Entry forms and deadline: Entry fees per team are $40.00 and must be received by Feb 3rd, 2017. Any entries received after Feb 3rd or on the day of event are $50.00. Pay and register online at idahocitychamber.org or call 208-392-4159 or email for help or to receive a packet by email or mail.

Check in and set up:Check in at the Idaho City Visitor’s Center located at the corner of Main St. and Hwy 21, Idaho City, ID. You may set-up as early as needed, but no chamber representative will available to check you in, register those not pre-registered, or check your ingredients until sun-up – around 7:30. The cooking period will be a minimum of 3 hours and a maximum of 4 hours, so you must begin cooking by 8:30, and you may begin as early as 7:30. Food preparation can precede the cooking period.Judging will begin at noon. There will only be one division – Home-style chili, defined as, “the cook’s favorite combination of ingredients, resulting in a dish seasoned with chili peppers and spices.”Cash prizes and awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, and People’s Choice. This is not an officially sanctioned Chili Cook Off competition.

What YouBring: Each team will need to provide your own power, heat source, minimum of 2 tables (one table will be used as your washing station required by Central District Health) 3 buckets for sanitation (wash, rinse, sanitize, dry), utensils, cooking pots, and thermometer. All your ingredients that ARE NOT combined prior to event start up. Providing side dishes such as Coleslaw, cornbread, cheese, etc. is encouraged, but not required! Your own trash can is advisable.

What We provide: TheChamber will provide cups, spoons, napkins, and chlorine test strips…community trash, restrooms, handwashing stations. A limited amount of electrical hook ups are available for an additional $20.00. First entries, first served. (Must bring your own electrical cord).

Chili preparation:No ingredients may be pre-cooked or prepared in any way, prior to the commencement of the chili cookoff. The only exceptions are canned or bottled tomatoes, tomato sauce, peppers, pepper sauce, beverages, broth, and grinding and/or mixing of spices. Meat may be pre-cut or ground. All other ingredients must be chopped or prepared during the competition. ABSOLUTELY NO HOME CANNED ITEMS OR WILD GAME may be used for health department reasons! Chili must be kept at 165 degrees. All Teams are requested to prepare 8 Gallons. A minimum of 5 Gallons of chili to qualify. Remember - you stop receiving votes for People’s Choice, when you run out, so try not to serve anyone samples more than once. Voting will be from noon-2pm, only. You may serve until you run out, but you may not start to tear down until the winners are announced at approximately 2:30.

ENTRY FORM Idaho City Chamber Chili Cook Off 2017

TEAM NAME:______HEAD COOK:______


EMAIL (Used for Chili Contest updates only):______


Mail entries to: Idaho City Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 507, Idaho City, ID 83631 or register and pay online at idahocitychamber.org Make checks payable to Idaho City Chamber of Commerce