1. M-01024869

Pennyroyal Mental Health/
Mental Retardation Board
P. O. Box 614
Hopkinsville, KY 42241-0614 / 10/01/2000-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $6,600.00 / Federal / Provide intensive outpatient services for Drug Court participants.

2. M-00330603

Washington County
Board of Education
120 Mackville Hill
Springfield, KY 40069 / 12/18/2000-
03/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $3,845.00 / Federal / Development of a training curriculum; and provide training in the areas of computation and reading that would prepare employees for further technical training and changes in the workplace.

3. M-00332632

McCreary County
Board of Education
HC 69, Box 24
Stearns, KY 42647 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $8,493.00 / Federal / Development of a workplace essential skills contexted curriculum; and conduct an adult education module workplace job specific training for incumbent workers of Pine Knot Job Corps, Pine Knot, Kentucky, focusing on decision-making, problem solving, communications, and team building.

4. M-00332773

Wayne County
Board of Education
P. O. Box 437
Monticello, KY 42633 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $9,215.00 / Federal / Development of a workplace essential skills contexted curriculum, and conduct an adult education module workplace job specific training for incumbent workers of American Woodmark, Monticello, Kentucky focusing on decision-making, problem solving, reading (manuals, standard operating procedures, msds), math (calculating yields) as related to quality specifications, wood characterization, species identification, and calculating yields.

5. M-01007629

Hancock County
Board of Education
83 Street Route 271 North
Hawesville, KY 42348 / 01/11/2001-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $14,547.00 / Federal / Development of a workplace essential skills contexted curriculum and conduct an adult education module workplace job specific training for workers of the Southwire Company, Hawesville, Kentucky, focusing on the areas of reading skills, computation skills, and critical thinking skills, including problem solving, communication, and team building skills as needs are identified in the task analysis.

6. M-00272083

Henderson Community College
2660 South Green Street
Henderson, KY 42420 / 09/01/2000-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $20,980.00 / General/Federal / Provide services, of sufficient intensity in terms of hours, and duration, to assist families to break the cycle of undereducation and poverty through Integrated Family Literacy Programs to move families toward self-sufficiency, pursuant to SB 1, KRS Chapter 151b, KRS 158.360, and the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Title II.

7. M-01018519

Union County
Board of Education
510 South Mart Street
Morganfield, KY 42437 / 07/01/2000-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $44,900.00 / Federal / Conduct of the Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) Out-of-School Dropout Recovery Model to eligible participants 16 to 23 years of age who are high school dropouts.

8. M-00291341

Barren County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 129
Glasgow, KY 42142 / 01/05/2001-
06/30/2001 / Agricultural / $5,000.00 / General / Provide funds to assist with the disposal of dead animals throughout Barren County.

9. M-00297720

Graves County Fiscal Court
114 West Broadway
Mayfield, KY 42066 / 01/28/2001-
06/30/2001 / Agricultural, / $3,333.00 / General / Provide funds to assist with the disposal of dead animals throughout Graves County.

10. M-00298410

Woodford County Conservation District
180 Beasley Road
Versailles, KY 40383-9558 / 02/28/2001-
06/30/2001 / Agricultural / $1,250.00 / General / Provide funds to assist with the disposal of dead animals throughout Woodford County.

11. M-00301286

Boyle County Fiscal Court
31 West Main Street
Danville, KY 40422 / 12/20/2000-
06/30/2001 / Agricultural / $1,250.00 / General / Provide funds to assist with the disposal of dead animals throughout Boyle County.

12. M-00332916

KY Fertilizer and Agriculture
Chemical Association
512 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601 / 12/27/2000-
06/30/2001 / Agricultural / $5,000.00 / Agency / Provide funds to assist in conducting a Mini-bulk/Bulk Recycling Container Program.

13. M-00346846

KY Dairy and Meat Goat Producers Association 3289 Mt Sherman Road
Magnolia, KY 42757 / 07/01/2000-
06/30/2001 / Agricultural / $1.00 / General / Provide funds for purchasing a bulk milk truck and establishing a collection route to pick up raw milk for delivery to processor for pasteurization and bottling.
NOTE: This is an extension for time only to allow additional time to complete the project.

