Established in 1987, Women and Girls Network (WGN) is a community-based organisation providing women with a comprehensive range of therapeutic services which facilitate healing and recovery from experiences of violence. We work with all forms of gendered violence, whether physical, sexual or emotional.
The crimes of violence committed against women and girls usually involve assault and violation of both mind and body with devastating consequences. Where women’s lives may have been shattered and fragmented by gendered violence, our services provide a holistic healing journey engaging all aspects of self: mind, body and spirit.
We are committed to offering services which empower women with a choice of therapeutic activities that encourage them to be self-nurturing, creative and active participants in their healing process. We recognise the individuality of every woman and the uniqueness of her experience; we view healing as a partnership where women retain control by choosing specific programmes which meet their needs. Our work is intended to inspire and facilitate growth, resolution and change, moving a woman from survivor to thriver.
Our services include:
•Individual Counselling - with variable contracts from 16 sessions to one year
•Therapeutic Group Work – including an ending group designed to support clients in developing strategies to aid recovery
•Body Therapies – to support recovery from the physical injuries of assault and improve body relationship, this is especially important for young women and treating trauma symptoms such as eating disorders and body dysmorphia.
•A Specialist Pan London Sexual Violence Helpline
.A Specialist Advice service
•Gendered Violence Advocacy and One to One Support Service for Young Women
•Workshops and Group work with Young Women
•Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy Service
•Accredited Training Programmes for Frontline Practitioners Working with Women Survivors of Violence
•Outreach Work to Support Women to Exit Prostitution
•An Accredited Counselling Training Programme for Refugee Women
•Satellite Counselling Services across 10 London Boroughs
•Clinical Supervision and Consultancy Support to Frontline Staff and Agencies working with survivors of gendered violence.
Following successful interview and completion of pre-placement checks, all WGN staff & volunteers must successfully complete an in-house induction training programme. This training orientates new team members to the WGN clinical model, feminist principles and our ethos, which informs all service delivery.
A placement offer or employment contract will only be issued following the successful completion and passing of the induction training, which runs between one and four days depending on the role.
Employed staff will then undertake a six-month probation period before being confirmed in post. We are committed to offering an on-going programme of continuous professional development throughout probation and beyond once confirmed in post to ensure we maintain standards of good practice. Volunteer counsellor’s placements may be reviewed at nine months.
Support and Supervision
All frontline and clinical staff & volunteers must attend regular individual and group supervision (as required). The aims of supervision are to provide case management, identify clinical themes appearing in the work, and explore individual’s self-care strategies and to review and evaluate interventions. Supervision usually takes place in the west London centre and for clinicians will usually fall on Saturdays.
Equal Opportunities
Our Equal Opportunities Policy identifies the values underlying all aspects of our work. All members of WGN are expected to commit themselves to working within the principles of equal opportunities. We also recognise that as a diverse group of women, issues of inequalities and oppressive practices may arise and it is important that we are open to challenge and change in order to deal with these issues constructively.
Disability Access
The WGN centre in west London is wheelchair accessible on the ground floor. We seek to ensure that all of our satellite venues are accessible to disabled women. Please contact us for specific access information.
WGN will make reasonable adjustments to working practices, equipment and premises, and offer where appropriate additional support to trustees, staff and volunteers to ensure they are able to take full and active part in WGN’s work.
Commitment to Equality
WGN believes that no person or group should be treated less favourably in employment for any unjustified reason. However, as a women-only organisation providing services to women who have experienced gendered violence, under gender exemption, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 we will only engage women staff and volunteers requiring all our post holders to be female.
Recruitment Process
Filling in the application is stage 1 in Women & Girls Network recruitment procedure. Applicants are shortlisted based on the information provided within the application form. If successful at the shortlisting stage you will be invited to an initial interview. If the applicant passes the interview they will then be invited to attend an induction training programme. The induction training programme can range from 2-4 days depending upon the positon being applied for. For clinical employees and volunteers Induction training is required to be successfully passed before an offer of employment or a placement is given. Please note all offers are subject to accepted references and clearing of criminal bureau checks (DBS).
Induction Training
The induction training programme will take place either at our west London office or an alternative training venue in London. Employed practitioners will not be paid to attend induction training (which counts towards CPD). Volunteers will be reimbursed for their travel cost for attendance.
Length of Contract
The length of a contract for employed staff will be subject to funding and therefore time spent on a project can vary. The length will be confirmed in your contract of employment. Contracts will be reviewed and appropriate notice as set out in the contract of employment will be given if funding comes to an end. Clinical volunteers in project placements are required to commit to a minimum of a one year placement.
You will be based either in our centres in Shepherds Bush or Ealing (west London), or work in one of our satellite venues based with a partner organisation across London, however you may, in the future be required to transfer to another of WGN locations on request. Training and supervision usually takes place in our centres. Time spent travelling to a site at which you are working and delivering a service or where you attend training/supervision will not be regarded as working time for the purposes of the Working Time Regulations nor paid by WGN.
Clinical placements for Honorary Counsellors
Women & Girls Network ask that honorary counsellors commit to 12 months minimum for their placement. During this period they will be requested to see between 3-4 clients a week and are required to offer 1 day a week for their placement. This day involves providing counselling and completing clinical paperwork. It is also required for honorary counsellors to be available to attend 2.5 hours of clinical supervision a month as part of their placement.
Counsellors are covered by WGN’s Professional Indemnity Insurance.
WGN is fortunate in receiving long-term funding from a range of charitable trusts and statutory sources.
February 2015
020 7610 4678