Towards a new plan for NQF Implementation in Ukraine
19 April 2016
Venue: Taras Shevchenko University
In 2010 the Cabinet of Ministers established an interdepartmental working group led by the Minister of Education to develop the National Qualifications Framework, develop an implementation plan and monitor its implementation. The NQFwas adopted in 2011, followed by an implementation plan for 2012-2015. This plan has expired and in agreement with key stakeholders,ETF organized a self-assessment exercise in order to establish to what extent it has been completed. ETF gathered information from all stakeholders mentioned in the plan, as collected evidence of achievements. These are now available to everyone.
The seminar builds on the results of the self-assessment. We will jointly analyse what has been done in the years 2012-2015. In spite of an active start progress has been running behind expectations. We are at a critical moment; some stakeholders expressed doubts that the NQF will ever make a difference to Ukraine.
We therefore want to reflect collectively on the future, in particular the period 2016-2020 during which the NQF should become fully operational, but also beyond.
Ukraine is not making the best use of its human potential. Current training provision does not sufficiently meet labour market needs. The quality is diverse and decentralisation may strengthen that. VET is marginalised; the higher education system predominant, but does not train for jobs. Systems to keep adults up to date with changing needs are mainly dependent on individual efforts.
Can the NQF in Ukraine play a role in implementing education reforms, promoting lifelong learning and career development and improving the efficient use of the labour potential? Can it become a real tool to support quality enhancement of the provision and a more relevant, fit-for-purpose set of qualifications? Or is the NQF just a formality to show that Ukraine conforms with international commitments?
We want to discuss the strategic targets for the next years and how will we reach them? What stakeholders should be involved in these processes? How will we coordinate between them? How will quality be assured? What are the challenges? What outside support would Ukraine need to overcome them? And finally what will be the real value of these processes for learners, social partners and citizens of Ukraine?
The second part of the seminar is about agreeing how we move forward. What lessons we can learn from the implementation so far? Will there be a new inter-ministerial working group or will the old group be revived? Should its composition and mandate change? Should the new implementation plan for 2016-2020 look differently from the plan 2012-2015?
To ensure your input is valued working groups’ sessions are organised, looking at different aspects of a new action plan: (1) ensuring relevant qualifications, improving assessment and quality assurance (2) developing standards and curricula, (3) coordination, stakeholder engagement and communication with end users.
The final part of the event will consist of the reporting from the working groups and drawing the main conclusions on further steps.
We wish everyone a good seminar.
Time / DRAFT AGENDA9.00 – 9.15 / Registration of Participants
9.15– 9.45 / Welcome & Introduction
Opening and introduction, objectives of the interactive workshop, expectations
Inna Sovsun, Ministry of Education
Council of Europe / British Council / ETF
9.45 – 10.30 / NQF Implementation Plan 2012-2015 – results of self-assessment
- Methodology of self-assessment
- Report and findings
- Recommendations
10.30 – 11.00 / Discussion on the findings of self-assessment
11.00 – 11.30 / Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 / Plenary session:
Short presentations
1) What are the commitments already taken
Bologna Process (Stephen Adam, Council of Europe)
Association Agreement (Arjen Deij, ETF)
2) What are the challenges of implementation? (Arjen Deij, ETF)
-Is it clear what results we want to achieve?
-How can we make the process of implementation more efficient?
3) Opportunities for international support and synergies with existing initiatives: ETF, British Council, Council of Europe, Erasmus Plus
13.00 – 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 / Working group 1
Identification and verifications of qualification needs (occupational standards, assessment, quality assurance)
Facilitator – Sergey Melnik
Rapporteur – Anatolii Garmash / Working group 2
Developing qualifications and curricula based on learning outcomes
Facilitator – Andrey Gozhik
Rapporteur – OlenaVrublevska / Working group 3
Coordination, stakeholder engagement and communication with end users
Facilitator – Rodion Kolyshko
Rapporteur – Alina Chubko
16.00 – 16.15 / Coffee Break
16.15 – 17.00 / Reporting back from working group
17:00– 17:30 / Conclusions and further actions(chaired by Arjen Deij)
Mr Khobzey (Ministry of Education) tbc