14. M-00351563

Rowan County Fiscal Court
627 East Main Street
Morehead, KY 40351 / 01/03/2001-
06/30/2001 / Agricultural / $2,500.00 / General / Provide funds to assist with the disposal of dead animals throughout Rowan County.

15. M-01006957

Treasurer Floyd County
Board of Education
106 North Front Avenue
Prestonburg, KY 41653 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $5,000.00 / General / Provide funds for the Kentucky Middle-Level School Demonstration Network, a statewide effort to initiate and support improvement in schools with middle grades. Funds will be used for stipends for teachers to attend meetings and joint professional development trainings, the purchase of resource materials, and to pay teachers for mileage to attend conferences and meetings.

16. M-00342857

Northern Kentucky University
Bursars Office
235 Nunn Drive
Highland Heights, KY 41099 / 01/01/2001-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $45,360.00 / General / Conduct a writing project for 20 Kentucky school teachers; provide six hours of graduate college credit; deliver current research and theory for teaching writing; provide follow-up during the school year; and employment of a project co-director.

17. M-01014743

Cabinet for Workforce Development
Capital Plaza Tower
500 Mero Street
Frankfort, KY 40601 / 08/01/2000-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $40,000.00 / General / Provide for the employment of resource teacher and payment to resource teachers employed by the Department for Technical Education, Cabinet for Workforce Development for participation in the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program for Secondary Teachers, and provide for the employment of substitute teachers that work in resource teacher's classrooms while they are out performing resource teacher duties for the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program.

18. M-00335612

Franklin County Friend of the Court
P. O. Box 1273
Frankfort, KY 40601 / 01/01/2001-
06/30/2001 / Family and Social Services / $3,750.00 / Federal / Provide for the establishment and administration of programs to support and facilitate noncustodial parents' access to and visitation of their children pursuant to federal law.

19. M-00336236

Fayette County Urban Government
200 East Main Street
Lexington, KY 40502 / 01/01/2001-
06/30/2001 / Family and Social Services / $21,280.00 / Federal / Provide for the establishment and administration of programs to support and facilitate noncustodial parents' access to and visitation of their children pursuant to federal law.

20. M-01005320

Pandora Marina
P. O. Box 642
Burgin, KY 40310 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2001 / Marina Services / $9,825.00 / Federal / Provide funds for marinas to construct pump-out facilities for marine sanitation devices under the federal Clean Vessel Act (16 USC 1322 et seq.).

21. M-01029029

City of Campton
P. O. Box 35
Campton, KY 41301 / 02/13/2001-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $50,000.00 / General / Provide for construction of a water pump station in the City of West Campton pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

22. M-00285104

KY Commission on Deaf and Hard of Hearing 632 Versailles Road
Frankfort, KY 40601 / 01/01/2001-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $50,000.00 / N/A / Provide for collaboration on an educational outreach campaign to families, health departments, physicians, schools and other community-based organizations to implement the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program.

23. M-00135556

Western Kentucky Educational Cooperative
Special Education Building, Suite 338 Murray Street University
Murray, KY 42071 / 01/01/2001-
06/30/2001 / Family and Social Services / $9,000.00 / Federal / Provide for tuition assistance in the Kentucky Early Intervention System, which supports the professional development of those individuals seeking the interdisciplinary early childhood at approved universities in Kentucky.

24. M-00179254

Lincoln Trail District Health Department
P.O. Box 2609
Elizabethtown, KY 42702-2609 / 07/01/2000-
06/30/2001 / Miscellaneous / $4,800.00 / Agency / Provide for services, utilities, and supplies to the Lincoln Trail District Health.

25. M-00291192

Pike County Health Department
100 River Drive
Pikeville, KY 41501 / 12/04/2000-
06/30/2001 / Office Space Rental or Lease / $2,590.00 / Agency / Provide case management and clinical services to eligible children who are referred for care under programs administered by the commission.

26. M-01010798

Lee County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box G
Beattyville, KY 41311 / 02/01/2001-
06/30/2001 / Construction / $46,000.00 / General / Provide funding for improving recreational access to the Kentucky River by construction of boat ramp facilities, which is part of its parks program on the lock property downstream of lock and dam 13 off Spencer Ridge Road in Lee County pursuant to HB 321 (1998 Session).

