/ About UAHT Library Handout

Library’s Web Site

  • http://libraryweb.uacch.edu/
  • Access over 60 databases that provide the full-text of online journal, magazine, and

newspaper articles.

  • Access Destiny, the library’s catalog, to find out what books are available in UAHT Library.

Library’s Collections

  • Over 11,000 books in our print collection including bestseller and juvenile books.
  • Over 60 research databases providing access to millions of online journals, magazine &

newspaper articles as well as thousands of online books. Click on Databases A to Z for

Articles from the library’s home page. Off-campus access requires logging in with the

library’s username & password

  • Audio books (on CD, cassette tape and online)
  • Informational & Educational videos (DVD &VHS)
  • Popular movies & documentaries videos (DVD &VHS)

Use the Library From Off-Campus

  • Go to the library’s web site and to use over 600 online research databases that will give

you access to the full-text of online journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, as well

as online books.

Library Computers & Wireless Access

  • Student computers in the Library provide access to the Internet; WEBBER, MY UACCH,


MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, ACCESS), and HAWKES.

  • You can also bring your laptop and access the Internet via our wireless network.

Need Help with Your Research Assignment?

  • Stop by the Library’s Information Desk to receive personalized, one-on-one, expert

assistance in finding, evaluating, and citing resources for your upcoming research paper

or project.

  • If you need in-depth assistance (30-60 minutes), you can also schedule a research

Consultation appointment with the Library Director, Marielle McFarland.

  • UAHT Library’s Information Literacy web site at http://libraryweb.uacch.edu , offers a

wide variety of How-To-Guides that include links to article databases, and credible web

sites. These guides serve as an excellent starting point for your research needs and will

save you valuable time and frustration in finding appropriate resources for your


Circulation/Information Desk

  • The Library’s Circulation/Information Desk is where you check out, renew, and return

books and other library materials (including reserve materials), ask reference questions

or make other inquiries.

  • Standard check out period for books is 3 weeks. You can simultaneously check out an

unlimited number of books.

  • You may check out up to 3 audio/visual items at one time. Check-out period is for 3 days.

Borrowing Material

  • Your UAHT Student ID serves as your library card. Students must have a student ID

to borrow library material. Circulating materials include books, educational DVDs/videos

and popular DVDs.

In-Library Use Material

  • Reference books, magazines, newspapers, and reserve materials can be used in the

Library only.

Borrowing From Other Libraries

  • Students may borrow materials from other libraries through InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

if material is unavailable or insufficient at UAHT Library.

  • To request material through Interlibrary Loan., print and fill out an Interlibrary Loan

Request Form (Book or Article) and turn it in at the Library’s Information Desk.

Study Areas

  • You are welcome to study on your own or in groups in the Library. Please help

keep the noise level down.

Printing & Copying

  • Each student may print up to 20 pages every day for free. Additional pages cost $.05 each.
  • Copies cost $.10 per page (2-sided pages are $20 each).
  • The copy machine accepts cash only – coins, $1 and $5 dollar bills (no credit/debit cards)

and does give change. Library staff will be happy to assist you.

Ask a Librarian

  • Please contact UAHT Library for more information on any of our services or resources.

Our staff will be more than happy to answer your questions and assist you in locating

items/information, provide guidance in researching a topic, or assist you in using any of

the print or electronic resources in the library.