Students will select a novel. ENG1E must select a novel that is either dystopian in genre or includes themes on discrimination/social injustice. After reading it, students will be independently responsible for a number of assignments related to the novel’s content and structure: The Book Response, the Theme Analysis Outline, the Theme Analysis Oral Media Presentation, and the Reflection.
Students will have chosen their teacher-approved novels by November 5 (March 17).
PART 1: Novel Analysis – 50% of Summative Mark
1a) Book Response Worksheet: 20% Due: Thurs, November 7th (April 16th)
This response will be in the form of a graphic organizer (attached below) in an informal writing style. The students must give a general summary of the novel which includes setting, theme, plot and characters. It must also include reflection of the student on whether they have connected with characters, themes, etc, with a brief but clear explanation for their answer. See attached handout.
1b) Theme Analysis Outline: 30% Due: Wed, December 4th (May 13th)
Students must identify a major theme and formulate a thesis. They must chose strong supportive points and examples. Quotes and page references and explanations must be used throughout this outline to support statements.
PART 2: Theme Analysis Oral Media Presentation – 30% of Summative Mark
Due the week of January 13-17 (June 4-10)
The focus of this presentation will be for students to apply their Theme Analysis Outline to an Oral Media Presentation, proving to the class that the theme of choice is indeed supported. They must also be prepared to answer questions from the class.
PART 3: REFLECT - 20% of Summative Mark
Due Mon, January 20 (June 11)
A reflection is a very personal piece of writing which should get you to think about and express what you have learned from working on this project, what you would change about your learning process and how you intend to improve for next time. It can be written almost like a journal entry.
Part 1a: Book Response Graphic Organizer: Page 1
Ex: gothic, adventure, war, fantasy, sci-fi, realistic, teen fiction, horror, romance, murder-mystery/ detective.
· The main things that happen in the story are (in 2 sentences)…
· Was what happened unusual or ordinary? How so?
· What was the opening of the story like? Exciting? Slow? Dramatic? Dull? How so?
· This story takes place in (general location)…
· This story takes place during (general time and duration: ie: over a period of 6 months)…
Part 1a: Book Response Graphic Organizer: Page 2
The main characters are: 1.______2.______3.______
I would describe “1” as
I would describe “2” as
I would describe “3” as
The stereotyped character(s) are: 4.______5. ______
“4” is a type of
“5” is a type of
A character that is important to the story is 6. ______, because
Identify which characters were dynamic or static; and round or flat; or stock --- AND WHY!
Character / Round or Flat / How so? (What kind of info is given that lead you to this decision?) / Dynamic or Static / How do they change / not change?1 / ______
______ / ______
2 / ______
______ / ______
3 / ______
______ / ______
4 or 5 / ______
______/ ______
6 / ______
______/ ______
Part 1a: Book Response Graphic Organizer: Page 3
The story deals with issues of
(e.g. family life, friendship, drugs, gangs, relationships etc.)
The book makes me think about
Personal Response
I enjoyed / did not enjoy the book because
The book made me feel
I feel that I understand the character of
Something I have learned from the book (e.g. about yourself, other people, life in general) is
Was the story written in the first or third person? (‘I’ or “he/she”)
How important was this to the story; how so?
Was the setting described in detail; how so?
Were feelings and attitudes described in depth; how so?
1D Summative
Book Response Rubric
60-67 / LEVEL
70-77 / LEVEL
Form and / correctly identifies genre
provides sufficient plot evidence / provides insight and/or examples to support genre and plot details
IDENTIFIES Setting and Characters / identifies specific setting
identifies characters and their roles in terms of importance to the plot/themes / identifies multiple aspects of setting
provides multiple character traits (appearance, character, behaviour)
ANALYSIS of Characters / completes characterization chart using sufficient details / successfully supports characterization choices with concrete evidence from the book
THEME / identifies topic
identifies theme (what lesson is to be learned) / identifies insightful / universal theme
o thoughtfully reflects / makes connections about life, human condition, etc.
