Faculty of Educational Sciences

Methodological Horizons

(HR) 52100 P u l a, Ivana Matetica Ronjgova 1


A. Information about the reviewed papers

– name and surname of the author

– title

– number of pages, illustrations, diagrams, tables, footnotes, bibliographic units:

B. Reviewer’s opinion

– adequacy of the chosen title

– methodology of the studied phenomenon

– usage of professional terminology

– clarity and logicality of the written text

– significance of the studied phenomenon

– originality of the work with the estimate of the contribution to the scientific development

– comparison with other works which treat the same or similar phenomenon

– logicality of conclusions and its emergence from attained results and discussions

– adequacy and correctness of cited literature

C. Estimate and manuscript categorization

By circling the letter in front of the offered short estimate and manuscript categorization the

reviewer estimates the quality of the paper and suggests its categorization.

D. Information about the reviewer

The name and surname of the reviewer, the academic title, the identification number from the

Records of Scientific Workers


the name of the institution, the personal address or the address of the institution, the place and the date of the review.


Faculty of Educational Sciences

Methodological Horizons

(HR) 52100 P u l a, Ivana Matetica Ronjgova 1



A. Information about the reviewed papers

1. Author(s): ______

2. Title:______

3. Number of pages: ____; illustrations: ____; diagrams: ____; tables: ____; footnotes: ____; bibliographic

units: ____.

B. Reviewer’s opinion

C. Estimate and manuscript categorization

1. Short estimate
a) accept without corrections
b) accept after the accomplishment of suggested corrections
c) significantly or fully correct before acceptance
d) refuse / 2. Manuscript categorization
a) original scientific work
b) preliminary notes
c) reviewed paper
d) professional article
e) scientific conference presentation
f) practical experience
(Please circle the letter in front of the short estimate and the manuscript categorization)

D. Information about the reviewer


(Reviewer’s name and surname, academic title and profession) (Identification number from the Records of Scientific Workers )


(Institution) (Place and date)


(Address) (Reviewer’s signature)