Course: Geometry
Instructor: Maggie Maroney
Room: 215
Phone (school) 218-945-6953 Ext. 215
Hours: 8:00am to 4:00pm or by appointment
Text: Geometry
McDougal Littell (2004)
Course Description: Geometry is a year long course presenting geometric concepts through postulates and theorems. Some key topics include perpendicular and parallel lines, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, similarity, right triangles, trigonometry, circles, and reasoning and proof. Units on tessellations and the golden ratio are also included. The MN Geometry standards will be used to drive the curriculum.
Grading: A student’s grade will be comprised of 30% homework and 70% quizzes and tests. See the student handbook for the breakdown of letter grades. Various quizzes will be given throughout the chapters as well as a chapter test at the end of every chapter. Late work will not be accepted once the test has been given for a chapter. Late work will not receive full credit.
Student Responsibility: Geometry students will
- Be on time
- Take notes
- Listen/pay attention
- Use a pencil for homework (work must be shown neatly)
- Bring necessary materials to class: book, paper, homework, pencil, pen, folder for handouts
- Complete assignments on time
- Be prepared for quizzes and tests
- Seek help when necessary
Extra Credit: Extra credit problems may appear on certain assessments or periodically throughout the year. There will not be a large amount of extra credit opportunities because students are encouraged to be working hard on all assignments without the need for extra point opportunities.
Classroom rules:
- Prompt: Be on time to class and when turning in homework.
- Prepared: Bring all necessary materials and work to class daily (calculator, pencils, pen, notebooks, and textbook). Assignments must be done in pencil. Correcting will be done in pen.
- Productive: Maximize learning time, stay on task, follow directions, do your work!
- Polite: Be nice or neutral to everyone. Swearing, teasing, talking back, and bullying will NOT be tolerated. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, your classroom, and your school. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Patient: Wait respectively and noncompliant for your turn. Listen when others are talking
- Copying homework and cheating during quizzes and tests are serious offenses and will result in a zero on the assignment.
Noon detention (or longer depending on offense) will be given for inappropriate behavior if a student does not comply with class rules. I will not take into consideration whether or not you have a game, dance, or practice scheduled.
Class Procedure: Students should be seated when the bell rings. While waiting for class to begin, students begin working on any warm up problems on the board. Homework should be out and ready to go through. Pencils should be sharpened prior to class starting. Attentive behavior and class participation are expected. Students should take notes throughout lectures. If a student has questions about a homework assignment, he/she should try to come in before or after school to ask questions if possible. I am available to help and answer questions before and after school as well as during study halls/prep hours. Please do not hesitate to ask!
Absences: It is important for students to be in all their classes, but it is especially true in a math class. Math topics build from day to day; absences result in gaps in the learning process. Several gaps can be very detrimental to understanding. It is impossible to totally make-up an absence as many class activities do not show up on the assignment board. When a student is absent, he/she should get any handouts from the Geometry slot of the metal cabinet on the counter. Any homework collected on the day the student was absent should be turned in when the student returns. In the event that several days were missed, all work should be turned in as soon as possible (preferably no longer than one day for each day absent.) A student who has been absent should get notes/examples from another student and/or come in after school to meet with the teacher. Remember it is your responsibility to get the assignments that were missed and to get your work turned in.