Study Plan for the B.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering

First Year

(Thermal, Mechatronics, Aeronautics)

First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



CIS 100 / Computer Skills / 3 / - / Arb 101 / Arabic Language / 3 / -
Math 101 / Calculus I / 3 / - / Phys 102 / General Physics II / 3 / Phys 101
Phys 101 / General Physics I / 3 / - / Chem 102 / General Chemistry II / 3 / Chem 101
Chem 101 / General
Chemistry I / 3 / - / Math 102 / Calculus II / 3 / Math 101
ME 101 / Engineering Workshops / 2 / - / Arb 103 / Applied Arabic Language Studies / 1
Eng 111 / English Language / 3 / Pass Eng 99 / Chem 107 / General Chemistry Lab / 1 / Pre/Co. Chem 102
Eng 112 / Communication Skills II / 3 / Eng 111
Total / 17 / Total / 17

Second Year

(Thermal, Mechatronics, Aeronautics)

First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



MS 100 / Military Science / 3 / ME 202 / Mechanical Drawing / 2 / ME 201
Phys 107 / General Physics Lab / 1 / Pre/Co.
Phys. 102 / Math 203 / Ordinary Differential Equations I / 3 / Math 102
CS 115 / Programming Language (C++) / 3 / CIS 100 / ME 212 / Dynamics / 3 / CE 201
EE 202 / Communication Skills for Engineers / 2 / 2nd year standing / ME 214 / Strength of Material / 3 / CE 201
Math 201 / Intermediate Analysis / 3 / Math 102 / IE 341 / Engineering Economics / 2 / Math 201
CE 201 / Statics / 3 / Phys 101 / University Elective / 3
ME 201 / Engineering Drawing B / 2 / CIS 100
Total / 17 / Total / 16

Third Year

(Thermal, Aeronautics)

First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number / Course Name / Credit Hours / Pre-Requisite / Course Number / Course Name / Credit Hours / Pre-Requisite
ME 305 / Applied Math for Engineers / 3 / Math 201,
Math 203 / EE 303 / Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering / 3 / Phys 102
ME 311 / Mechanics of Machinery / 3 / ME 212 / ME 312 / Mechanics of Materials Lab / 1 / ME 214, IE 361
ChE 340 / Thermodynamics / 3 / Phys 101, Math 203 / ME 322 / Engineering Thermodynamics / 3 / ChE 340
ME 343 / Fluid Mechanics / 3 / Phys 101, Math 203 / ME 332 / Machine Design I / 3 / ME 214,
ME 202
IE 361 / Engineering Materials / 3 / ME 101,
ME 214 / IE 364 / Manufacturing Processes I / 3 / IE 361
University Elective / 3
Total / 15 / Total / 16

Fourth Year


First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



EE 304 / Electric Drives / 3 / EE 303 / EE 305 / Numerical Methods for Engineers / 3 / ME 305,
CS 115
ME 433 / Machine Design II / 3 / ME 332 / EE 306 / Electrical Engineering Lab. / 1 / EE 304
ME 445 / Thermofluid Lab / 1 / Pre/Co. ME 451 / ChE 400 / Professional Ethics for Engineers / 1 / Passed 90 Credits
ME 451 / Heat Transfer I / 3 / ME 343,
ME 305 / ME 444 / Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineers / 3 / ME 343
ME 463 / Mechanical Vibrations / 3 / ME 305, ME 212 / ME 452 / Heat Transfer II / 3 / ME 451
ME 471 / Instrumentation / 3 / ME 343, EE 303 / ME 462 / Automatic Control I / 3 / Pre/Co. ME 463
ME 472 / Instrumentation and Dynamic Systems Lab. / 1 / ME 471,
ME 463
Total / 16 / Total / 15

Summer Session

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



ME 492


Engineering Training




Completion of 117 credit hours




Fifth Year


First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



ME 533A / Design of Thermal Systems / 3 / EE 305,
ME 452 /
ME 592
/ Graduation Project II / 3 / ME 591
ME 591
/ Graduation Project I / 1 / Completion of 114 credit hours / Technical Elective / 3
ME 593 / Projects in Mechanical Design / 2 / ME 433 / Technical Elective / 3
Technical Elective / 3 / University Elective / 3
Technical Elective / 3
Technical Elective / 3
Total / 15 / Total / 12