R1.5 and 1.7
PERSONAL RESPONSE CRITIQUE / provides a general opinion about the book
makes personal connections known / critically evaluates specific areas of the story
makes personal connections known and explained
STYLE: POINT OF VIEW / correctly identifies point of view
reflects on point of view / reflects on point of view as part of a theme
Overall Expectations included: (in bold)
Reading and LiteratureR1 Reading for Meaning
R2 Understanding Form/Style
R3 Reading with Fluency
R4 Reflecting
Part 1b: Theme Analysis Outline Page 1
A) Intro:
1 Topic Sentence: Generally make a comment/observation about story writing that your novel inspired you to think about. To help you brainstorm an idea, answer the following questions:
What is the genre of my novel? ______
Is the writing in one or multiple perspectives? ______
Is the plot dynamic in any way (twists and turns, flashbacks, action scenes)? ______
Is the writing dynamic in any way (incredibly descriptive, metaphorical, mostly dialogue/ narration, physiological, etc.) ______
2 Basic Thesis: (can be enriched)
The novel ______by ______
explores the theme of ______.
3 Blueprint: (provide at least three points supporting your thesis statement)
B) Body Supporting Evidence:
1st Point:
Provide an example/quote that supports this point: “
“ ( )
Explain how this proves thesis:
Provide an example/quote that supports this point: “
“ ( )
Explain how this proves thesis:
Part 1b: Theme Analysis Outline Page 2
2nd Point:
Provide an example/quote that supports this point: “
“ ( )
Explain how this proves thesis:
Provide an example/quote that supports this point: “
“ ( )
Explain how this proves thesis:
3rd Point:
Provide an example/quote that supports this point: “
“ ( )
Explain how this proves thesis:
Provide an example/quote that supports this point: “
“ ( )
Explain how this proves thesis:
C) Concluding Summary:
1D Summative
Structural Analysis
STRAND / INS / Level 150-57 / Level 2
60-67 / Level 3
70-77 / Level 4
Knowledge of Text
(R1) / shows considerable knowledge of the topic and ideas/themes/concepts
chosen supportive points are appropriate to thesis
chosen examples are specific and appropriately support points
quotes are relevant and support the points / shows thorough and relevant knowledge of topic and ideas/themes/concepts
chosen supportive points expertly strengthen the argument
abundance of quotes that skilfully support the points
Content Development and Synthesis
(W1) / thesis is clear
summarizes information adequately
quotes are adequately explained
organization / communication of content is clear, focused and logical (explanation of evidence) / thesis is clear and insightfully
writing concisely allows for abundance of information and analysis
organizes and communicates ideas with a high degree of coherence and unity
Enriched only
(W2) / paragraph form, using appropriate indents
evidence of introduction, support body, conclusion
500-700 words
Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced
uses proper quotation format / evidence of paragraph layout in logical order
(intro: topic sent, thesis, blueprint)
(body: point,examp,quote,explain)
(concl: thesis, summary, closing)
transitional sentencing expertly applied
expertly applies MLA format
(W3) / few grammatical errors do not interfere with expression of ideas or weaken essay / little to no grammatical errors
uses sophisticated language style
Overall Expectations included: (in bold)
Reading and Literature / WritingR1 Reading for Meaning / W1 Devel. and Organizing
R2 Understanding Form/Style / W2 Know of Form/Style
R3 Reading with Fluency / W3 Know of Conventions
R4 Reflecting / W4 Reflecting
Part 2: Theme Analysis Oral Media Presentation TIPS
VISUALS! After you have determined a theme, you should start to think about what visuals you might be able to use to represent your theme. Think about what the best way will be to present your information to the class. A powerpoint? A poster? A leaflet? A prezi? Be able to defend your choice.
ENTERTAINMENT VALUE! You must use eye contact, appropriate body language; be engaging and recognize when your audience is losing interest.
