Separation of Powers Mini Project
Monday, August 20, 2012
Directions: Choose one of the following projects below to complete based on your strengths and interests (Multiple Intelligences). You will be responsible for following the rubric (grading criteria listed below) as you create your project. Research material will be handed out in the classroom to assist you with this project, but you should use other resources as well. You must include a bibliography page with at least 2 resources in MLA format.
You will be required to work on your projects at home (you will very little class time to work on your Mini Project).
Parent Signature Due Date: Wednesday, August 22nd. The signed slip is worth 10 points of your grade!
Project Due Date: Thursday, August 30th at the beginning of class
I. Verbal-Linguistic
A. Make a newspaper front page covering the separation of powers. Include all major people (for Legislative Branch, you can just list the two houses, you don’t have to list each member), and the responsibilities and powers of each branch.
B. Make a Facebook (“Fakebook”) Page for each of the 3 branches (on paper not on internet), the teacher will provide the Facebook worksheet. Fill in all required information on the FB worksheets about each branch of Government.
II. Logical-Mathematical
A. Compare and contrast poster the three branches of government. Be sure to include the responsibilities and powers of each branch.
B. Create a detailed chart showing the pros and cons of the separation of powers. On your chart, you must also list the three branches, their responsibilities, and their powers.
III. Musical
A. Write and perform a rap song that explains the divisions of government (separation of powers) found in the Constitution.
IV. Visual-Spatial
A. Make a Poster showing the three branches of government, their responsibilities and divisions, as well as information on how their members are elected or appointed, their term limits (if there are any), and requirements you must meet in order to run for that office.
B. Create a Tree (3 “branches”) out any material, include “tree branches” to show the three branches of government, their responsibilities and divisions, as well as information on how their members are elected or appointed, their term limits (if there are any), and requirements you must meet in order to run for that office.
Slip Due Date: Tuesday, August 25nd.
The signed slip is worth 10 points of your grade
Student Name: ______ Project Chosen: _______
Student Signature: Date:
Parent Signature: Date: