10 Rowner Road, Gosport, Hants. PO13 0EW
Minutes for the Patient Participation Group Meeting
Wednesday 24th April 2013 at 2.00 p.m.
Present: Shelia Eshelby Patient
George Eshelby Patient
Sylvia Gilbert Patient
Marilyn Mullen Patient
Frank Weaver Patient
Sue Livingstone Patient
Georgette Houlbrook Patient
Emma O’Brien Practice Manager
Yvonne Sharley-Smith Reception Co-Ordinator
Kerie Hargrave Nurse Practitioner
Apologies: Eve Foster Patient
Leslie Mitchell Patient
Carol Dixon Patient
Margaret Lawson Patient
Veronica Cameron-Mackintosh Patient
Alan Durrant Patient
Deborah Curry-Millard Patient
Welcome and Introductions: The new Patient Representative, Georgette Houlbrook introduced herself and was welcomed in to the group.
Minutes of Meeting 09.01.2013: The minutes were approved as a true record.
Items brought forward from Minutes 09.01.2013:
· Waiting Room Chairs: Emma explained to the group that following a Disability Audit, it was identified that the majority of chairs in the waiting room are not compliant. This area comes under the Landlord’s responsibility and they are undertaking their replacement – seating capacity will be reviewed and access around furniture was also raised as an issue. Emma will keep the group informed on the progress.
· Waiting Room Door to Consulting Rooms: The Disability Audit also identified the waiting room door as non-compliant. The Landlord is looking into the possibility of making this door a push pad operated door. Emma will keep the group informed on the progress.
· Hand Sanitiser: Emma confirmed to the group that the Practice did trial a hand sanitiser in the main waiting room during February. This proved to be ineffective as it was either ignored or children were observed playing with it, causing a health and safety issue. The Partners instructed its removal. There is a hand sanitiser in the lobby area and Mrs Houlbrook suggested a sign in the main waiting room advising patients of its whereabouts. It was agreed that Emma will display a sign.
New Partners: Emma advised the group that a new partner, Dr Michael Tsamis had been appointed. Dr Tsamis will be working 4 days a week (not Thursdays). Dr Tsamis is an experienced GP. He has a young family and has a broad interest in family medicine. Dr Tsamis will be replacing Dr Areli Mendoza. We are still working hard to replace Dr Sheila Lynch and Partnership interviews are imminent. Mr Weaver voiced a concern over the length of time patients need to wait for a routine appointment. Emma explained that this is a result of our current shortage of Partners – locums are currently being employed. Emma also confirmed that a patient would always be seen on the same day if the patient deemed their need urgent.
Terms of Reference: Emma asked the members to read the Patient Participation Group Meeting Terms of Reference 2013/14. This shall be signed off at the next meeting.
PPG Report 2012/13: Emma confirmed to the group that the PPG Report 2012/13 was available to read on the Practice Website. Mrs Houlbrook asked how it is made available to people who do not have access to the internet. Emma will note in the Practice Newsletter that a hard copy is available from the Receptionist and display a sign in the waiting room stating the same.
PPG Election: Prior to the meeting, Emma had e-mailed the members stating:
“As our PPG has now been established since 2009, it is time for me to handover the "chair" to a Patient Representative. If you have time to look over the PPG Terms of Reference,the role of the Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary are noted. I will still bechairing the meeting tomorrow, but following theappointment of a new chairpersonetc, I shall be taking a more backseat role. I will always be available to liaise with and shall forward any Practice "news" to the Chair to share at the PPG meetings.The PPG will now be a group for the patients run by the patients and are the key to liaise between the Gosport Locality Patient and Public Stakeholder Group for Clinical Commissioning and the patients and staff of Brune Medical Centre.”
The general feeling from the group was the uncertainty of how the group would function and move forward without representatives from the Practice being present. Emma explained that Yvonne would still attend each meeting and Kerie and herself would still attend occasional meetings to answer questions and advise etc. but the Chairperson and secretary would be patients.
Mrs Eshelby stated that although her and Mr Eshelby enjoyed attending and contributing to each quarterly meeting, other commitments prevent them from taking on the additional workload that a Chair or secretary would bring. Mrs Gilbert stated that she is already committed to the Gosport Locality Patient and Public Stakeholder Group For Clinical Commissioning and producing notes from their meetings. Mrs Houlbrook felt that as this was her first meeting, it was perhaps too early to put herself forward as Chair.
It was agreed that the members would consider these change of roles between now and the next meeting and if any member wished to take on a role they could shadow Emma at the next few meetings. It was also agreed that the next meeting would continue as previously with Emma chairing.
Patient Survey 2013/14: It was agreed that the Annual Patient Survey will be repeated in August/September to monitor if any changes from last year’s survey have improved patient satisfaction and to highlight any new areas for improvement. Emma asked the group if they could consider any areas they would like their second survey to focus on (last year’s second survey was on Patient Services within the practice and surrounding area) to be discussed at the next meeting.
Mrs Gilbert commented that the Gosport Locality Patient and Public Stakeholder Group For Clinical Commissioning (PPSG) were keen for younger patients to join the PPG and the group discussed holding meetings at different time to suit younger patients. Emma suggested this could be a theme for the second survey and could be discussed more at the next meeting.
Any other Business
Gosport Locality Patient and Public Stakeholder Group for Clinical Commissioning: Mrs Gilbert presented her notes from the Gosport Locality Patient and Public Stakeholder Group For Clinical Commissioning meeting which she attended on 11th April 2013. Notes attached and also the minutes from the meeting.
Speakers: Mrs Mullen suggested that it would be productive for speakers to attend the PPG meetings i.e. a spokesperson from the Gosport & Fareham Clinical Commissioning Group, to explain what is involved in the role and to answer questions from patients. Emma will look into inviting a representative from the CCG to the next meeting. The members will forward further suggestions of who they would like to invite to future meetings.
Future Dates: The future dates for the PPG meetings are Wednesday 26th June 2013, Wednesday 2nd October 2013 and Wednesday 8th January 2014. All at 2pm at Brune Medical Centre.
Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday 26th June 2012 at 2pm