PROVE IT! The purpose of this presentation is to prove to your audience that the theme you have chosen does indeed exist within your novel. How do you intend to do that? Be sure to use persuasion skills that we discussed.
DON’T JUST READ TO USL Think carefully about the best way to present this information to your class. Practice your presentation. Reading your presentation to the class off of a screen or notes is not sufficient. The purpose of an oral presentation is for you to PRESENT; it is not for you to read to us or for us to read off of your screen.
· Powerpoints should not include too much text, and font should be larger than 18 pt.
· Stay away from using pictures that are unrelated to your theme or point you are making.
· Prepare your information onto a sheet of paper or cue cards; organize it according to importance/relevance.
· KNOW your information ‘inside and out’!
· Practice delivery of your information at least 5 times! AND: read a little, expand a little
· During delivery, use the 6 speaking techniques:
o Clarity: be clear with what you are trying to say
o Eye Contact: during the “expand” parts, look at your audience members (not just the teacher or your feet!)
o Pace: try to stay away from awkward silences or too many “um’s” and “ahhh’s”
o Projection: make sure the person at the back can hear you
o Engage the Audience: try to show enthusiasm about your topic; you will be more interesting to listen to
o Diction: try to stay away from slang, curse words and poor grammar
· Pace yourself! Don’t try to ‘get it over with’.
Part 2: Theme Analysis Oral Media Presentation FORMAT
1. Title Page
Includes: Your book title, author, theme topic, your name and image(s).
2. Plot Overview
Includes: Your novel’s setting, main characters and general plot summary. Can be broken up into 2-3 slides as needed.
3. Theme Statement
In one or two sentences, state the theme of your novel.
4. Overview of Supporting Evidence
Includes at least three points to suggest that your theme is true. Your first should always be your strongest point. Your points are not necessarily examples.
For example… if the theme is “The people of Maycomb are corrupt. Your first (out of three) support slides should look like this:
Point 1: There are gossiping people in the town of Maycomb telling lies.
Example: Miss Stephanie told Scout and Jem that Boo Radley peeked in her window at night.
Example Quote: Jem tells Dill, “Miss Stephanie Crawford said she woke up in the middle of the night one time and saw him looking straight through the window at her… said his head was like a skull lookin’ at her.” (12)
5. Closing Argument
Summarize your strongest arguments and convince us that they prove your theme is true.
1D Summative
Theme Analysis Oral Media Presentation
Strands / INS / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 *Includes level 3, plus: / OverallOral Communication
(O2) / uses at least 5: clarity, eye contact, pace, projection, engaging the audience, grammar
effectively elaborates points from index cards / uses all 6: clarity, eye contact, pace, projection, engaging the audience, grammar
polished and practiced delivery; index cards not needed
(R1) / shows considerable knowledge of the topic and ideas/theme/concepts / shows thorough and relevant knowledge of topic and ideas/theme/concepts
(W1) / Summarizes points adequately
Quotes/examples are relevant and adequately explained and support the summarized points
writing is clear / abundance of quotes/examples that skilfully support the summarized points
writing concisely allows for abundance of information
(M3) / Point form
Logical format sequencing (refers to suggested format handout)
Legible font, 18+pt font
Proper index cards
Proper quotation usage
visual elements are aesthetically pleasing / visual elements are creatively and artistically enhanced
artistic flow/theme/symbolism throughout presentation
(W3) / few grammatical errors
uses appropriate language style (formal) / no grammatical errors
uses sophisticated language style
Graphic Texts
(M2) / appropriate usage of a graphic text that supports the summarized points / multiple graphic texts compliments and provides further insight into topic
Reflecting and Revising
(O3, W4, M4) / jot notes and uses organization sheet
practices and revises oral skills
demonstrates proper audience etiquette (respectful, attentive, non-verbal) / uses multiple drafts, revisions, practices
initiates self-directed learning
actively demonstrates encouraging non-verbal and verbal cues where appropriate
Overall Expectations included: (in bold)