhaps be approached to bring his torch into school for everyone to see.
Travel Expenses for PE Activities
Frances had not received any feedback to enable her to reply to a parent query on the high cost of transport to PE activities and Jane to make enquiries once more. Debbie commented Websters HS capped travelling expenses at £1.
Items for discussion
1.School Inspection Follow Through Report - Feedback
The school took part in the Angus Council school inspection by HMIE and verbal feedback to Head Teachers intimated this had gone well, report to be published.
2. Parent Council Cup Nominations
Mr Vannet and Mrs Callander provided a shortleet for consideration and their efforts were acknowledged. The nominations were –
As usual the nominations brought much debate and although it was felt each nomination was worthy of winning, the majority voted in favour of the seven pupils involved with School & Family Support Service. In addition to the Parent Council Cup the pupils involved would each receive £10 and a ForfarAcademy pen.
3. Standards & Quality Questionnaire 2012
This information had been circulated prior to the meeting and as no-one had any comments to add a combined reply would be made by Frances for the Parent Council.
- Devolved School Budget 2012/13
Details of the Parent Council budget for 2012/2013 was circulated for information.
5. Curriculum for Excellence
Mr Lynch gave an informative update on cfe and commented on his confidence in the model Angus Council is promoting. Mr Lynch welcomed information on any anxieties/concerns.
Debbie and Annette expressed the concern of some parents in their understanding of cfe. Mr Lynch had to take his leave to attend the Rock Challenge in the Caird Hall and in his absence Jane Esson suggested the school look at incorporating cfe into parents evenings of S1, S2 and S3 with Principal Teachers in attendance and will take this forward.
6. Joint Sub-Committee with Websters HS
This was a sub-committee set up jointly to share good practice and progress joint events and partnership working. Annette Baty and Jennifer Hedge volunteered their services and the first meeting took place 28.3.12. Jennifer was unable to attend the meeting and Debbie was good enough to stand in for her. On discussion at the meeting, Annette and Debbie found the Websters HS representatives had a different agenda, preferring to highlight cfe. Annette and Debbie shared the discussions with our meeting but it was felt Websters HS and ForfarAcademy were on different plains presently and did not see a way forward for the joint sub committee.
It was agreed not to continue with the joint sub committee and Lesley to communicate with Jane Stork to this effect but equally stressing our eagerness to continue good relations between the two schools and our desire to readdress this again in future if felt desirable.
7. Pupil Council Update
Pupil Council representatives had not yet been appointed and we look forward to the new faces at our next meeting.
Ebern Ceilidh
Lesley advised the ceilidh went well, and Robert reported a profit of £350 was made. Lesley to pass receipts to Robert for payment.
Going for Gold
Concern was raised over no Going for Gold certificates being issued last year– Jane Esson to bring this up at Focus Group. Jane gave an overview of Going for Gold for the benefit of the meeting and advised last year an award ceremony had taken place and this year, before the end of this term, S1 would be going to Murton Nature Reserve and having a picnic and in addition events have been arranged for S2 and S3.The Parent Council highlighted the importance of recognising achievement and suggested a simple ceremony and a trip as the preferred option, Jane to take this information back to the Focus Group.Jane asked if parental involvement would be desirable on the Focus Group and this met with a positive response - Jane offered to take this forward with the Focus Group also.
Annual Prizegiving
Mr Lynch reported the prizegiving would take place Thursday 28 June and unusually Mr Vannet would be unable to preside over the event. Jane Esson would be deputising on this occasion.
Mr Lynch reported –
S2 girls and boys football teams won the Angus Football Tournament for under 14 boys and girls at LinksPark in Montrose, the opposing teams were from Arbroath HS.
The Angus Council Excellence Awards saw ForfarAcademy win the Best Project of the Year categoryagainst financial planning and education resource services.
ForfarAcademy won the Maths Challenge held at Carnoustie HS.
Big Bang Science Fair, Perth Concert Hall - showcase event for schools – Bob Baldie’s team from the Technical Department won best engineering team in Scotland, receiving a trophy and £150. The judges were from the industry sector and Bob advised NCR had made comment the skills shown at the event were what industry required and that statistics show that 8 out of 10 pupils currently do not have the skills required for jobs.
New S1 Intake
P7 pupils were currently in school for their 3 day induction and an open evening for parents is to be held tomorrow starting at 6.30pm.
Exam concerns
A parent had approached Lesleyexpressing concern over noise in the Home Economics corridor when exams are taking place in the PE hall and asked if the corridor could be closed off at these times - Jane to bring this suggestion up with Mr Vannet.
Automated Absence Messages
Debbie advised she was concerned to receive a text from the school stating her daughter was absent when in fact she was in school,at choir.Jane explained the absence procedure and that it was up to the relevant department to advise the school office when pupils are out of class so they can ensure SEEMIS is adjusted accordingly. In this instance the Music department should have informed the school office of pupils being out of class at choir. Jane to issue a reminder to all teachers.
Angus Book Awards
Lesley received an invitation for the Parent Council to attend the Angus Book Awards but the invitation was received too late for anyone to attend. Frances to send letter requesting invitation be sent direct to the Chairperson in future.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting which will be the Annual General Meeting will be heldWednesday 5 September 2012 at 7.00pm in the library.
The meeting closed at9.30pm