Teacher: Grade:Subject: Dates for Plan:
Ms. L. Nesmith / 9th to 12th / SpanishModern Language Unit / October 3rd to 7th, 2016
SC State Standard(s)/District Standard(s) for Mastery:
Applicable Unit UnderstandingsStudents will understand that there are several ways in Spanish to introduce and greet someone.
Students will understand that there are similarities and differences in ways to express information in English and in Spanish.
Applicable Unit Essential Questions- How do you ask someone’s name and how he or she is?
- How do you introduce others?
- How do you say where you and others are from?
- How do you give phone numbers, the time, the date, and the day?
- How do you spell words and give e-mail addresses?
- How are Hispanic countries different from your own?
- How do you communicate in class in the target language?
South Carolina Academic Standards for Modern and Classical Languages
The student will
B-1.1-2 express basic courtesies in the target language and use appropriate behaviors.
B-1.1-4 use the target language to exchange personal information (e.g., names, home addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses) with others.
B-1.1-5 use the target language to express personal needs in familiar situations.
B-1.1-7 use the target language to ask and answer simple questions.
B-1.2-1 respond appropriately to simple directions and commands given in the target language.
B-1.2-2 identify aural, visual, and context clues in authentictarget-language materials, in both oral and written forms.
B-1.2-3 identify the main idea in authentictarget-language materials, in both oral and written forms.
B-1.2-4 understand information on familiar topics that is conveyed in the target language in sentence-level oral and written presentations.
B-1.3-6 communicate information in the target language in sentence-level oral and written presentations on familiar topics.
B-2.1-1 imitate language and behaviors that are appropriate to interactions in the target culture.
B-4.1-2 identify differences and similarities in registerbetween the target language and English.
B-4.2-2 use the target language to identify behavioral patterns and perspectives in the target culture that are similar to and different from those in his or her native culture.
Day / Lesson Objectives
The students will / Materials / Teacher Activities / Student Activities / Assessment(s)
Monday /
- ask someone’s name
- ask how someone is and say how they are
- introduce others
- say where they are from
- ask for and give phone numbers
- give the date and the day of the week
Using punctuation marks and written accents
Monitor spoken & written responses. / Whole group repetition, individual repetition, pair speaking practice, practice with vocabulary cards / Informal: Teacher will monitor responses and activities and offer assistance as needed.
(Students will learn about the geography, celebrations, food, architecture, and fine art of Spain) /
- introduce others
- ask how someone is
- say where they are from
- ask for and give phone numbers
- use classroom expressions
- describe family
- label parts of the body
Monitor spoken & written responses. / Whole group repetition, individual repetition, pair speaking practice, practice with vocabulary cards / Informal: Teacher will monitor responses and activities and offer assistance as needed.
Wednesday /
- ask someone’s name
- ask how someone is and say how they are
- introduce others
- say where they are from
- ask for and give phone numbers
- give the date and the day of the week
Using punctuation marks and written accents
Monitor spoken & written responses. / Whole group repetition, individual repetition, pair speaking practice, practice with vocabulary cards / Informal: Teacher will monitor responses and activities and offer assistance as needed.
Thursday /
- label parts of the bodysay where they are from
- ask and tell ages
- give the date and the day of the week
- spell words and give e-mail addresses
- ask for and give phone numbers
Using subject pronouns
Using the verb ser;
Monitor spoken & written responses. / Whole group repetition, individual repetition, pair speaking practice, practice with vocabulary cards / Informal: Teacher will monitor responses and activities and offer assistance as needed.
Formal: Interim Interpersonal Activity
Friday /
- ask how someone is and say how they are
- say where they are from
- use classroom expressions
- describe family
- give the date and the day of the week
- spell words and give e-mail addresses
vocabulary lists, text, workbooks, Promethean, poster cards vocab., Online video; audio, DVD, or lab / Review & model pronunciation vocab. Present and model: Using subjects and verbs in sentences
Using subject pronouns
Using the verb ser;
Monitor spoken & written responses. / Whole group repetition, individual repetition, pair speaking practice, practice with vocabulary cards
Complete Interim Interpersonal Activity. / Informal: Teacher will monitor responses and activities and offer assistance as needed.
Formal: Test on unit vocab.
Subject to change