Third Year


First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number / Course Name / Credit Hours / Pre-Requisite / Course Number / Course Name / Credit Hours / Pre-Requisite
CPE 254 / Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture (Non-CPE Students) / 3 / CIS 100 / CPE 255 / Digital Logic Design Lab (Non-CPE Students) / 1 / CPE254
EE 303 / Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering / 3 / Phys 102 / EE 304 / Electric Drives / 3 / EE 303
ME 305 / Applied Math for Engineers / 3 / Math 201, Math 203 / EE 305 / Numerical Methods for Engineers / 3 / ME 305,
CS 115
ME 311 / Mechanics of Machinery / 3 / ME 212 / ME 312 / Mechanics of Materials Lab / 1 / ME 214,IE 361
ME 343 / Fluid Mechanics / 3 / Phys 101, Math 203 / EE 321 / Fundamentals of Electronics (Non EE Students) / 3 / EE 303
IE 361 / Engineering Materials / 3 / ME 101,
ME 214 / ChE 340 / Thermodynamics / 3 / Phys 101, Math 203
IE 364 / Manufacturing Processes I / 3 / IE 361
Total / 18 / Total / 17

Fourth Year


First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



EE 306 / Electrical Engineering Lab. / 1 / EE 304 / ChE 400 / Professional Ethics for Engineers / 1 / Passed 90 Credits
ME 332 / Machine Design I / 3 / ME 214,
ME 202 / ME 433 / Machine Design II / 3 / ME 332
ME 425 / Microcontrollers Applications / 3 / CS 115, CPE255, / ME 446 / Mechatronics Lab 1 / 1 / ME 425,
ME 462
ME 462 / Automatic Control I / 3 / Pre/Co.
ME 463 / ME 451 / Heat Transfer I / 3 / ME 343,
ME 305
ME 463 / Mechanical Vibrations / 3 / ME 305, ME 212 / ME 464 / Automatic Control II / 3 /
ME 462
ME 471 / Instrumentation / 3 / ME 343, EE 303 / ME 472 / Instrumentation and Dynamic Systems Lab. / 1 / ME 471,
ME 463
University Elective / 3
Total / 16 / Total / 15

Summer Session

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



ME 492


Engineering Training




Completion of 117 credit hours




Fifth Year


First Semester Second Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



ME 445 / Thermofluid Lab / 1 / Pre/Co. ME 451 /
ME 592
/ Graduation Project II / 3 / ME 591
ME 543 / Mechatronics Systems Integration / 3 / ME 425,
ME 462 / Technical Elective / 3
ME 545 / Mechatronics Lab II / 1 / Pre/Co. ME 543 / Technical Elective / 3
ME 591
/ Graduation Project I / 1 / Completion of 114 credit hours / University Elective / 3
ME 593 / Projects in Mechanical Design / 2 / ME 433
Technical Elective / 3
Total / 11 / Total / 12

Fourth Year


First SemesterSecond Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



EE 304 / Electric Drives / 3 / EE 303 / EE 305 / Numerical Methods for Engineers / 3 / ME 305,
CS 115
ME 443 / Aerodynamics I / 3 / ME 343 / EE 306 / Electrical Engineering Lab. / 1 / EE 304
ME 445 / Thermofluid Lab / 1 / Pre/Co. ME 451 / ChE 400 / Professional Ethics for Engineers / 1 / Passed 90 Credits
ME 451 / Heat Transfer I / 3 / ME 343,
ME 305 / ME 414 / Aircraft Structure I / 3 / ME 214
ME 463 / Mechanical Vibrations / 3 / ME 305,
ME 212 / ME 433 / Machine Design II / 3 / ME 332
ME 471 / Instrumentation / 3 / ME 343, EE 303 / ME 462 / Automatic Control I / 3 / Pre/Co. ME 463
ME 472 / Instrumentation and Dynamic Systems Lab. / 1 / ME 471,
ME 463
Total / 16 / Total / 15

Summer Session

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



ME 492


Engineering Training




Completion of 117 credit hours




Fifth Year


First Semester Second Semester

Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours




Course Number


Course Name


Credit Hours



ME 517 / Flight dynamics and stability I / 3 / ME 443 / ME 542 / Aeronautic Lab / 1 /
Pre/Co. ME 443
ME 525 / Propulsion / 3 / ME 443 /
ME 592
/ Graduation Project II / 3 / ME 591
ME 563 / Aircraft Performance / 2 / ME 443 / Technical Elective / 3
ME 591
/ Graduation Project I / 1 / Completion of 114 credit hours / Technical Elective / 3
ME 593 / Projects in Mechanical Design / 2 / ME 433 / University Elective / 3
Technical Elective / 3
Total / 14 / Total / 13