27. M-01030710

Kentucky Affordable Prepaid Tuition Board
Treasury Department, Suite 183
Capitol Annex
Frankfort, KY 40601 / 10/10/2000-
/ Legal Services, Attorneys / $37,000.00 / Other Special Revenue / Provide for ongoing legal services on issues related to the development of administrative policy and procedures, procurement and vendor contracts, personnel, open records & open meetings requirements, threatened and pending litigation, conflicts of interest, federal regulatory approvals, all necessary for the implementation, oversight and governance of Kentucky's Affordable Prepaid Tuition (KAPT) Program.

28. M-01001416

City of Horse Cave
P. O. Box 326
Horse Cave, KY 42749 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $2,716.00 / Agency / Provide funds for the City of Horse Cave Body Armor Program.

29. M-01001420

Edmonson County
Office of the Sheriff
P. O. Box 570
Brownsville, KY 42210 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $1,940.00 / Agency / Provide funds for the Edmonson County Body Armor Program.

30. M-01001423

City of Radcliff
P. O. Box 519
Radcliff, KY 40159-0519 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $3,104.00 / Agency / Provide funds for the City of Radcliff Body Armor Program.

31. M-01001426

Estill County
Office of the Sheriff
130 Main Street
Irvine, KY 40336 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $1,164.00 / Agency / Provide funds for the Estill County Body Armor Program.

32. M-01001644

City of Lewisport
P. O. Box 22
Lewisport, KY 42351 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $776.00 / Agency / Provide funds for the City of Lewisport Body Armor Program.

33. M-01001651

Logan County
Office of the Sheriff
P.O. Box 113
Russellville, KY 42276 / 01/15/2001-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $3,880.00 / Agency / Provide funds for the Logan County Body Armor Program.

34. M-00341247

Warren County Fiscal Court
429 East Tenth Street
Bowling Green, KY 42101 / 12/15/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $15,000.00 / General / Provide funds for the Gott Community Center, Inc. in Warren County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

35. M-00342958

City of Paintsville
P. O. Box 71
Paintsville, KY 41240 / 12/18/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $30,000.00 / General / Provide funds for highway lighting on US 460 & US 321 in the City of Paintsville pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

36. M-00346153

City of South Shore
1661 Second Avenue
South Shore, KY 41175 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $5,000.00 / General / Provide funds for the Stan Spence Baseball Program in the City of South Shore pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

37. M-00346585

Treasurer Graves County
Board of Education and KSFCC
2290 State Route 121 North
Mayfield, KY 42066 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $50,000.00 / General / Provide funds to the Graves County Board of Education for recreational enhancements in Graves County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

38. M-00346594

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $25,000.00 / General / Provide funds for the City of Cloverfork Multi-Purpose Center Renovation Project in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

39. M-00346597

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $5,000.00 / General / Provide funds for the City of Cloverfork Museum Renovation Project in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

40. M-00346600

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $5,000.00 / General / Provide funds for City of Cloverfork rescue squad equipment in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

41. M-00346601

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $15,000.00 / General / Provide funds for City of Coldiron fire department equipment in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

42. M-00346604

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $20,000.00 / General / Provide funds for City of Green Hills Community Park Project in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

43. M-00346606

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $10,000.00 / General / Provide funds for office equipment in the Office of the Harlan County Clerk in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

44. M-00346608

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $10,000.00 / General / Provide funds for Harlan County rescue squad equipment in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

45. M-00346609

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $15,000.00 / General / Provide funds for Harlan County Senior Citizens Programs in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

46. M-00346611

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $15,000.00 / General / Provide funds for the purchase of a vehicle for the Harlan County Sheriff’s Department in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

47. M-00346613

Harlan County Fiscal Court
P. O. Box 956
Harlan, KY 40831 / 12/21/2000-
06/30/2002 / Miscellaneous / $5,000.00 / General / Provide funds to the Harlan Shrine Club for Putney Park in Harlan County pursuant to HB 502 (2000 Session).

48. M-00346615