
Description of game for volunteer:

Survivor is a cooperative activity where three teams will be working to move from the beach, where they start, to each island. Then the group should retrieve the treasure from the other beach and that group must bring the treasure back to where they started. Each group should be made up of 7 or 8 students. Each group will start with a boat (scooter) and jump rope. Each group can get another boat and long jump rope when someone makes it to the first island. No body parts can touch the water (floor) or that whole group has to start back at the beginning. Of course boats and jump ropes can touch the floor.

Rules to follow for Fun and Fitness Days:

ü If riding on scooters you can ride on knees, bottom, belly, or be pushed by a teammate.

ü If any body parts touch the water then your group must go back to the last place you were safe.

ü Share jump ropes and scooters so everyone can have a chance to save someone.

ü Working together as a group will get you much farther in this activity.

ü Only one person needs to get the treasure.

Differences in Survivor for Fun and Fitness Days:

ü Once your group has everyone safe at the first mat then you can continue moving forward.

ü You can still help other groups, but with a shorter amount of time I want you to focus on your group today.

ü When a group gets the treasure then you can make the activity more challenging by giving out specific disabilities that the students must follow.

o Blind – put on blindfold

o Deaf – pretend that they can’t hear anything their group says

o Mute – Can’t talk

o Arm injury – Can’t use one or both arms (put arm inside shirt).

o Leg injury – must balance on one leg (have a helper close).

o Incompetent – Play dumb without hurting your group.

o Leader – no specific disabilities (help others).