President Sykes opened the Tax Request Hearing at 7:45 P.M. Superintendent Rokusek reviewed the tax requests and proposed tax levies. Opportunity was given to the public to speak to the proposed tax requests. Hearing was closed by President Sykes at 7:57 P.M.
The regular monthly meeting of the Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools Board of Education was then called to order at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, September 19, 2005, in the board room at the high school byChairman Robert Sykes. Members in attendance were: Robert Sykes, Jerry Petracek, Tere Francis, Chris Cerveny, Scott Havel, and Galen Beck. Also in attendance were Superintendent,Dave Rokusek;Elementary Principal, Allen Brozovsky; Darla Chrans, Dennis Kenning, Helen Oltrogge and members of the senior government class.
President Sykes welcomed visitors and reviewed the procedures for addressing the board.
Motion by Chris Cerveny, second by Tere Francis, to approve the following consent items. Motion carried 6-0.
Board members receipt of meeting notice
Public notice of meeting acknowledgement
Approval of minutes of the August 15th 2005 meeting
General Fund Claims $349,354.51
SpecialBuilding Fund Claims $400,120.76
Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund Claims: -0-
Depreciation Fund Claims $94,302.50
Bond Fund $-0-
Employment of Michelle Kalkwarf for a SpEd/Custodian position
Motion by Tere Francis,second by Jerry Petracek,to approve the tax request resolution. General Fund $2,457,706.73, Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund $45,450, Bond Fund $577,063.50, SpecialBuilding Fund $60,600.00. Motion carried 6-0.
Following discussion concerning a school sale and the future of the old elementary building it was moved by Chris Cerveny, second by Jerry Petracek, to secure the utilities of the elementary building for winter and non use with the exception of the bus barn and authorize the Superintendent to hold an auction selling surplus and disposed district supplies, equipment and fixtures of the old elementary school. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion by Jerry Petracek, second by Chris Cerveny, to authorize the Superintendent to seek bids for the demolition and disposal of the old elementary. Bids and proposal to be returned to the board for review. Motion carried 6-0.
Through discussion it was agreed that the current arch at the elementary would be integrated into the K-12 campus and not destroyed.
Members Bob Sykes, Jerry Petracek, and Superintendent Rokusek shared highlights of the regional NASB meeting they attended in York.
Superintendent Rokusek shared information related to the NASB NJump Organization for purchasing natural gas for the school district.
Interested Board members registered for the NASB State Convention to be held in Omaha November 16 – 18th.
Board Minutes
September 19, 2005
Page 2
Mr. Brozovsky reported on the elementary building updating the board on activities and the progress of the transition into the new elementary.
Motion by Chris Cerveny, second by Scott Havel, to move into executive session to discuss personnel matters. Motion carried 6-0. The closed session commenced at 9:08 P.M. Motion by Tere Francis, second by Chris Cerveny, that the board come out of executive session. Motion carried 6-0. Executive session concluded at 9:15 pm and the President declared the meeting to be in open session.
Hearing no objection the meeting was adjourned by President Sykes at 9:16 P.M.
The next Regular Scheduled meeting of the Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools Board of Education will be held on Monday, October17, 2005 at 8:00 P.M.
Robert Sykes, Chairman Dave Rokusek, Secretary
Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools Board of Education Wilber-Clatonia Public Schools Board of Education