Broads Authority Site Specific Policies Local Plan
Hearing Session Thursday 13February2014
Thorpe St Andrew– Girlings Lane Site
- When answering the following questions, please address any site constraints including flood risk, biodiversity, landscape character, tourism, navigation and design, all of which are identified in document SD15 (Viability Statement), as being the well-known constraints of the Broads Executive Area.
a)If this site were to be assessed as per document SD 17 (How DPD objectives are met by Policies), how would it score?
b)If a development boundary were to be drawn around the site, would this be likely to have any adverse impacts and, if so, what?
c)In general terms, could any identified adverse impacts be mitigated? Explain how.
d)Would there be any potential benefits, eg economical, social?
e)Would such a development boundary be contrary to any existing policies (local plan and NPPF)? Please list and explain.
f)Would such a development boundary meet the requirements of any particular policies (local plan and NPPF) and if so, in what way?
g)Would inclusion potentially contribute to meeting any unmet development/infrastructure requirements, including unmet requirements from neighbouring/constituent authorities?
h)Would there be any significant issues of deliverability to resolve? If so, what?
i)Would development on this site be economically, environmentally and socially sustainable?
j)Where sustainability might be an issue (eg transport/access to facilities), what weight should be given to this and why?
k)Does NPPF paragraph 34 influence the position?(sustainable travel but consider rural areas policies)
l)Overall, what should be the main determining issues?
m)Please state any other matters/issues/policies of relevance to the question of determination.
- P42, Q1 b) BA response to matters and issues says The approach of neighbouring authorities with regards to a particular “shared” settlement was also taken into consideration. SD6 Issues, Options and Preferred Options pp 13 & 14 in referring to settlements that straddle the boundary with neighbouring local planning authorities it states: In assessing each of such settlements for Broads development boundaries, regard has been given to the treatment of the adjacent area by its local planning authority and, although this is not considered determinative, it is a planning consideration. In almost all cases the approach to each settlement is in accord with the treatment of the adjacent area of the settlement outside the Broads.
- What is the approach of Broadland District Council with respect to development boundaries/development in Thorpe St Andrew Parish?
- Is Broadland District Council aware of the proposal for Girlings Lane and, if so, what is its position?
- P42, Q1 c) A questionnaire was sent to all Parish and Town Councils…(see appendix 6). Please produce the completed questionnaire for the parish of Thorpe St Andrew.
- How much of the Girlings Lane site is previously developed land? What weight has been given to this, taking account of NPPF paragraphs 17 8th bullet and 111?
- Is there a Sustainability Appraisal and a Habitats Regulation Assessment for the Girlings Lane site? If so, please provide a copy.
- Was Girlings Lane within the 1997 Local Plan development boundary?
- Thorpe St. Andrew (sites at Yarmouth Road; Carey’s Meadow) plan (SD2) at paragraph 2.4.10 the reason for not allocating is given as flood risk or vehicular access issues, etc., but goes on to say that if these issues are resolved these sites might be acceptable at a later stage. See also paragraphs 2.8.2 and 3.21.3.
- Reason for non-allocation in consultation document (SD10a) at p38 is non-deliverability.
- Reason for non-inclusion in development boundary given in consultation document (SD10a) p30 is desire to keep gaps between development and landscape value.
- Is there any inconsistency in the above reasoning?
- What is the reason for suggesting non-deliverability?
- What is the situation regarding flood risk and in particular what flood zone does the site fall into?
- Is the absence of a development boundary around the site the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives?
- Has Girlings Lane been assessed for allocation outside the development boundary? (as other allocated sites outside the development boundary have - DIT1, NOR1, OUL3, WES1 – see response to Matter 2, Q10).
- Although allocation may conflict with DP22, the NPPF seeks to ensure that a balanced approach is applied to planning, rather than adhering to absolutes. In this regard is DP22 compliant/consistent with the NPPF, given its use of the words “only” and “must”? (the amber rating in AD5 is noted)
- Have NPPF paragraphs 54 and 55 been taken into account when assessing Girlings Lane? How does Girlings Lane rate against these policies?
- How would non-allocation/exclusion from development boundary sit with NPPF, Part 3, paragraph 28, the thrust of which is to support prosperous rural economies?
- If Girlings Lane were to be allocated, would this meet the tests of soundness?
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