MINUTES of the Meeting of Wivenhoe Town Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday 15 October 2012.
Present: The Town Mayor, Cllr. P. Kraft (Chairman),
Cllrs: A. Aldis, K. Hall, D. Henley, N. Lodge,
K. Read, F. Richards, N. Tile, B. Sinclair, A. Stinson and A. Vaughan
Borough Cllrs: J. Manning and S. Ford.
Mrs. A. Stinson (Town Clerk)
Will Lodge (Evening Gazette)
Peter Kay
Jason Cobb
PCSO Louise Neville
17 Members of the public
Prior to commencement of business safety announcements were given and in particular to the maximum capacity of the Council Chamber under the Town Council’s Health and Safety Policy.
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies were received from Cllrs. I. Endean and R. Needham, Borough Cllrs. M. Cory and C. Liddy and County Cllr J. Young.
2. MINUTES. RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council held on 17 September 2012 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.
Pavilion: Advice was being sought from CBC Planning on D1 use for the pavilion.
Wivenhoe Health Centre: An email had been received by the Town Council that day setting out questions concerning the medical centre which residents wished to put to the Town Council. As there were 17 residents in attendance who also wished to express concerns about this Cllr. Kraft proposed that Item 5a) be taken first in order to read out the report of County Cllr. J. Young, which was very relevant to the current situation.
After reading Cllr. Young’s report Cllr. Kraft asked if a spokesperson for the residents could put their questions to the Town Council. In response to the majority of the questions raised Cllr. Kraft advised that most would need to be answered by Realise Health Ltd and to this end the Town Council had organized a public meeting which was to be held on Tuesday 30 October at 7.30pm in the William Loveless Hall. Realise Health Ltd along with the Practice Manager for Wivenhoe Surgery would be present and landowner Mr. Gooch would also be invited.
Cllr. Read proposed that 81/83 High Street be looked into as to its viability as an alternative site and this was AGREED. Cllr. Kraft also mentioned that the Philip Road centre could be another site worth looking into. The Town Council would therefore contact Realise Health Ltd prior to the public meeting asking for discussion on four possible options: these were Fire Station site, 81/83 High Street, Philip Road Centre and the enlargement of 71 The Avenue, the current site.
The residents also requested that the Town Council express, by a show of hands, if they were in favour of the Health Centre being on the Cooks site. Apart from one abstention all members present voted against the Health Centre being on the Cooks site.
Notices concerning the public meeting would be displayed in prominent places around the town. Cllr. Kraft thanked the residents for raising their concerns at the Town Council meeting and in return a spokesperson for the residents also thanked the Town Council for all that they do for the town.
a) Essex County Council: Cllr. Young’s report on the Health Centre is summarized below:
The decision to switch sites for the Health Centre came as a huge shock. Unfortunately despite Realise Health Ltd being asked to contact Borough and County Councillors by CBC planning officers nothing has been received. This has not been handled well and something as important as this needs much better community consultation. Cllr. Young has been actively pushing for improved access to the Fire station securing the funding for a Toucan crossing and new cycle path. Since hearing of the shift in site Cllr. Young has been in communication with Mr. Gooch who has indicated his surprise about the turn of events and that his site is still available. Cllr. Young met with planning officer Sue Jackson and Adam Garland from Highways to discuss concerns about access to this site. The Cooks Shipyard already has B 1 approval for small business use, but this is a different type of business likely to generate huge traffic movements. As for Highway opinion Adam Garland is very familiar with the access issues to this site and he has explained that Realise Health Ltd would need to demonstrate that this business activity would not go beyond that which the original permission indicates. There is also the issue of sustainable travel as the existing surgery has good public transport access, this site has none.
Finally there is the issue of the pharmacy, unless things have changed there has to be a minimum distance between premises so if a pharmacy goes to Cooks shipyard the existing pharmacy may have to close. This will impact on the other business units as shoppers generally use the other shops when visiting the pharmacy. It will also take a very valuable facility away from Wivenhoe Cross ward.
The Cedric’s site is the preferred site but the residential permission makes it too costly. The Police Houses is a possibility as is the library but the site is small. The Engine shed would be good for public transport access with buses and rail serving the site but the listed building would throw up design issues, although it is a better option for access than Cooks Shipyard. Alternatively the Fire Station site according to the owner is still available. Cllr. Young stated that she was looking forward to the public meeting on the 30th October when the community can have its say and hopefully everyone can move forward together.
b) Borough Council: Cllr. Ford reported that he was still dealing with potholes and would look again at the pavement along Stanley Road which was still outstanding. The Wivenhoe List had been formerly adopted as a material planning consideration by CBC Planning Department.
Cllr. Manning reported on issues concerning dog bins, potholes and litter bin. A planning application for an extension in Paddock Way had been called in. Cllr. Cory and Cllr. Liddy had both sent in written reports which were circulated to all members.
c) Public Transport Representative. The written report of Peter Kay was received and noted. Cllr. Kraft thanked Mr. Kay for his report.
6.1 Planning
a) Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 2 October 2012 were received and noted.
b) The Quay: Members noted receipt of a letter with up to date maps of the Quay from Mary Moir EC Public Rights of Way Officer which showed the current encroachments along the quayfront. These would discussed at the next Planning Committee on 23 October 2012.
c) Cooks’ Shipyard Working Group: Cllr. Read reported that despite reminders Taylor Wimpey had still not completed the snagging list on the Fisherman’s Store and it was now apparent that the tiling and splashbacks would have to be carried out by the Town Council; all applicants for the dinghy spaces had been written to and after the handover of the facility the Town Mayor would be invited to draw out names of those successful. There was still the matter of bollards and the canoe rack to finalise. The cycle shelter was still to be installed and Taylor Wimpey were looking into this.
Concerning the car park Cllr. Aldis explained that the issue of Pay and Display could prove a considerable expense. Most car parks now are operated by NEPP (North Essex Parking Partnership). Cllr. Aldis would look into the matter further.
d) Health Centre: This was discussed under Minute items 4 and 5 above.
6.2 Personnel Committee.
Cllr. Read reported that the vacancy for an office cleaner had not been filled yet and this would be advertised more. The date of the next meeting would be on 28 November 2012 at 7.30pm.
6.3 Finance and Administration Committee.
a) Revenue Grant Funding Letter: The letter from Cllr. Tina Bourne, Portfolio Holder for Housing was received. The content of the letter outlined the intentions of Colchester Borough Council to withdraw grant support to all of its town and parish councils, which in the case of Wivenhoe, as one of the larger Town Councils, amounted to £32,698. In order to maintain current services the Town Council would have to increase its precept by approximately 17% if this grant were withdrawn. A response would be sent to Ian Vipond and Cllr. Bourne to this effect.
Cllr. Lodge again reminded all Chairs of Working Parties to submit their spending requirements by November for the budget meeting in December and to take account of the fact that all budgets may have to be cut drastically if the withdrawal of the revenue grant from Colchester Borough Council went ahead.
Cllr. Lodge also reminded Ward Cllrs to advise the Town Council of the criteria for their Ward Budgets.
6.4 Estates Committee.
a) Minutes of the Estates Committee meeting held on 24 September were received and
noted. The next meeting would be held on Monday 26 November 2012 at 7.30pm.
7.1 William Loveless Hall Working Party:
a) Cllr. Kraft reported that work was almost complete on the refurbishment of the Gents’ toilets and it was hoped to formally unveil them at the Civic Service.
7.2 Wivenhoe Wood Working Parties. Cllr. Sinclair reported that the next working party would be working on Wednesday 14 November, on the marshes working around the ponds at the bottom of the seepage pit.
7.3. Minibus Working Group. Nothing to report.
7.4 Youth Facilities Working Party. Nothing to report.
7.5 Community Opportunities Group.
The report of Cllr. Needham on the meeting held on 12 September 2012 was noted.
7.6 Diamond Jubilee Gardens Working Group.
Cllr. Needham had provided brief notes of the meeting held on 8 October 2012, which were circulated to all. An assessment of the project had revealed predicted costs which were too ambitious and a substantial revision was now needed, therefore the project was going to be scaled down with a return to the original concept of a quiet garden, encompassing memorial Rose Garden, picnic area, entrance feature and creative play facilities for young children.
The next meeting would be held on 8 November 2012 at 7.30pm.
7.7 Pavilion, Offices, Yard and Police Houses Working Group.
Cllr. Needham had sent a written report detailing that arrangements are in hand for a temporary car park surface at the rear of 81/83 High Street; the original fire protection survey carried out by CBC Property Services on the Council Office building had been found to be inappropriately scaled and was being pursued all over again; progress had been made with the lease for the pavilion and a property review centered around the office and yard would be carried out in the Autumn.
7.8 Members' Individual Proposals or Reports:
a) Mayoral Activities: Cllr. Kraft reported on attendances at the Alresford Sports Pavilion opening on 17 September; Colne School Awards Evening on 19 September; Opening of the Edge Hotel at the University on 20 September; birthday party for Rev. Lammens on 29 September; Colne School open day on 6 October; West Mersea Civic Service on 7 October and Anglia Ruskin University students annual visit on 9 October.
Total of 7 events.
b) Community Safety and Police Matters: Members welcomed PCSO Neville to the meeting. PCSO Neville gave a report on Gothic House, to which emergency services had been called out to three times recently. The matter was being looked into and the Safer Colchester Team would be returning to Wivenhoe soon which would be a very visible police presence and they would be liaising with the community. There had been a spate of vandalism and graffiti and this was also being dealt with.
c) NAP report: Nothing to report. The next meeting would be on 11 December 2012.
d) EALC AGM: Cllr. Lodge gave a report on the AGM of the Essex Association of Local Councils which he attended on behalf of the Town Council on 27 September. Cllr. Lodge circulated to all telephone numbers and contacts for the ECC Highways and Transportation team, including a system of reporting where each reported incident could be tracked on line to see how it was progressing.
8.1 Burial Grants and approval of memorials.
The Town Clerk reported that one Burial Grant had been issued and two memorials had been approved since the last meeting. One interment of ashes had taken place.
8.2 NALC/EALC Communications. September Issues 791 and 793 of DIS and been emailed to all members. Making the Links communications and newsletters from both NALC and EALC were being emailed whenever available.
8.3 Work Management.
a) General: The Town Clerk reported that graffiti had been removed again from the skatepark but there was still graffiti on one bus shelter, arising from a spate of graffiti over the weekend. Damage had also been done to the monument on the Bovis estate. The renovation of the gents’ toilet at the William Loveless Hall was currently being carried out. The number of visitors to the Council Offices for the months of September totalled 196.
The Town Clerk also reported that at the SLCC Conference over the weekend the usual Silent Auction was held and she had been successful in winning the bid for a new web-site.
Cllr. Richards congratulated the Town Clerk on winning the bid, which cost £140.
9.1 Current Financial Report
a) The September spending and income report was received and noted.
9.2 List of cheques numbered 503815 -503830 drawn since the last Town Council Meeting was approved and signed.
9.3 List of Payments made from the Imprest Account since the last Town Council Meeting was approved.
9.4 Motions Under Standing Orders Recommending Expenditure. None.
9.5 Appeals for Financial Support. None.
10.1 Correspondence.
a) CBC – Rough Sleeper Estimate: As per last year members received the form from CBC requesting details of rough sleepers in Wivenhoe. Cllr. Tile filled in the form.